Of course, that signal was beamed up into s.p.a.ce; at the time, no one on Earth knew what had been said.
But everyone heard the reply Plato sent back. "We'd be delighted to land at the White House! Expect us to touch down at noon Eastern time on August 14."
When people figured out exactly what had happened, it was generally agreed that the owners of the White House had pulled off one of the greatest publicity coups in post-governmental history.
No one had ever managed to rally a million people onto the Mall before. Three centuries previously, Martin Luther King had only drawn 250,000; the four separate events that had called themselves "Million-Man Marches" had attracted maybe 400,000 apiece. And, of course, since there was no longer any government at which to aim protests, these days the Mall normally only drew history buffs. They would stare at the slick blackness of the Vietnam Wall, at the nineteen haunted soldiers of the Korean memorial, at the blood-red spire of the Colombian tower-at the stark reminders of why governments were not good things.
But today, Hauptmann thought, it looked like that magic figure might indeed have been reached: although billions were doubtless watching from their homes through virtual-reality hookups, it did seem as if a million people had come in the flesh to watch the return of the only astronauts Earth had ever sent outside the solar system.
Hauptmann felt perfectly safe standing in the ma.s.sive crowd. His weblink would notify him if anyone with a trustworthiness rating below 85 percent got within a dozen meters of him; even those who chose not to wear weblinks could be identified at a distance by their distinctive biometrics. Hauptmann had once seen aerial footage of a would-be pickpocket moving through a crowd. A bubble opened up around the woman as she walked along, people hustling away from her as their weblinks sounded warnings.
"There it is!" shouted Chin, standing next to Hauptmann, pointing up. Breaking through the bottom of the cloud layer was theOlduvai 's lander, a silver hemisphere with black legs underneath. The exhaust from its central engine was no worse than that of any VTOL aircraft.
The lander grew ever bigger in Hauptmann's view as it came closer and closer to the ground.
Hauptmann applauded along with everyone else as the craft settled onto the lawn of what had in days of yore been the president's residence.
It was an attractive ship-no question-but the technology was clearly old-fashioned: engine cones and parabolic antennas, articulated legs and hinged hatches. And, of course, it was marked with the symbols of the pre-freedom era: five national flags plus logos for various governmental s.p.a.ce agencies.
After a short time, a door on the side of the craft swung open and a figure appeared, standing on a platform within. Hauptmann was close enough to see the huge grin on the man's face as he waved wildly at the crowd.
Many of those around Hauptmann waved back, and the man turned around and began descending the ladder. The mothership's entire return voyage had been spent accelerating or decelerating at one g, and Franklin's World had a surface gravity 20 percent greater than Earth's. So the man-a glance at Hauptmann's weblink confirmed it was indeed Captain Plato-was perfectly steady on his feet as he stepped off the ladder onto the White House lawn.
Hauptmann hadn't been crazy enough to camp overnight on the Mall in order to be right up by the landing area, but he and Chin did arrive at the crack of dawn, and so were reasonably close to the front.
Hauptmann could clearly hear Plato saying, "h.e.l.lo, everyone! It's nice to be home!"
"Welcome back," shouted some people in the crowd, and "Good to have you home," shouted others.
Hauptmann just smiled, but Chin was joining in the hollering.
Of course, Plato wasn't alone. One by one, his two dozen fellow explorers backed down the ladder into the summer heat. The members of the crowd-some of who, Hauptmann gathered, were actually descendants of these men and women-were shaking the s.p.a.cers' hands, thumping them on the back, hugging them, and generally having a great time.
At last, though, Captain Plato turned toward the White House; he seemed somewhat startled by the holographic Great Eats sign that floated above the rose garden. He turned back to the people surrounding him. "I didn't expect such a crowd," he said. "Forgive me for having to ask, but which one of you is the president?"
There was laughter from everyone but the astronauts. Chin prodded Hauptmann in the ribs. "How about that?" Chin said. "He's saying, 'Take me to your leader'!"
"There is no president anymore," said someone near Plato. "No kings, emperors, or prime ministers, either."
Another fellow, who clearly fancied himself a wit, said, "Shakespeare said kill all the lawyers; we didn't do that, but we did get rid of all the politicians . . . and the lawyers followed."
Plato blinked more than the noonday sun demanded. "No government of any kind?"
Nods all around; a chorus of "That's right," too.
"Then-then-what are we supposed to do now?" asked the captain.
Hauptmann decided to speak up. "Why, whatever you wish, of course."
Hauptmann actually got a chance to talk with Captain Plato later in the day. Although some of the s.p.a.cers did have relatives who were offering them accommodations in their homes, Plato and most of the others had been greeted by no one from their families.
"I'm not sure where to go," Plato said. "I mean, our salaries were supposed to be invested while we were away, but . . ."
Hauptmann nodded. "But the agency that was supposed to do the investing is long since gone, and, besides, government-issued money isn't worth anything anymore; you need corporate points."
Plato shrugged. "And I don't have any of those."
Hauptmann was a bit of a s.p.a.ce buff, of course; that's why he'd come into the District to see the landing.
To have a chance to talk to the captain in depth would be fabulous. "Would you like to stay with me?" he asked.
Plato looked surprised by the offer, but, well, it was clear that hedid have to sleep somewhere-unless he planned to return to the orbiting mothership, of course. "Umm, sure," he said, shaking Hauptmann's hand. "Why not?"
Hauptmann's weblink was showing something he'd never seen before: the word "unknown" next to the text, "Trustworthiness rating for Joseph Tyler Plato." But, of course, that was only to be expected.
Chin was clearly jealous that Hauptmann had scored a s.p.a.cer, and so he made an excuse to come over to Hauptmann's house in Takoma Park early the next morning.
Hauptmann and Chin listened spellbound as Plato regaled them with tales of Franklin's World and its four moons, its salmon-colored orbiting rings, its outcrops of giant crystals towering to the sky, and its neon-bright cascades. No life had been found, which was why, of course, no quarantine was necessary.
That lack of native organisms had been a huge disappointment, Plato said; he and his crew were still arguing over what mechanism had caused the oxygen signatures detected in Earth-based spectroscopic scans of Franklin's World, but whatever had made them wasn't biological.
"I really am surprised," said Plato, when they took a break for late-morning coffee. "I expected debriefings and, well, frankly, for the government to have been prepared for our return."
Hauptmann nodded sympathetically. "Sorry about that. There are a lot of good things about getting rid of government, but one of the downsides, I guess, is the loss of all those little gnomes in cubicles who used to keep track of everything."
"We do have a lot of scientific data to share," said Plato.
Chin smiled. "If I were you, I'd hold out for the highest bidder. There's got to be some company somewhere that thinks it can make a profit off of what you've collected."
Plato tipped his head. "Well, until then, I, um, I'm going to need some of those corporate points you were talking about."
Hauptmann and Chin each glanced down at their weblinks; it was habit, really, nothing more, but . . .
But that nasty "unknown" was showing on the displays again, the devices having divined the implied question. Chin looked at Hauptmann. Hauptmann looked at Chin.
"Thatis a problem," Chin said.
The first evidence of real trouble was on the noon newscast. Plato watched aghast with Chin and Hauptmann as the story was reported. Leo Johnstone, one of theOlduvai 's crew, had attempted to rape a woman over by the New Watergate towers. The security firm she subscribed to had responded to her weblink's call for help, and Johnstone had been stopped.
"That idiot," Plato said, shaking his head back and forth, as soon as the report had finished. "That b.l.o.o.d.y idiot." He looked first at Chin and then at Hauptmann, and spread his arms. "Of course, there was a lot of pairing-off during our mission, but Johnstone had been alone. He kept saying he couldn't wait to get back on terra firma. 'We'll all get heroes' welcomes when we return,' he'd say, 'and I'll have as many women as I want.' "
Hauptmann's eyes went wide. "He really thought that?"
"Oh, yes," said Plato. " 'We're astronauts,' he kept saying. 'We've got the Right Stuff.' "
Hauptmann glanced down; his weblink was dutifully displaying an explanation of the arcane reference.
"Oh," he said.
Plato lifted his eyebrows. "What's going to happen to Johnstone?"
Chin exhaled noisily. "He's finished," he said softly.
"What?"said Plato.
"Finished," agreed Hauptmann. "See, until now he didn't have a trustworthiness rating." Plato's face conveyed his confusion. "Since the day we were born," continued Hauptmann, "other people have been commenting about us on the web. 'Freddie is a bully,' 'Jimmy stole my lunch,' 'Sally cheated on the test.' "
"But surely no one cares about what you did as a child," said Plato.
"It goes on your whole life," said Chin. "People gossip endlessly about other people on the web, and our weblinks"-he held up his right arm so that Plato could see the device-"search and correlate information about anyone we're dealing with or come physically close to. That's why we don't need governments anymore; governments exist to regulate, and, thanks to the trustworthiness ratings, our society is self-regulating."
"It was inevitable," said Hauptmann. "From the day the web was born, from the day the first search engine was created. All we needed was smarter search agents, greater bandwidth, and everyone being online."
"But you s.p.a.cers," said Chin, "predate that sort of thing. Oh, you had a crude web, but most of those postings were lost thanks to electromagnetic pulses from the Colombian War. You guys are clean slates.
It's not that you havezero trustworthiness ratings; rather, you've gotno trustworthiness ratings at all."
"Except for your man Johnstone," said Hauptmann, sadly. "If it was on the news," and he c.o.c.ked a thumb at the wall monitor, "then it's on the web, and everyone knows about it. A leper would be more welcome than someone with that kind of talk a.s.sociated with him."
"So what should he do?" asked Plato. "What should all of us from theOlduvai do?"
There weren't a million people on the Mall this time. There weren't even a hundred thousand. And the mood wasn't jubilant; rather, a melancholy cloud hung over everyone.
But itwas the best answer. Everyone could see that. TheOlduvai 's lander had been refurbished, and crews from Earth's...o...b..ting s.p.a.ce stations had visited the mothership, upgrading and refurbishing it, as well.
Captain Plato looked despondent; Johnstone and the several others of the twenty-five who had now publicly contravened acceptable standards of behavior looked embarra.s.sed and contrite.
Hauptmann and Chin had no trouble getting to the front of the crowd this time. They already knew what Plato was going to say, having discussed it with him on the way over. And so they watched the faces in the crowd-still a huge number of people, but seeming positively post-apocalyptic in comparison to the throng of a few days before.
"People of the Earth," said Plato, addressing his physical and virtual audiences. "We knew we'd come back to a world much changed, an Earth centuries older than the one we'd left behind. We'd hoped-and those of us who pray had prayed-that it would be a better place. And, in many ways, it clearly is.
"We'll find a new home," Plato continued. "Of that I'm sure. And we'll build a new society-one, we hope, that might be as peaceful and efficient as yours. We-all twenty-five of us-have already agreed on one thing that should get us off on the right foot." He looked at the men and women of his crew, then turned and faced the people of the Free Earth for the last time. "When we find a new world to settle, we won't be planting any flags in its soil."
The Shackles of Freedom
by Mike Resnick and Tobias S. Buckell
I came to New Pennsylvania because I was looking for a world with no government, no laws, nothing to hinder me from doing what I pleased. The colonists here hadn't liked the laws back on Earth, so they set up shop, free of all bureaucracy and all regulations.
What I never bargained for was having to live with the consequences of that freedom.
Mark Suderman was dying on my operating table. His plain blue clothing, stained dark with blood, lay crumpled on the floor. I tried to avoid his brothers' frightened glances. There was nothing more I could tell them, except to pray.
They couldn't know it, but he was a dead man before I ever got a chance to examine him. I simply didn't have the tools to save his life.
I sighed deeply. So much for freedom. This was the twenty-third time I had the freedom to watch a man die that I could have saved.
Hooves clip-clopped in the distance and then echoed their way up the driveway. The rest of the Suderman family had arrived.
"Stay here," I told the brothers, then walked out through the dining room to my porch. A plank squeaked as I stopped next to the swing. Mr. Suderman, his hat in hand, stared straight up at me from the bottom of my tiny set of bleached stairs.
I looked down at him, sighed, and gestured to the door. He climbed the three steps and pa.s.sed by me, but his rough, callused hand grabbed my shoulder for a brief instant before he went inside. His wife sat stoically in the buggy, her seat rocking on its suspension slightly as she shifted her weight from side to side. The wind tugged at the strings of her bonnet, and the light from our three moons cast shadows across her face.
I had a sudden impulse to walk over to the buggy-but what could I say? That I might have cured him on some world they couldn't even see, let alone p.r.o.nounce?
I had come here because I knew they needed a doctor. So what if they were Amish? There was no const.i.tution, there were no laws prohibiting me from practicing my trade. There were no restrictions at all.
Except for the Amish themselves.
The sun set by the time the elders left with the Sudermans. I began cleaning the table to the flickering light of kerosene lamps. In the brown light it cast, the blood wasn't so noticeable, and not nearly as accusatory.
I could smell manure on the floor, tramped in by Mark's brothers. The men's sweat also filled the room, reminding me how unsterile the area was. Finally I left the house and walked down to the far edge of my small, neglected garden with the mop bucket.
The misshapen weeds seemed to erupt in fierce protest when I emptied the bucket. Tiny weasel-shaped creatures with scaly skin chittered at me and scampered off.
My house lay close inside a cl.u.s.ter of farms and roads. Just beyond them lay an unfamiliar forest full of alien species creeping in and mixing with our own. I knew the weeds in my own garden. But behind the scraggly dandelions and patchy gra.s.s, spirals of unearthly flowers moved in and out of the shadows to the rhythm of the wind.
Instead of going back inside, I sat on the porch swing and shivered. The fourth moon-the largest of the quartet-edged over the hills and made silhouettes of the neighbor's barn.
I'd never lost so many lives in such a short time, and I was getting sick of funerals.
It didn't make any sense. I was free to try to convince them to let me save them. They were free to die unnecessarily. And there was no one, no higher authority I could appeal to. Except G.o.d.
And unlike me, they talked to Him every day, welcomed Him into their houses and the lives. Theyknew He was on their side.
I sighed and went back into the house.