Villain Retirement - Chapter 993: Renna and Lucy

Chapter 993: Renna and Lucy

16 years ago now, the Hero Academy and Association was built on an empty field and through the years, civilization grew around it, making it a grand city all on its own; with all the races coming together to witness the heroes, and perhaps one day become one themselves.

The Hero Academy and Association were built by individuals who are now considered to be the symbol of hope, justice, and most importantly, selflessness. The establishment was built with the help of the greatest hero of the entire universe, Megawoman, and the one who made it all possible was the hero known as Zero Paragon rumored to be the strongest being in existence.

But of course, all of it was a rumor, as Zero Paragon was completely unranked and never bothered to take any measurements of strength or the like; the only proof that people have is that Megawoman usually follows his orders. And when she was asked why, she gave a vague answer;

"If you know who he really is, then be glad that he's not for now," was her answer.

There were lots of theories in the past 16 years, but none were really proven. Zero Paragon, although very entertaining and a true showman whenever he does show himself, does not really make an appearance unless something truly important happens.

The only proof they have that he is actually stronger than Megawoman is that Megawoman is somewhat afraid of him.

And now, right at the center of the school, inside one of the school buildings, Lucy was standing in front of a door.

A lot of people tried approaching him in the hall, some even talking to him, but he completely ignored them all as he just stood there in silence while looking at his watch. There were also a lot of people going in the room he was standing in front of but Lucy just remained there looking at his watch without even acknowledging anyone or looking at anyone.

As soon, however, as the hands of his obviously expensive watch struck 9, he did not waste any time at all in entering the room; stepping inside the classroom even before the thinnest hand of his watch moved.

"You're late, Mr. Lucifer."

And immediately, he was welcomed by the frown of the instructor; judging Lucy as he looked at him from head to toe,

"And since you are late, you will now be used as an example of a person who should not be emulated."

"On the contrary, Instructor" Lucy looked the instructor in the eyes before scanning his classmates, "...I am the only one in time, all of you are early."

"You should be here earlier, that is the No. 1 trait of being a hero," the instructor shook his head several times.

"I disagree," Lucy also shook his head as he started approaching the instructor, "Strength, first and foremost, is the trait of being a hero, and then 2nd is willingness what good is an early hero if he is not stronger than the villain he hopes to stop? That is how innocent casualty starts, willing, but not strong enough."

Lucy then stretched his arms to the side as he stood in front of all of his classmates, even slightly pushing the instructor aside as he stood at his station.

"...We all know who you are, Mr. Lucifer," the instructor cleared his throat as he lightly pushed Lucy away, "And we are specifically told by your mother that you should not be given any special treatments."

"Ridiculous that you think I need one in the first place," Lucy covered half his face, "The only special treatment happening here is for all of you I am special, and that is a treat for all of you."

"Right!" One of Lucy's classmates raised her voice, "You are clearly special, we can all see that!"


"Hm?" Lucy blinked a couple of times, wondering why everyone started laughing, "All of you do know that I can kill all of you with one snap of my hand, right?"

And as soon as he said that, everyone quickly shut their mouths.

"Mr. Lucifer! Such threats will not be tolerated in the Academy, this is a school for would-be heroes, not thugs and villains," the instructor clicked his tongue and reprimanded Lucifer to take his seat already.

"Then why are all of you laughing at someone who you presumed to be special?" Lucy blinked a couple of times before just shaking his head and sighing, "Oh well, I could never understand the qualms and wails of lesser beings. I shall take my seat and get this circus over with."

"Please," the instructor could really only let out a very deep sigh as he gestured to Lucy to leave his desk. All of the staff and instructors have actually already been warned that Paragon's children are quite eccentric but this was too much. Fortunately for them, this was not the first time they were dealing with this sort of eccentricity, as Paragon himself was hard to deal with too.

"You, move."


Lucy then stood in front of a desk that was already occupied, "I said move, I want to sit here."

"Oh uh okay." The student who was already sitting at the desk could really only look around before leaving without as much as a complaint.

"Thank you, child," Lucy nodded before taking a seat at the desk he conquered, "I know your future will be bright as a hero. And now"

Lucy then very slowly turned his head to the side to look at the female student next to him, the very same student who heckled him earlier.

"...I'm Lucy. What's your name?" Lucy asked with a smile on his face.

"I'm" The female student was staring at the instructor with her eyes as wide as they could be. The instructor, however, completely ignored herno, blatantly ignored her. After all, Lucy was right why would they laugh at someone who they think is mentally challenged?

And so, the only thing the girl could really do was awkwardly smile and introduce herself.

"My my name is"

"I do not care about your name." And before the girl could even say her name, Lucy let out a small chuckle and looked away.

"..." And after that, Lucy did not speak or look at the girl at all, causing her to just be extremely uncomfortable and defeated the entire time; not knowing whether to be pissed off or relieved that Lucy was not actually targeting her at all.

Fortunately for her, their first day was not long at all as the instructor just oriented them about the rules inside the Academy, and that tomorrow was their first official class. And so, as soon as they were dismissed, she quickly just left the room without even greeting any of her classmates.

As for Lucy, he just sat there, looking at his watch again; only standing up as everyone else left. As soon as he left the desk, however, Renna was suddenly there blocking his path.

"No," Renna whispered as she placed her hand on Lucy's chest; the tone of her voice, was still monotonous, "You should behave, Lucy."

"I am behaving, my dear sister," Lucy shook his head and sighed, "I'm not even doing anything."

"It is not about what you are doing, but what you are about to do," Renna lightly pushed Lucy down back his desk, "And I am not your sister."

"But you are," Lucy covered half his face again, "Even if our moms aren't variants of each other, you will still be considered as my half-sister since our dad is the same the same way that Karina is our half-sister."

"We have not even met her once," Renna crossed her arms, "We have also been told that we have another sibling aside from her but we do not know if they are real."

"Oh, sister does it matter?" Lucy stood up, but was once again pushed down by Renna, "Ah, such a brute. Are you sure you are not Esme's child instead? Now let me go, I have plans for today."

"No," Renna shook her head before looking Lucy in the eyes, "Not until I know you are not going to kill that girl. You might have fooled Mother and Aunt Katrina but I know what you are

and even though I love you, Lucifer, I will kill you if that means I can prevent you from becoming who you will be."

"And what do you think I will be, Renna?" Lucy returned Renna's stare.

"A reflection of what our father was."

"Our dad is a hero."

"He was is a very evil man," Renna's voice remained as stoic as her face even as she stuttered, "A few years ago when I turned 12, he told me something since I was the more mature between us, and he told me to tell you once we entered the Academy

he told me that we were born to stop him when the time comes."

"Stop him?"

"Yes," Renna nodded, "Or to be more precise

to kill him."

"Why would we kill Dad?" Lucy shook his head, "He's

a hero."


"Please please, just let me go."

Somewhere underground in the Guesthouse of Paragon, Arguar the Warclaw was currently kneeling on the glass floor in a glass cage he was confined in; he was even more muscular than before, more menacing but he was groveling on the floor like a tired cat,

"It's been it's been countless years since you've abducted me, please I do not know what you want from me. I'm I'm supposed to be dead. I was I was ill."

"15 years, Arguar the Warclaw." And right in front of Arguar, was Riley Ross completely unchanged by time, "You have been trapped here, training every single day for 15 years

to have your fateful battle with Ambrucx the Lightclaw."