Villain Retirement - Chapter 1081: Lucky

Chapter 1081: Lucky

Chapter 1081: Chapter 1081: Lucky

"You were here the entire time and you didn't even visit me!?"

"We have made an oath not to interfere with the doings of the mortals I, personally, did not even know you were here."


"I'm the one who should be suspicious, you could have visited this planet as soon as you arrived the Margrea Oath should have already made it clear to you that I was here."

"How does that even tell me you're here!?"

"Margrea! Marleen and Grea! We are the ones who stopped the war!"

"...So, you are responsible for the multiverse dying."


Miss Pepondosovich and Marleen seemed to be having fun with their reunion, as both of their voices were almost being heard by everyone even though Miss Pepondosovich actually pulled Marleen away from the rest of the crowd to talk to her privately.

"But wow... you almost erased the entire multiverse and you've only just got here?" Miss Pepondosovich let out a loud groan while rolling her lips, "I have to say, nice work. Wow."

"I already said we tried to stop the war! We even asked the Higher G.o.ds for help, but they all just went on to find their universes created by the Cosmic Piece," Marleen sighed as she placed her hands on her waist, seemingly just tired of everything, "And why are you complaining to me? Where were you!?"

"Wait, hold up - are you saying the Higher G.o.ds weren't involved in the war?" Miss Pepondosovich squinted her eyes.

"...Why would they?" Marleen shook her head, "The very first reason the war happened was because everyone wanted a piece of the multiverse - the Higher G.o.ds already have their own. Some tried to take it from them, but I think you know how that ended up."

"Huh... I guesswait," Miss Pepondosovich's eyes then lit up as she looked Marleen in the eyes, "The Higher G.o.ds have their own universes. That's right..."

"Yes. I believe I just said that. You-"

"Riri! Where's Riri!?" And before Marleen could finish her words, Miss Pepondosovich just suddenly left her all alone there, with Miss Pepondosovich running around the field of crystals as she tried to search for Riley.

"Father's with Grandmother and the others in her s.h.i.+p," Lucy, who was busy trying to get to know everyone and currently talking to Hannah 2, was the one to answer her, "They are "

"Shut up, boy."

"W-we... we're close," Lucy quickly forced out a chuckle as he looked at Hannah 2, "Miss Pepondosovich is just merely being shy. And so, how does it feel to be real now? I heard that you were the same as I, merely a figment created by a superior being."

"It's... alright."

"Riri!" Miss Pepondosovich rushed to Diana's s.h.i.+p, which was parked just outside the Field of Immortality. Miss Pepondosovich did not even care that she just barged inside, waving off the hologram of the universe as she did so.

"What is it, Miss Pepondosovich?" Riley also did not seem to mind her intrusion, as he even gestured to Diana to turn off the holograms, "Did you find a clue where Rennalyn could be?"

"No. Well, maybe, I don't know," Miss Pepondosovich shook her head several times, "But you remember the Cosmic Piece, right?"

"I suppose so, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley shrugged, "We were trying to find one, after all only for it to all be for nothing because we ended up being sent back here in the end. But I suppose such is my life, full of incomplete story arcs."

"Stop being weird, ack," Miss Pepondosovich just waved Riley's word off as she approached him. Diana, Aerith, Hannah, and Katherine who were all there also moved closer to see what was going on, "Anyway, for those of you who don't know what a cosmic piece is, it's practically a tool that would allow someone from the Domain of the G.o.ds to create their own universe a real one that exists in the multiverse. And Riri, get this...

...the Higher G.o.ds did not partic.i.p.ate in the war at all."

"These cosmic piece universes..." Diana interrupted the conversation as she sat down to talk to Miss Pepondosovich, "...Are you saying it's possible that my granddaughter could be in any one of them, Madam?"

"...I'm not saying that at all," Miss Pepondosovich squinted her eyes as she looked at Diana from head to knee, "And... please don't call me Madam, it makes me feel old."

"..." Diana did not really know what to say to that. Diana was thousands of years old, but the person in front of her right now was probably hundreds of times older than her - what else should she address her as?

"But... yeah, I guess so?" Miss Pepondosovich then shrugged as she looked at Riley, "I guess I am bringing clues."

"Wait..." Aerith also interrupted the conversation as she raised her hand, "...Aerith'Ross, is she one of the Higher G.o.ds? She also came from the dimension of the G.o.ds, right?" "Domain of the G.o.ds, but... yes?" Miss Pepondosovich once again shrugged, "She's one of the Higher G.o.ds with a cosmic piece."

"Maybe... Renna's in her universe?" Aerith placed her hand on her chin as she let out a small hum, "Maybe she's with her right now?"

"That is good and all..." Hannah sighed as she joined in on the conversation, "...But Nannah and I have probably jumped through a million universes, literally. I'm not f.u.c.king exaggerating, and we haven't yet found one that still had bustling life in it - and well, apparently, all of them are in the f.u.c.king Outerverse or whatever and the people here are just created by Paige. f.u.c.k, when I see her, I am gonna smack her so bad"

"It is amusing to see you have not changed even after 600 years, Sister."

"I wish she did," Diana rolled her eyes.

"Yeah? Don't act all so mature in front of me, Mom," Hannah also rolled her eyes, "I saw how you looked at Dad-well, Dad from the past but not really, and-f.u.c.k. So confusing. What I'm trying to say is I saw how you looked at him, I practically had to pull you away to prevent you from stealing her from the other Mom."

"Hm. You think it'll be cheating if he had an affair with me?" Diana was completely nonchalant and just placed a finger on her chin as if truly thinking about it, "Think about it, she's not a variant - she is literally me."

"Mom. First of all, that's disgusting. And second, why would she even cheat on a younger and hotter version of her wife for an older and slightly gaining weight one? If he was going to cheat on someone, it would be Dr. Caitlain, or maybe even your lesbian variant. Both variants

are definitely-"

"Go on."

"I'm sorry, please don't be rash," Hannah quickly hid behind Aerith as she noticed her mother

glaring at her.

"Since you mentioned them, Sister - where are Dr. Caitlain, Miss Dee, and Alice 2?" Riley looked around the s.h.i.+p, "Could it be they have died?"

"No. Why would you even think that?" Hannah raised an eyebrow, "They are with Megawoman's psycho mother."

"Aha..." And as the topic suddenly and completely changed, Miss Pepondosovich could really only squint her eyes as she looked back and forth between the two, "....So the nonchalance and the tendency to just randomly change conversations run in the family, huh?"

"I'm sorry, Madam Pepondosovich," Diana sighed.

"Call her Madam Miss Pepondosovich, Mother," Riley shook his head, "Miss is her first


"...Oh," Diana looked at Riley in confusion, "That's highly-"

"Miss Pepondosovich." And before the family could get off topic again, Katherine, who had just been keeping quiet and listening on the side, slightly raised her voice as she noticed Miss Pepondosovich seemingly wanting to say something, "Is... there something else you wanted

to say?"

"...Yes," Miss Pepondosovich pointed at Katherine, "Thank you, first wife."

"Oh..." Katherine's eyes widened as she subtly and instinctively glanced at Aerith, who also

subtly glanced at her for some reason.

"You mentioned you haven't found any of the Higher G.o.ds' universes yet, kid..." Miss Pepondosovich then approached Hannah and placed her hand on her leg, "...I think that's about to change. I am going with you the next time you jump."

"Do... you have the ability to find them?"

"No," Miss Pepondosovich crossed her arms and chuckled obnoxiously, "I'm lucky."


"Trust her, Sister...

...She's the G.o.d of luck."