Villain Retirement - Chapter 1073: Kaboom

Chapter 1073: Kaboom

"I do truly hope that the both of you treat this as your last battle lose, it is."

because either I win or

It wasn't arrogance. It wasn't even confidence, and Queen Adel could feel that from the shallowest parts of Riley's eyes - he believed what he was saying. And from what Queen Adel had seen so far, she is forced to believe it too.

"I do not even know who you are, Riley Ross," Esme, however, still seemed utterly confused despite her stoic stance, "But if I am being forced to fight to protect my people, then so be it - life is precious, I will end you here and now even if Theran gets destroyed."

"That's contradictory, child," Queen Adel glanced at Esme for a second, "Destroying the planet will destroy your people."

"The planet is not my people, Queen Adel. The people are my people," Esme tilted her head to the side as she seemed a little confused with the queen's words.

"Well, Princess Esme - it does not really matter whether or not we destroy Theran in the process," Riley raised his hand and interjected himself into the conversation, "Theran is near its end. As we speak, it is slowly collapsing; in relative to the time you live, it will soon be gone in the blink of an-"

And before Riley could finish his words, Queen Adel's fist suddenly appeared right in front of him; cracking several of his telekinetic shields as she did so before he latched onto her and was just able to avoid her attack by practically moving with her.

"I forgot you were trying to hide this information, Your Majesty," Riley then just casually spoke with Adel while she released a barrage of attacks on her that didn't reach, "I apologize for that-"

It did not take long at all for Queen Adel to figure out that Riley was using her as some sort of anchor, however, as she just swung both of her arms in an attempt to break the invisible hold he had on her and she did. She then swung her legs filled with her energy as soon as she was able to, completely splitting Riley in half.

Both of these halves completely melted as Queen Adel once again forced Riley's body to overstimulate and not be able to use both of the Norinlad and Pirate Queen Xra's abilities. But of course, Queen Adel did not give any chance at all for Riley to do anything else as she released a violent beam to completely obliterate whatever was left of him.

"T-" Before she could even utter a breath, however, she heard a loud thump coming from behind her. She looked, only to see Esme fighting with another Riley Ross. She really only questioned this for a quarter of a millisecond before she rushed to join the battle and attack Riley from behind, who just twisted his body in a way that shouldn't be possible and bonk her on the head and kicked Esme away at the same time; not hit her, but just very light bonk her like he was mocking her.

Queen Adel, of course, did not take kindly to this gesture as she quickly grabbed Riley's head, completely obliterating the telekinetic shield he had and then smashed her right on her knee, crushing his head like it was some sort of watermelon - but what came out of that watermelon was not blood, flesh, or even brain matter, what came out was more than a hundred miniature Rileys which immediately crawled across her thigh.

"!!!" The little Riley's immediately started biting her skin and flesh. They were not able to actually wound her or even hurt her, but it still annoyed her enough that they even got close to her thigh and were doing that. And so, she immediately raised her knee again and just started lasering all of them away.

As for the rest of the body, it once again rushed toward Esme even though its head was crushed and just started swinging its arms wildly. Esme, however, just punched once and completely obliterated the entire body... but like with what happened with the queen, a thousand little Rileys started crawling out from the body and started biting her flesh. Esme, however, only had to contract her muscles to cause all of the clones to just wither away. "So many tricks," Queen Adel could really only click her tongue as she flew and stood beside Esme, "Princess Esme - I suggest you use all of your strength to defeat our enemy, even at the cost of your life...

...because I will do the same starting-!!!"

Both Esme and Adel's eyes suddenly widened as they heard a scream coming from thousands of miles away, and not just a scream, but a call for mercy and help.

"That... is the direction of Varoif," Queen Adel glanced at Esme, who just quickly disappeared as she rushed back to her kingdom. Queen Adel hesitated to follow at first, but just shook her head and chased after her - this was no longer a matter of territories, after all.

Riley Ross was a threat to her entire people.

The two reached Varoif in no time at all, more specifically, its most prestigious college... only to see it completely ruined.

Queen Adel could not really say anything; her breath, just very slowly turning heavy as soon as she saw the corpses of the young themarians, even younger than Esme, perhaps not even 50 years old.

There were even children barely passing her waist in height, and yet all of them were already sent to their Eternal Deaths. And with the way their bodies were twisted, the way their limbs were crushed and their lungs caved in... none of them were granted a peaceful death. All of this... happened while they were fighting Riley? Why... couldn't they hear it?


The answer was clear to that, Riley Ross did not let them hear until it was too late.

"It is such a shame, Your Majesty. Is it not?"

"..." Queen Adel did not even react as Riley just suddenly approached her from behind and stood beside him, carrying a little baby in his hands. But as soon as she saw the baby, however, her eyes just widened.


"Oh, this little one?" Riley caressed the baby's teeny tiny strands of hair, "I got him from Princess Tifa's room. Princess Tifa, your sister-in-law? The one who should have ruled instead of your weak husband, no?"

"Let go of that child," Queen Adel whispered out, "T-"



And before Adel could even finish her words, Riley let out an obviously forced and fake sneeze... and twisted the baby's head. Queen Adel was able to grab his hand when he did so, but all it takes is just a little force.

"Oh," Riley then just started blinking a couple of times as he casually handed the corpse of the baby to Queen Adel, "Try cradling him, maybe he is still alive - themarians are immortal, after all. They will truly only die in the face of hopelessness. Of course, I think I am very well aware of how to make sure they are completely hopeless."

Riley then turned to the school and looked at all the corpses littered everywhere, "I would like you to know that these people died very painful and meaningless deaths, Your Highness -

and so will you...

...and everyone else. I am ending this now, Queen Adel."

"Hm," Queen Adel did not really say anything else as she just cradled the baby.

"I honestly still do not have any idea who that baby is," Riley sighed, "But I am ending this, I should have done this before when I was still weaker. I am bored... are as much a threat to me as Gary, completely useless."

Riley then took a step forward while stretching his arms to the side, he then turned around, and as he did so, the college suddenly erupted as Princess Esme emerged from it; red filling her eyes as she rushed toward Riley.

And then, with a punch filled with nothing but primal rage, everything just followed her fist. Something weird, happened, however.

Another Riley emerged from Riley's back; his hands, already positioned to catch Esme's fist. But there was something within his hands, it was some sort of white translucent orb, with some sort of smaller and pitched black orb right in the very center of it.

"This is a new move," Riley then casually just whispered as Esme's fist and the orb made

contact, "I call it...


And with that, everything in the universe just turned white.

"Oh...?" And not even a millisecond later, Riley suddenly found himself in front of Scarlet Mage-no, Katherine, who was holding her enlarged belly, obviously pregnant. "Riley, where did you go? I'm about to go into labor! We're... we're finally going to meet


"So, this is the next trial...?"