Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil - Chapter 1881 Sea God Raashim P1

Chapter 1881 Sea God Raashim P1

Chapter 1881 Sea G.o.d Raas.h.i.+m P1

?A few weeks later.

Siren's Sanctuary. Sunhaven.

A grand gazebo fas.h.i.+oned from rich redwood stood proudly in the backyard. It provided a breathtaking view of the endless sea.

The rhythmic melody of waves cras.h.i.+ng against the sh.o.r.e created a soothing symphony.

The first light of dawn gently kissed the sky, painting it in hues of pink and gold.

A soft sea breeze, tinged with the tang of salt, caressed the air, imbuing it with a refres.h.i.+ng vitality.

Within this idyllic setting, Eren lay sprawled face-down upon a simple wooden bed, adorned with a plush mattress, positioned at the center of the gazebo.

His form was relaxed, his features obscured by the embrace of a cus.h.i.+on as if lost in a state of blissful repose. His upper body bare, save for the morning light that danced upon his skin.

With measured grace, Reen stepped over Eren's back, applying gentle pressure with each movement while humming a local sea shanty famous among the Sunhaven's locals, seeking out the knots and tension nestled within his muscles.

"Come gather 'round, me hearties,

and heed the ocean's call.

For we'll sail upon her mighty waves,

where the bravest souls stand tall.

With the wind in our sails and the stars as our guide,

We'll let our s.h.i.+ps glide forth on the ever-changing tide.


La luh-la luh la. Lala lah luh lala luh la.

Lala lah luh lala luh la. La luh-la luh la."

Reen sang carefreely, matching her movements on Eren's back with the tune she sang.

It was as if she was squas.h.i.+ng fantastical berries on Eren's back to make wine out of them, her movements speeding up as she sang the chorus.

"Mmm, right there," Eren murmured, his voice m.u.f.fled by the soft fabric of the pillow, offering words of encouragement to Reen as she worked her magic.

With his free hands, he started hitting the wooden corners of the bed in beat, providing Reen's song with some background instrumental music.

Eren was in his altered, middle-aged appearance, a.s.suming the fictional ident.i.ty of Ren Roman Idril. Reen was as youthful as ever. As such, it looked like a father-daughter pair were spending their quality time together.

"Erni, I see our s.h.i.+ps," Reen informed Eren as she kept ma.s.saging Eren's back with her jolly dance moves, using Eren's back as a dancing platform. In the next moment, Eren lifted his head and looked at the horizon. "Oh yeah," he murmured as he looked at the two approaching s.h.i.+ps, Freya and Tidebreaker.

Eren didn't get up even though he saw that Naya had finished her expedition and came back to him. Even though he could see the s.h.i.+ps from where he was, the nautical distances were deceiving. He knew that it would take the s.h.i.+ps a while to get harbored.

Reen also didn't stop. She coated her toes in the lightning and fire mana, intensifying her back ma.s.sage as she danced on his back with a new gusto.

The lightning below her feet crackled and the flames of orange and red hues intensified and dimmed down at rhythmic patterns as Reen kept singing.

"Yo ho-ho-ho, me hearties, let the sea set us free,

With the salt in our veins and the wind in our lee.

We'll sing of tales untold, and the treasures we'll find,

As we journey 'cross the ocean, leaving cares behind.


La luh-la luh la. Lala lah luh lala luh la.

Lala lah luh lala luh la. La luh-la luh la."

One could sense Reen's antic.i.p.ation for her upcoming sea trip with Eren.

Sunhaven had been their haven for the better part of the last five years. While they occasionally embarked on demon-

hunting missions for the Demon Slayers Corps, they always returned promptly.

The imminent journey promised an exploration of the depths of Labh Salem, igniting her excitement. Moreover, Reen looked forward to the opportunity to test her powers. She longed for a battle that would push her limits as an Elder Seed Artifact Spirit.

The two reveled in the morning's tranquility until Naya approached them, her presence breaking the peaceful atmosphere.

"You two seem to be taking it easy," Naya remarked as she entered the gazebo and settled onto a nearby sofa. "Meanwhile, I was on the brink of exposing myself and meeting my end at the hands of Sea G.o.d Raas.h.i.+m," she sighed.

Meanwhile, the crew from the Freya and Tidebreaker had landed on the After anchoring the s.h.i.+ps, they were granted a respite in Sunhaven before their imminent departure.

Eren had dispatched his fiends from Anfang, Harja Mel, and Darven, to accompany Naya on her sea voyage among many other subordinates. They had returned with her and now stood outside the gazebo, patiently awaiting the conclusion of the discussion between Eren and Naya.

Even the fiendish couple Ashton and Hilda had managed to return safely, awaiting Eren's instructions.

"Sea G.o.d Raas.h.i.+m," Eren murmured the name under his breath as Reen diligently ma.s.saged his feet. "I have indeed heard of this G.o.d's name. But I wasn't sure he'd be the one I'd be planning against. Interesting. Alright, now that the target has been identified, there's no need to second guess. How was your recon mission, Naya? What can you tell me about him?" he inquired, his eyes alight with curiosity as he turned to face her while maintaining his form.

Naya's expression s.h.i.+fted to one of solemnity at Eren's question. She drew a deep breath before offering her candid a.s.sessment.

"Eren, I think we should drop the idea of stealing Sea G.o.d Raas.h.i.+m's faith. He has a powerful incarnation in the late-stage S-Rank. His higher Ranking Status should be enough of a concerning factor to you. But that's not all.

He also controls two confirmed S-Ranked sea dragons and at least six wyverns.

In addition, he recently promoted one subordinate to S-Rank status.

Apart from these a.s.sets, he has numerous A-Ranked pract.i.tioners and loads of low-level devotees.

Half the pirates in the Labh Salem's seas pray to him, bolstering his faith. I fear we wouldn't stand a chance against him," she concluded, her expression grave.

Naya had executed her recon mission as instructed by Eren, but her report held no positive news. She appeared daunted by the sheer power wielded by Sea G.o.d Raas.h.i.+m and his devoted following.

"Hah! That G.o.d is not the only one with S-Ranked allies," Reen declared confidently as she stomped and applied pressure to Eren's back. "We'll manage just fine, Erni," she a.s.sured him.

Eren groaned slightly in discomfort as he responded to Reen.

"Bet! But hmmm Just don't..."