Bright thoughts that are heart prisoners Vibrating on its chords, For, alas! I have not genius To bring them forth in words.
But full oft, like friendship's greeting Upon life's weary way, Do I meet in other's language What I most wished to say.
To such words my bosom echoes, I feel they are my own, They bright echo of my day dreams, That else were ever flown.
Ah to think, ye men of genius, What joy your art affords, Giving to the thoughts of millions The dress of glowing words!
And a blessing on these words then To bear them far and free; That they glad the hearts of many As they have gladdened me.
Dear Jane you say you will gather flowers To win if you may a verse from me Can you bring to me those brillant hours When life was gladdened by poesy?
Bring me the rose with pearls on her breast, Dropped down as tears from early skies, Pale lilies gather among the rest And little daisies, with starry eyes
The heart's-ease bring for many a day In vain for that flow'ret fair I sought Turn not your gathering hand away From the wee blue flower, forget me not
Unless inspiration on them rest In vain you tempt me to rise and sing The pa.s.sage bird that sang in my breast Has fled away with my life's young spring
My harp on a lonely grave is laid, Untuned, unstrung, it will lie there long, If you bring flowers alone dear maid Without bringing the spirit of song
But accept the friendship that can spring Out of this romantic heart of mine, Devoted, true and unwithering, And for ever thine, for ever thine
When my heart was sad and lonely, And had closed its inmost cell Over the impulsive feelings That rule my nation's hearts too well.
When the tie was cut asunder, That had bound me to a home, And I felt the desolation Of being in the world alone;
When I first, the veil a.s.suming, Masked before a treacherous world, And the hopes romance expanded Reality had sternly furled;
And the touch of disappointment, Blighted what was green and fair, And the spirit's bright revealings Are not so hopeful as they were.
Precious are the words of kindness, Falling on the heart like dew, Freshening though, alas for weakness, They cannot make things new.
Thoughts come warm from that deep fountain Where the hidden feelings dwell, First to thank thee, n.o.ble stranger, Then to say a kind farewell.
Sister, sweet sister, years have pa.s.sed away, Since first, 'mid warm hearts, sunny, frank and true, I commenced rhyming on thy natal day, On the green sod where Erin's shamrock grew.
'Twas in that age that ne'er returns again, Whose tears are but as dew on Summer flowers; And young, warm hearts beat kindly round us then, And eyes beamed brightly, answering love to ours
And now an exile from my native land, Thinking of well remembered, loved Grace Hill, To mine own sister verses I will send, Worthless, yet proving that I love her still
It is thy birthday, and I am alone, Thinking of that dear land that gave us birth, The land of hearts that beat to truth alone, The brightest emerald gem of all the earth.
These fond regrets that press around my heart, And bring a pain I cannot rise above, Makes thee still dearer here, alone, apart, For fate has left me nothing else to love.
Changing life and ever swallowing death, Have taken what I loved against my will, But, never mind, for thou, kind hearted, true, Changeless and n.o.ble, thou art left me still.
Happy returns I surely wish thee, Ann, In this new land that's fated to be ours, And may you have a happy heart, that can Enjoy the sunshine, and endure the showers.
The heavens look down with chilly frown, The sun blinks oot wi' watery e'e, The drift flies fast upon the blast, The naked trees moan shiveringly.
The sun is gone, by mists withdrawn, m.u.f.fling his head in snow-clouds grey, The earth turns white, against the night, The laden winds drive furiously.
The flowers are slain that graced the plain, The earth is locked wi' bitter frost; And my heart cries to stormy skies After the dreary loved and lost.
The spring will come, the flowers will bloom, The leaves in beauty clothe the tree, But never more, oh, never more, Will my lost darling come to me.
Beyond the skies her happy eyes Look fearlessly in eyes Divine; The bitter smart, the hungry heart, Waiting with empty arms, is mine.