The book of life to thee is given, To warn of death, to guide to Heaven.
Wanderer on the wild astray, Here wilt thou find the King's highway.
Has thy soul suffered, hunger, pain, Trying to feed on husks in vain?
Here thou wilt find the palace fair, Where there is bread enough to spare Thou'lt find where living waters roll, To satisfy the fainting soul.
Thou hast been thirsty, very sore, Here come and drink and thirst no more, Thou'lt find the pearl of greatest price Hid in the Master's promises.
And so this book to thee is given To warn of h.e.l.l, to guide to Heaven.
The night was bright and beautiful, The dew was on the flower, The stars were keeping watch, it was The lover's parting hour.
The night wind rippled o'er the wave, The moon shone on the two, The boat was waiting, part they must, "Eliza, love, adieu!"
"You know how fondly I have loved, How long, how true, how dear, And though fate sends me far away My heart will linger here.
"Bright hope, the lover's comfort, can Alone my heart console, Or soothe the pain of parting with The empress of my soul.
"When other suitors vainly talk Of fondly loving you, Remember him who truly loved As no one else can do.
"I'll think upon the place contains My dark-eyed source of bliss, When roaming idly, blindly through The gay metropolis.
"Weep not, weep not, my dearest girl, Your tears my bosom pain, Remember," fondly added he, "We part to meet again."
He made her pledge him heart to heart She would not him forget, Asked her to sigh when at the spot Where they had often met.
He spoke much of how deep was stamped Her image on his mind; One more adieu, the boat was gone.
And she was left behind.
True was the maiden, and she kept While weeks and months took wing, His name deep treasured in her heart, As 'twere a sacred thing.
And he--did he return again Her long love to repay?
No! in good sooth, as Byron says, He laughed to flee away.
G HILL, 1839.
Adieu! Adieu! may angels guard thee, Hovering near thee night and day, For all thy good deeds G.o.d reward thee, The rest forgive and blot away.
May no gift nor grace be missing, May He all on thee confer, And add a heartfelt prayer and blessing From the distant wanderer.
O'er the trackless, foaming ocean, In weal or woe, ever shall be Mingled in my heart's devotion Many a prayer for thine and thee.
What tho' across thy memory never Shall flit my once familiar name, Hallowed by distance, thine for ever, Memory shall conjure up again.
All thy follies ever hidden, All thy virtues raised above, Thy name, so long, so much forbidden, Strangers shall learn from me to love.
Adieu! and may we meet in heaven, Through Him, the Lord, who guides our ways; And he to whom much was forgiven, Shall swell the highest notes of praise.
(A. S.) 1845.
We met--he was a stranger, His foot was free to roam; I was a simple maiden, Who had never left my home.
He was a n.o.ble scion Of the green Highland pine, To a strange soil transplanted, Far from his native clime
And well his bearing pleased me, For I had never seen Keener eye, or smile more sunlit, Or more dignity of mien.
His brow was fair and lofty, Bright was his cl.u.s.tering hair; I marvelled that to other eyes He seemed not half so fair
His it was to plead with men, With "Thus my Lord hath said;"
He stood G.o.d's messenger between The living and the dead
When I heard how earnestly His pleading message ran, I said, "Here G.o.d has set his seal To mark a perfect man."
The rapture of a moment Came suddenly to me; With softened glance he asked me, 'Could you learn to think of me?'
The star of love shone o'er us, His arm was round me thrown And he fondly said he loved me And loved but me alone
I was but a simple maiden Village born and village bred And when this crown of gladness Dropped down upon my head
A simple maiden's feelings That moment sprang awake I wished myself rich, n.o.ble And lovely for his sake
Ah, love akin to sorrow Ah, ecstasy so fleet!
Why is parting made the surer When the meeting is so sweet?
Quick as the flash of summer Came bliss to fade too soon My poor heart swelled, as ocean Swells for the lady moon.
I saw him at the altar Upon a morning fair The matron and the maiden, And paranymph were there
There were holy words, and wishes, And smiles when tears would start A fair bride stood beside him, And I--I stood apart.
Then came the parting moment, After I loved him well; I stilled my heart's sore beating, And so I said farewell,