Chapter 2976: The Gathering of The Good And Evil Eight Souls
Everyone was required to provide a brief account of how the Einherjar Spirits had influenced them throughout the previous year.
As the representative of the younger batch, Sinchino Mochizuki started first.
He still looked the same since they saw him for the first time. He was stoic. His fringe covered his deep eyes. He wore a black kimono that brought out the grandeur and solemness.
He stood up and faced the Einherjar Spirits tablets. After pausing for a while, he described his experience.
I once thought I could obtain whatever I want as long as I work hard. But my experience taught me that Im still far from being enough. I often overlook things and people around me. As a result, they a.s.sumed I was arrogant and rude. The truth is, Im a single-minded person. When I focus on my own thoughts, I tend to overlook people who greet me. When I focus on my cultivation or battle, I forget that they are just training Sinchino Mochizuki recounted his past sentimentally.
He regained his qualification to partic.i.p.ate in the World College Tournament. However, he was aware that he had behaved like a vicious dog that attacked and hurt many people. His Einherjar Spirit was a man of wisdom.
After Sinchino Mochizuki finished speaking, the rest took turns to talk about their own experiences.
Mo Fan listened to them intently. He found it meaningless. After all, he did not like to do self-reflection through rituals like this. He believed that self-reflection was done by oneself in seclusion rather than displayed in front of others. If self-reflection was supposed to be done in front of others, it wouldnt be called self-reflection in the first place.
However, this was the Twin Guardian Towers tradition. Besides, the young people of the towers respected the tradition. They each had an Einherjar Spirit as their role models. They worked very hard for their goals.
Mo Fan peered up to observe the setting sun.
The sky was dark. The moon was obscured. The stars were spa.r.s.e. The Sacrificial Mountain was enveloped in intense darkness. The stone lantern flames illuminated the young people.
The young people were the Twin Guardian Towers future generation. Each of them told a story that motivated themselves and the crowd. For a moment, Mo Fan felt as if he was still a student. At that time, he thought he alone could turn the world upside down
Mr. Mo Fan, its half-time now. You can share some of your experience with us. After all, youre a role model to many people, said the monk with a soft smile.
Theres no need for that. Mo Fan wanted to turn down his offer.
Youre still very young, right? the monk insisted.
The young people turned to Mo Fan. Their gazes looked eager. In the end, Mo Fan felt the pressure to share his experience and insights.
Im glad to know that youve been working very hard. My teacher once told me to always sail against the current, because the scenery ahead will be even more beautiful, and that I will find a better place.
The truth is, as I sail against the current, aside from seeing a more beautiful world, I also noticed the ugly side of it, and its truly disappointing to behold that ugly side.
Hence, I work hard to grow stronger in order to protect things which I think are beautiful, as well as destroying things that disgusted me.
Mo Fan briefly spoke out his mind.
Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ rose up at that precise moment. He seemed to have been considering a question for Mo Fan for some time.
Mr. Mo Fan, how do you judge the beauty and ugliness of a thing? Do you rely on your own judgment? We are aware that things have their own beauty and ugliness. If you judge wrongly, wouldnt it be equivalent to committing a crime? asked Kaede Takahas.h.i.+.
Its your turn. Tell us about yourself. Mo Fan grinned. He did not answer Kaede Takahas.h.i.+s question. He pa.s.sed the stage to Kaede Takahas.h.i.+.
Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ walked up to Mo Fan and gave him a quick glance. He sucked in a deep breath. He raised his head to look at the night sky.
The sky was pitch-black. It was the perfect night. Regardless of whether things were beautiful or ugly, all of them would be covered by darkness. When dawn came, people would see nothing more than a battlefield that had been cleaned up.
Some people vanished into thin air after gaining their n.o.bility. No one ever mentioned them. They didnt even have an epitaph. The man whom I revered is Kazuaki. Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ took out a Einherjar Spirit tablet and placed it on an empty s.p.a.ce.
Mo Fan was not surprised. In fact, Mo Fan and Lingling had singled out two people the day before.
One of them was Ozawa.
Ozawa revered Kazuaki and always followed his example just like the young people who held an Einherjar Spirit in their hearts. They learned about the spirits of the Einherjar Spirit and emulated the contributions the spirits had made.
And Ozawa matched the Red Demon Kazuakis needed carrier. However, Ozawa was already over twenty-five.
However, this did not preclude him from visiting Kazuakis Einherjar Spirit tablet or the Sacrificial Mountain. He was not greatly affected by the Red Demons magnetic field; therefore, he was likewise oblivious of the additional spirit tablet in the temple.
Both the Einherjar Spirit teaching and the magnetic field had no effect on Ozawa. As a result, the Red Demon could not possibly lure him to do things that involved self-sacrifice for righteousness.
The Red Demon was still short of the Righteous Soul. It needed someone to be the Righteous Soul.
What then would it do to fulfill Kazuakis soul?
In order to enable one of the young men to perform an action similar to what Kazuaki carried out in the past, Kazuaki was included as one of the Einherjar Spirits inside the temple.
And the young man who was chosen was Kaede Takahas.h.i.+. He had been to the Sacrificial Mountain. He had visited one of the Einherjar Spirits.
The Einherjar Spirit tablet disappeared immediately after Ozawa and Lingling came to the Sacrificial Mountain. The Einherjar Spirit tablet was none other than Kazuakis. Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ had taken the tablet away.
To give up your achievements for your friends. So, this is your Righteous Soul, right?
Mo Fan stared at Kaede Takahas.h.i.+. Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ did not answer him.
Kazuaki had sacrificed himself in order to save Tegami Fujikata, Katana Mochizuki, and the rest of the group.
What Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ did was exactly the same as Kazuaki.
However, the fact was, most of the visitors on the name list had basically been sacrificed.
After Lingling discovered the spirit of the Einherjar Spirits and the missing spirit tablet, she had gone to the place where Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ had been severely wounded by the forbidden system.
The forbidden system that he had encountered was extremely powerful. It was so powerful that it could shred a super-level Mage apart. However, Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ survived the powerful forbidden system and suffered only a moderate degree of injury.
Putting aside the fact that Kaede Takahas.h.i.+ did not sacrifice his own life, he followed the same example as the visitors on the name list. He emulated the Einherjar Spirit!
The Einherjar Spirit he had followed by example was Kazuaki. He sacrificed himself for the sake of righteousness. He fit the requirements of the Righteous Soul!
He even helped Kazuaki fulfill his last wishto become a respectable Einherjar Spirit whose spirit lived forever in the Twin Guardian Towers!
The Red Demon Kazuaki gathered Eight Souls. The Sacrificial Mountain was its ascension altar! To be precise, the Twin Guardian Towers was its ascension altar.
The Four Souls of Goodness in heaven and earth were embraced by the Einherjar Spirits that the young people wors.h.i.+ped on the Sacrificial Mountains!
Meanwhile, the Four Souls of Evil in heaven and earth were engulfed by the Twin Guardian Towers, which had been besieged by Blood Demons, prisoners, and the Evil Gang.
The fusion of good and evil Eight Souls would give birth to a true Wicked G.o.d Soul!