Vampire's Slice Of Life - Chapter 384: Changes in Lith's body

Chapter 384: Changes in Lith's body

For the next ceremony, Lith had to hold hands with each of his brides and the two were supposed to recite some verses in the ancient vampire language.

After that was done, they were made to pay respects to their ancestors, the moon, their parents, and the Vampire Queen.

Of course, since Lith had no ancestors, he simply paid respect to the ancestors of his brides and then the moon, and then the parents of the brides and his own.

This was what happened with everyone, except, there was a slight change when Lith held hands with Lilith and paid respect.

Lith was made to pay respect to the moon, and the elemental energies. That was about it. Lith didn't dwell much on it as these things, in his opinion, were just a form of respect that was meant to be shown and weren't really important in any other aspect.

After the paying respect ceremonies were done, Luna was about to go onto the next one when

"Ugh" Lith held his stomach and groaned.

He felt a burning sensation dwell up within his body and felt a lot of heat all over.

The ladies became concerned as they noticed this, but Luna simply clapped her hands and made the maids bring a few things.

"The energies haven't been absorbed fully, Your Highness. You need to take additional things." Luna explained to Lith calmly.

Lith was a Rank 9 and his body couldn't absorb so much energy. The energy from the sacred water, combined with the energies from the core of each of his ladies, was too much for his Rank 9 body.

His ladies weren't weak and it was for this reason that he wasn't able to fully absorb the energies.

But no worries as Lilith and Luna had it all planned out. Lilith was expecting something like this to happen and she had instructed Luna on what to do in advance.

The maids brought out a cauldron and placed it in the middle of the stage. They then poured a few ingredients into it and stirred it well.

Lilith took over their work and started making a potion in the cauldron. She added a few ingredients and then, as the final ingredient, she took out a vial of blood from her ring and poured it inside the liquid boiling in the cauldron.

This vial of blood was Lilith's blood, more precisely, her virgin blood. She had taken some out and preserved it because she knew that it had a lot of uses.

Smoke arose from the cauldron as Lilith added the virgin blood. Then, within a few seconds, Lilith made the liquid inside get out and flow inside a small tube.

She cooled the tube and finally, a bluish-purple potion was ready.

She went towards Lith and made him drink it.

Lith immediately felt a cooling sensation spread from his mouth to his throat, then his chest and then the rest of his body.

He soon had some strange feeling and closing his eyes and sitting down cross-legged, he checked his body to see what was this strange feeling.

His senses went inside his Magic Core and he noticed that the red color of his core had faded fully and it had become white.

Then, looking inside, Lith saw some organisms swimming inside water and some shrubs and plants to have grown. It was slightly strange as according to his previous world's scientific research, it was Kingdom Monera that first came into existence, then it was Protista, followed by Fungi, Plants, and then animals.

But whatever, there was already magic present here, it was something that didn't match his previous world and so, Lith didn't think too much about the plants.

He was just happy to know that life had come into existence and he would soon have people living inside his core.

After a while of exploring his core and then noticing the changes in his body, Lith realized that he was about to go through a break through!

'Damn it was this fast?' Lith couldn't help but exclaim.

He would become the youngest person in history to have broken through to Half Saint Rank if he manages to achieve a breakthrough within 40 years of age, but to his surprise, he was going to ascend just at the age of 21!

Lith opened his eyes and got up. He looked at his ladies and said with a smile, "It seems I'll be breaking through to Half Saint Rank soon."


"Oh my"

"Haha! Darling is the best among the best!"

"So soon?"


Lucy, Arya, Alexandra, Emilia, and Lilith, all let out different kinds of reactions.

Lucy was genuinely very shocked as even for her, it took around 60 years to become a Half Saint Rank.

The average age at which a genius ascended to Half Saint Rank was 100 years. But if one were to take the average population into consideration, it would take around 500 to 1000 years for them to reach this stage.

If this news, that is, someone ascending to Half Saint Rank at just the age of 21, was given to the public, the entire world would go crazy and they would kill to know the secrets.

The outcome would be disastrous and it would be best if the news didn't leak out.


"Oh my, this news should definitely get out. I want my baby to be known to the entire world Fufufu." Lilith had some other plans, it seems.

Everyone looked at Lilith, even Luna, who was Lilith's personal maid, couldn't help but look at her. She always felt that everything her Madam did was the correct thing. But as of now, even a person without a brain could tell that this news was something that should never get out. She was genuinely surprised as well.

Noticing the curious and shocked filled gazes on her, Lilith simply chuckled. "Less talks on this, let's get the ceremonies started and finish up with the marriage."

Lith continued to stare at his mother despite her saying that. 'What is mom upto? Does she not know the chaos that'll unleash if this news was out? Or does she perhaps want some chaos? Tsk I still don't understand how mom's mind works.'

Lilith didn't speak further on this. She just continued to stand still and waited for Luna to continue with the ceremonies.

Lilith wanted the best for her child. Having the memories of the future, she knew what outcome there would be. But it would be no fun to just have the same events repeat themselves, and thus, she decided to speed things up.

Lith was bound to reach great heights sooner or later anyway. She knew well just how much potential he had. According to her memories, Lith would be a Half Saint Rank around the age of 35. So it didn't really matter much if he ascended even faster.

Of course, continuous ascensions weren't a good thing in the world. A person had to consolidate his cultivation, learn things in that realm they've just reached and then after mastering and knowing everything about that realm, breakthrough to the next one.

If one doesn't go according to such things, they are bound to suffer and would have their cultivation stagnated.

But, Lith is an exception to everything.

Who was he? He was the son of the strongest being!

Lith's potential was limitless and even if makes one breakthrough after another, he would never have such problems.

Common sense couldn't be applied if the talks are about Lilith's children.

Lucy was a girl and the techniques Lilith had used in this marriage couldn't be applied to her. The ancient techniques Lilith had come across were all targeted towards a male.

The reason was that, firstly, the two Legendary Ranks before her were both males. Secondly, women usually tend to always keep their things a secret and they would hardly ever reveal things.

The thinking process of each person was different and the same was the case for the genders as well.

Many records were destroyed or washed away by the wheel of history and so for this, Lilith had to take a different approach if she wanted to increase Lucy's cultivation just like she did with Lith.

Lucy became a King Rank and it had not even been 50 years. She had already reached a benchmark which many couldn't achieve. There was a lot of time in Lilith's hand to focus on her daughter and currently, she was focusing fully on Lith.

With that being said, Lith, who was genuinely shocked upon his reincarnation to find that he had no hacks such as a system, a goldenrod, overpowered artifacts or any of such things, was now starting to realize that probably, just probably, it was his mother that was his biggest hack.

Little did Lith know that what he was thinking was right. Lilith was indeed his hack, but how did he end up having her or what caused him to become her son and other things was a story for another day