Urban Medical God - Chapter 9916

Chapter 9916

9916 - Chapter 9916

However, because the source gas was absorbed by something as soon as it was sprayed out, and it didn't flow out, so Ye Chen has been in the Youshen Devil's Nest for so long, and he hasn't encountered the source spirit explosion.

"There is a layer of fantasy space here!"

Ye Chen was keenly aware that above the outlet of the source vein, there were a series of fantasy laws intertwined.

These fantasy laws cannot be seen with the naked eye, and need to use the "mind's eye".

Ye Chen looked carefully, and saw a series of black fantasy rules intertwined like thin threads.

With a pull of his finger, a wind blade slashed out, cutting off all the fantasy laws, and the void was distorted, and a fantasy world slowly emerged.

This fantasy world is empty, nothing exists, not even ordinary monsters.

"Huh? What's going on here? Why is it empty?"

Ye Chen frowned, he thought that there would be something in this fantasy space, secretly absorbing the energy of Yuanmai.

But unexpectedly, this fantasy space is empty, there is nothing.

"No, father, this is a two-story fantasy space!"

The little forbidden demon said.

"Double-layer fantasy space?"

Ye Chen froze for a moment.

The little forbidden demon said: "Yes, the double-layer fantasy space is like a dream within a dream. There are dreams within dreams, and illusions within fantasy. Behind this space, there is another layer of space hidden!"

"Strange, who created this double-layer fantasy space? It stands to reason that since the end of the Dharmending Era, the laws of heaven and earth have been destroyed too much. In today's world, it is difficult for even the emperor and **** to construct a double-layer fantasy space. "

The little forbidden demon was contemplating, and when he was thinking, wisps of monster energy rose from his body, as if some ancient power was awakening.

Ye Chen flicked his head lightly, and said: "Little guy, don't think about it, first help me get out another layer of fantasy space."

"Good father!"

The little forbidden demon came back to his senses, and immediately made a move. A light wave of monster energy burst out from his little finger, piercing through that layer of fantasy space with a whoosh.

The fantasy space in the void shattered like a mirror, but after this layer of fantasy space was shattered, a new layer of fantasy space manifested.

This fantasy space is dark and dark, and there is a huge pool. That pool is actually a source pool, which is purely composed of pure source energy.

In that pool, there was a sharp war knife, surrounded by demon energy, whistling and whistling, and the dark runes on the knife were intertwined, quite magnificent.

The dark aura on the magic knife diffused, covering the clear source pool of spiritual energy with a thick layer of black energy, like some kind of magic pool in ancient legends, exuding a palpitating aura.

When Ye Chen saw the magic knife, his heart was shocked, he caught the secret, and knew in an instant that it was the Soul Slaying Knife, a weapon transformed from the teeth of Emperor Huntian!

The Soul Slashing Knife transformed from the teeth of Emperor Huntian can be called a top-level artifact.

Looking at it from a distance, Ye Chen could feel the terrible evil spirit of the soul-slaying knife, and his heart was shaking.

But what surprised Ye Chen the most was not the Zhanhundao.

In front of Zhanhundao, there was a young girl with snow-white skin, who was soaking in the pool.

The water in the pool is not deep, the girl sat cross-legged, her lower body was soaked in the water, but her upper body was uncovered and exposed, that snow-white and crystal-clear body, against the black Soul Slayer behind her, looked like suet. As white as jade, she turned out to be a goddess.


The little forbidden demon exclaimed, seeing Tiannv's naked appearance, subconsciously covered her eyes.

The celestial maiden's clothes were piled up by the pool. She didn't know how long she had been soaking here.

Above her head, a golden pill was suspended, engraved with the totem of a sword weapon, and auspiciousness bloomed.

Most of the energy of the source energy overflowing from the source vein was absorbed by the goddess, and then transmitted to the golden sword pill.

Under the nourishment of strands of pure origin qi, the golden light that bloomed from that sword pill became more and more intense.

The celestial girl kept breathing and exhaling, mobilizing her qi and blood to nourish the sword pill.

That sword pill also had wisps of energy aura, which fed back to her.

Ye Chen looked at the sword pill, and vaguely captured the cause and effect of Jianzi Xianchen.

That thing should have been given to Tiannu by Jianzi Xianchen, and it is probably related to the plan to forge a super-grade heavenly sword.

The energy overflowing from the source veins is so abundant and powerful that even a celestial maiden cannot completely absorb~www.mtlnovel.com~ The source energy she absorbed has been transferred into the golden sword pill.

"The heavenly girl is actually hiding here!"

"Could it be that she created this double-layer fantasy space?"

Ye Chen's heart sank, but when he took a closer look, he found that this fantasy space had very old traces, obviously it was not newly created, and it was not written by a goddess.

Then there is only one explanation left.

Ye Chen's eyes shot at the soul-killing knife.

If he guessed correctly, the double-layer fantasy space was opened up by the Zhanhundao.

This knife is transformed from the teeth of Emperor Huntian, and it has spirituality!

Buzz buzz!

The Zhanhundao trembled, as if it was really spiritual, knowing that he had been exposed.

The goddess also opened her eyes, and when she saw Ye Chen appearing, she was stunned, her expression turned cold, and she said:

"Ye Chen, why are you here?"

Ye Chen looked at Tiannv, then at Zhanhundao, and said with a smile, "Why can't I be here?"

(end of this chapter)