Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 908

Chapter 908

As soon as Lin Chen's voice fell, the soft meat around his waist was pinched by Su Man, and then he heard Su Man whisper in his ear:

"Who seduce you, little brother, you are more and more like to think about it, and your sister wants to boo!"

Lin Chen: "..."

Are you sure you talk like this, don't you want to seduce me?

Su Man whispered again: "Quickly think of a way, what now?"

What else can you do, see you just turned into a beautiful snake, since you want to boo, boo boo.

Lin Chen rolled his eyes and looked at Carlo, not far away. "Mr. Carlo, I'm going to pee. You wait for me!"


Carlo is speechless, and there are three anxieties. It's not strange, but it's a bit strange that you're going to pee and pee so straightforwardly, as if you're going to be a hero.

Su Man heard this, but it was a bit stunned. He was clearly himself, but Lin Chen said he was going.

Lin Chen's palm patted Su Man's buttocks and said:

"You go with me, help me take care of it, and be careful not to let people peep at me, otherwise you will lose money!"

When he was finished, he carried Su Man on his back to the wooded area, and soon disappeared into the vision of Carlo and Rich.

Su Man couldn't help crying and laughing, but she thought this guy was really fun. She was so loveless.

Carol's mouth twitched, and he said who would peek at you?

What kind of beauty do you think you are?

Ricky's mouth twitched, and then he thought of something, his eyes became cold, but he returned to normal in an instant, and looked at Carlo: "Master Godfather, I will go to the convenience."

"Go." Carlo nodded.

Ricky walked behind a tree hundreds of meters away, but pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Alger, is Dino with you? Okay! I want you to come and kill someone right now..."

"Lin Chen, you are not allowed to peek!"

Su Man squatted behind a big tree, surrounded by weeds more than ten centimeters tall, and Lin Chen stood twenty meters in front of the big tree.

Although she knew that Lin Chen could not see anything, at this time, she was still a little embarrassed.

Lin Chen replied: "Relax, I won't peek, anyway, I can see it sooner or later, why should I be in a hurry."

"Everyone says you can see it sooner or later! As if I can only be your woman."

Su Man heard Lin Chen's overbearing words and some shameless words, his face slightly reddened, and his heart was a little sweet.

Lin Chen smiled and didn't say more.

Soon, Lin Chen heard a sound of pattering in his ears. Although it did make him feel a little like a horse, but he did not go to the monkey hurriedly.

He has his own rules of conduct, joking about the other party can, but he will not do the next thing.

Then, Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and looked to the right. At the next moment, he walked towards the right.

He didn't make a sound, but his feet were fast, thirty meters away in a blink of an eye.

Soon, he saw that there were two foreign middle-aged people, who were looking sneaky and quickly moved towards this side.

Lin Chen frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? Can't pass in front!"

He didn't know what the two were doing, but looking at them as sneaky, he felt that he was not a good person.

And if they ran forward, they might see Su Man. Lin Chen didn't want his woman's body to be seen by others.


Alger and Deno were shocked when they heard the sudden sound, and stopped quickly. They did not expect to sneak over with their own skills, but they were even discovered.

"Boy, are you Lin Chen?" Al Jie asked after looking at the yellow-skinned youth in front of him.

"It's me. Why, are you here for me?" Al Jie's tone was cold, but Lin Chen's face didn't change.

"Haha, you are really an unlucky ghost, and even ran before our eyes!" Alger showed a cold smile on his face.

Rich asked them to kill Lin Chen, and Su Man couldn't find out that they still felt a little trouble. They must avoid Su Man, or find a way to stun Su Man.

But unexpectedly, Lin Chen ran over by himself!

Richie also told them that Lin Chen is the strength of the mid-level Saint. The safest way is to find opportunities to sneak attack and kill him with one blow!

However, Alger and De Nuo are very confident. Both of them are deputy captains of the law enforcement team of the Dias family. They are not far from the late stage of the Holy Class. The general middle class of the Holy Class is not their opponent at all!

Not to mention they still have two people.

At this time, seeing Lin Chen being so young, he was even more disdainful and did not take Lin Chen seriously.

"Ritchie sent the two of you over, and he was so sure that the two of you could kill me?" Lin Chen said suddenly.

Alger sneered without thinking: "Nonsense, we can all kill you, not to mention the two come together!"

De Nuo was long and thin, obviously much smarter than a muscular Alger, and he didn't have a good air: "Alger, you are a fool, he is saying what you say!"

"He is indeed a fool!" Lin Chen's mouth twitched, and his eyes were extremely cold. This Ricci was actually asking someone to kill himself, it was **** it!

Alger froze for a while, then sneered, "It's okay! He is going to die anyway, knowing what Captain Rich asked us to kill him!"

He stared at Lin Chen, and said with a smile: "Your Chinese pig, dare to be clever with me, and I will immediately blow your head! I dare to grab a woman with our captain, I don't know anything about life and death!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, do it! Don't wait for that woman to come too!"

De Nuo said coldly. At the same time, his legs kicked on the ground and shot towards Lin Chen, just like a poisonous snake that sent a fatal blow to its prey.


Al Jie also came to Lin Chen in the blink of an eye, punching Lin Chen's head with violent momentum.

Lin Chen's footsteps moved, and at the same time escaped the attacks of Alger and Deno. Just when Alger and Deno were surprised, his hands protruded violently, but they were directly stuck in the necks of the other two!

Alger and De Nuo are more than 1.8 meters tall, which is a few inches taller than Lin Chen, but at this time he was pinched by his neck and raised in the air, but like two chicks caught by an eagle, completely Can't move!

After struggling a few times without success, feeling the power from Lin Chen's hand, both Al Jie and De Nuo changed their faces.

The speed of reaction that Lin Chen just showed, and the power manifested at this time, they are sure that this person is definitely not a mid-congenital, at least a late congenital!

"We were originally innocent, but since you just wanted to kill me, so I can only send you a ride, rest assured, I will soon send your captain to accompany you."

Lin Chen's words were indifferent. While speaking, his hands were clenched tightly. Two clicks came from Alger and De Noir's necks, and their neck bones were crushed.

Their bodies twitched a few times, and then there was no more breath.

Lin Chen took out the corpse water from his body. After a while, there were a few clothes and red blood water left on the ground.

"Ah! Lin Chen!" At this moment, Su Man's voice came from there. Lin Chen's face changed drastically, and he turned and swept towards Su Man's location, like a phantom.