Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Chapter 568 I Do Not Allow You to Die


Long Xuelan frowned, then her face changed, and she felt that she had some problems with her body.

Soon, a strange flushing appeared on her body, her body tingled, and itching accompanied by skin.

"Ah! Dragon... Dragon Gate Master, you seem to be poisoned too?" Feng Kunyue exclaimed.

"Lin Chen, you... great!" An Xueyao's face flushed with excitement, and the woman is now poisoned, so Lin Chen will be fine.

If she did not detoxify Lin Chen, then Lin Chen would not detox her! Thinking about this, An Xueyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Long Xuelan did not speak, but stared at Lin Chen coldly.

"Yes, you are poisoned, no doubt."

Lin Chen said very simply: "You better take out the antidote of your grub and take back all the grubs, otherwise, I won't give you the antidote. It won't take you a minute. It will rot all over the body, die better than life, and eventually turn into a stinky pus!"

"Don't even think about finding an antidote on me, but I need a lot of poison. If you make a mistake, you will only die faster!"

After that, Lin Chen decided Long Xuelan's expression.

"Hurry up and give Lin Chen the antidote, and he will also give you the antidote." An Xueyao said nervously.

Feng Kunyue's face was a little unwilling. He wanted to run over to kill Lin Chen now, but who knows, this guy will give himself a palm, then he will be poisoned even if he doesn't die.

Long Xuelan heard Lin Chen's words, but there was a faint smile on his face.

The woman smiled like an extraordinary fairy, but this smile made Lin Chen burst out of her heart.

"You woman, laugh at anything, do you really want to die with me?" Lin Chen said coldly.

"In addition to being poisoned, I will use Gu and cure diseases." Long Xuelan said lightly, looking at Lin Chen with a slight contempt.

"Uh... so?" Lin Chen already felt a bit bitter.

"So have I been poisoned, don't I know it myself? You have already taken out the silver needle before, can I still guess, did you just use acupuncture to do the hands and feet? In the first half hour, my body should be better, right?"

Looking at Lin Chen, Long Xuelan looked like a fool.

Lin Chen is also helpless. Does this woman want to be so versatile? You will know everything and know everything. Still a strong man, how do you let men play?

This woman is indeed right. After half an hour, the adverse reactions of her body will automatically disappear. He just used a silver needle to block the blood flow of a certain point on the other side.

If the other party is just an ordinary person, then he can use the silver needle to instantly create a lot of problems, so that the other party can really die like a poison.

However, this woman is not an ordinary person at all, and the body of the innate strongman will have a big problem where one or two stitches are applied.

If you give him a minute and put in dozens of stitches, it will be almost...

It is a pity that he can only do hands and feet at the moment when he just slapped Long Xuelan's chest with his palm, so the effect is limited.

And now, the most embarrassing thing is to see through this woman directly!

You know everything, how do you play next? Seems like you can only admit your fate?

Lin Chen was very helpless and could not help it. Is he really going to die here?

"Lying trough, you idiot, even want to play with Yin, but you still want to deceive the Dragon Gate Master? Wait for you! You idiot is dead today!"

Feng Kunyue didn't expect Lin Chen to be fooling, but fortunately, Long Xuelan saw it through.

Thinking that he had just believed the other person's gossip just now, and was still too scared, he became a little bit angry and insulted and ridiculed Lin Chen.

An Xueyao, who had already relaxed, couldn't help but feel desperate again, and then a stubbornness appeared on his face.

Long Xuelan was silent at this moment, so she stared at Lin Chen so obviously, this woman was waiting for Lin Chen to die of his own poison.

"Lin Chen, I will die with you!" Suddenly, An Xueyao said firmly

An Xueyao's words made Lin Chen stunned.

This woman is going to die with herself?

Lin Chen was touched, but shook his head and said, "Miss, I am your bodyguard. It is my duty to protect you. You don't have to die with me."

"No... not just bodyguards!" An Xueyao seemed to have expended a lot of energy before saying this. After he finished speaking, his face was already flushed.

"It's not just bodyguards, what is that?" Lin Chen wondered, as he finished talking, his body twitched violently, and a spit of purple blood was vomited by him.

The poison had completely exploded, and he began to feel a little unclear.

After An Xueyao said that, he was already too shy. He heard Lin Chen's question and didn't know how to answer it. He saw a vomit of blood.

An Xueyao was frightened with tears.

"Woo... Lin Chen, what's the matter, you can't die! I don't allow you to die! I like you! So I don't allow you to die, otherwise I will die with you!" An Xueyao crying while desperately going to the forest Chen crawled over.

Finally, he climbed to Lin Chen's side and hugged him tightly, holding him in his arms.

At this time, Lin Chen was going to die, and she could no longer be shy, and if she didn't say anything, there would be no chance.

Lin Chen was stunned, a little stunned.

I was shocked at the bottom of my heart. I didn't expect Miss Miss to have a crush on herself. At the same time, she was a bit puzzled. What kind of **** luck did she go tonight, right, peach blossom luck?

First Irina, then An Xueyao, all came out to confess.

Okay, vanity is a bit satisfied, and a little flattered, but the problem is, it's going to die now...

Lin Chen sighed, stroking An Xueyao's long blue silk hair, she was crying with pear flowers and rain, and Lin Chen felt bad.

He looked at Long Xuelan and said: "I'm dead, you will let her go, and don't let that idiot embarrass her, remember what you said!"

While he was talking, he glanced at Feng Kunyue. Obviously, the idiot was referring to him.

"Damn, who do you call an idiot?" Feng Kunyue gritted his teeth in anger.

An Xueyao heard that she was about to speak, but Lin Chen covered her mouth and could only look at Lin Chen with red eyes, tears falling like pearls.

Long Xuelan did not say before that she would not make Feng Kunyue embarrass An Xueyao.

She didn't like to talk too much, but after a moment of meditation, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Feng Kunyue's face stiffened, but she didn't dare to talk, but she obviously had some dissatisfaction in her eyes.

After finishing the speech, Long Xuelan found that Lin Chen was staring at her face with a surprised expression, as if she saw something incredible.

"What do you see? If you look at it again, believe it or not, I dig your eyeballs!" Long Xuelan was annoyed. Just now I felt that this man was infatuated. For his own woman, she didn't even want to die. Now she is staring straight at herself. s face.

After a long time, it is just a color embryo!