Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5502

Chapter 5502

The golden eyes of the original giant beast looked like a big sun, and their eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all the fog.

In front of these eyes, Lin Chen felt like he had nowhere to hide. "If I had enmity with the original fire, I wouldn't talk to you like this. I can feel that the original fire is extremely weak now, just like a ball of candle flame. And even when the original fire is strong, in front of me , but just a

brat. "

The original giant beast seemed to see through Lin Chen's thoughts, and the deep voice sounded again.

Lin Chen thought about it, and simply nodded and said:

"Senior actually already has the answer in his heart, and there is no need for this junior to answer. Right now, she is in retreat and at a critical moment, so she can't come out to say hello to you, Senior."

"It's okay. You have another good thing on you that interests me more." The original giant beast spoke again, speaking very directly.

For a while, Lin Chen couldn't think of anything about him that would interest the other party.

Even if it is a top-grade grandmist treasure, I am afraid that it may not be able to arouse the interest of such existences.

What's more, I don't have that kind of good thing on me at all!

The next moment, he thought of something.

Open the **** ax fragments!

This is probably the thing that interests the other person the most about myself!

"Senior, what do you mean?"

Lin Chen gave a dry laugh, still feeling somewhat lucky in his heart.

"Opening the Heavenly God Axe. To be precise, the fragments of the Opening up the Heavenly God's Axe. That thing is of some use to me."

As soon as the original giant beast opened its mouth, it shattered the only luck in Lin Chen's heart.

Sure enough, only the fragments of Kaitianshen Ax can arouse the interest of such existences!

Seeing that Lin Chen had an ugly expression and didn't speak, the Yuanyuan Behemoth said:

"If I want to rob, then there is no need to save you before. As long as you die, everything will naturally be mine."

Lin Chen nodded and said: "Senior said yes. Senior has saved my life. Logically speaking, I should offer the fragments of the God-opening Ax myself. But this thing is too important to me right now. It is really"

"It doesn't matter if what you say is true or false, I don't like to take other people's things for nothing in my life." Yuanyuan Behemoth said, "How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?"

Lin Chen knew that this so-called transaction must be to allow himself to take away the pieces of the **** ax to trade with the other party.

He was just curious about what the other party was willing to exchange.

"A drop of my blood will be exchanged for the pieces of the Heavenly God Ax in your hand," said the original behemoth.

"A drop of blood?"

Lin Chen thought to himself, a drop of blood from the primordial giant beast, although I don't know what effect it has, but it is definitely a treasure.

The problem is, I'm afraid it can't be compared with the fragments of Kaitian Shenaxe!

After all, the body of the original behemoth is too huge, and the blood in its body is probably more spectacular than a huge lake!

Furthermore, he has already agreed with Lin Huohuo that he will go to the Xinyan Clan of Guixu Immortal Territory later. If all goes well, this fragment of the Opening God Axe can become a magic weapon!

Thinking about it, it is much more powerful than the top-rank grandmist treasure!

Right now, if the fragments of the Heaven Opening God Ax are taken out and exchanged with the other party, then the original plan will be completely disrupted.

It's a pity that Lin Huohuo is still in seclusion, otherwise, she should be able to give her a favorable suggestion on this matter.

"I don't know, what effect does a drop of senior's blood have on this junior?" Lin Chen asked curiously.

"It can improve your physique." The original behemoth said.

Improve your physique?

Lin Chen thought for a while, and then said awkwardly: "If the younger generation doesn't want to exchange..."

"If you don't want to exchange, I won't force you." The original behemoth replied very simply.

Lin Chen heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that although the fragments of the god-opening ax are somewhat useful to the original giant beast, that's all.

The opponent is not going to grab it by force!

If it was replaced by the Eternal God, I'm afraid it would be shameless, and he would have to grab it by force!

"Next time, if this junior gets another fragment of the Heaven Opening God Axe, he will exchange it with the senior. Right now, this piece is of great use to me, so I won't exchange it for now."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

It's just that even he himself didn't believe the words.

By chance, even Lin Huohuo felt unlucky to get a fragment of the Heaven Opening God Axe.

It would be too incredible to get another piece.

"That's right! Seniors, juniors are here to take a look at your unicorn. See if you can..."

Seeing that the original monster seemed to be easy to talk to, Lin Chen spoke again with a cheeky face.


The original giant beast responded with a low voice, and the pair of huge golden eyes slowly closed again.

But Lin Chen didn't feel that terrifying coercion reappeared.

Apparently, the original behemoth agreed to let him observe the unicorn. "This junior is by no means ignorant of good and evil! Although, I am afraid that senior will never need junior to repay your favor, but today's kindness will be remembered in my heart and will never be forgotten! In the future, if senior really needs junior, just shout

Just one sound. "

Lin Chen bowed to the original giant beast with a sincere expression, then turned into a stream of light and swept towards the horn of the giant beast in the distance.

The distance between Dang and Unicorn is only a few miles.

In Lin Chen's line of sight, the light on the surface of the original giant beast's unicorn gradually weakened, and he followed suit, gradually seeing the unicorn's appearance clearly.

Lin Chen's sight was like light being swallowed by a black hole. His body trembled and stopped, his eyes were wide open, filled with a strange chaotic airflow.

It was as if his eyes were connected with the unicorn of the primordial monster, and something strange poured into his eyes.

Lin Chen still couldn't see clearly the lines on the horn.

What he saw was an endless chaotic airflow, leaping thunder and lightning, surging flames, water like clouds, strange metals that were constantly shrinking and expanding...

These things, like the original invisible laws, have become tangible things.

At this moment, Lin Chen seemed to see what the world was like before the Primordial Realm was opened up.

In the next second, pulsating lightning, turbulent flames, clouds of water, strange metal...

All kinds of things, as if they had life, flew towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen only feels that everything in front of him contains endless mysteries, but he is like a mortal who reads the heavenly scriptures, although he knows the mysteries are infinite, but he can really understand very few of them.


Deep in the soul, there was a severe pain.

Lin Chen rolled his eyes, as if he had passed out, but his consciousness seemed to fall into a strange chaotic air current. At this moment, Lin Chen's body seemed to have turned into a black hole, and spiritual energy from all directions poured into his body frantically.