Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5274

Chapter 5274


The sound of surging waves resounded around the Golden Horn.

A huge mirror once again enveloped the golden horn and the realm of his body surface together, and bursts of terrifying aura rushed in all directions. "The same trick as before? Doesn't Lin Chen understand that this can't break through the defense of the golden horn, and it will only be swallowed by the golden horn, making the situation even more unfavorable? It seems that he believes that it is impossible for him. win, since

Abandoned! "

Seeing that Lin Chen was about to use the "Grip of the Nether Sea" again, the crowd of onlookers even believed that Lin Chen had already lost this battle.

The current action is purely equivalent to giving up on oneself, and it will only speed up Lin Chen's defeat.

In the eyes of everyone, it is better to simply admit defeat.

At this moment, Lin Chen threw the Xuanyuan Spear, which had become incomparably illusory, in his hand. The Xuanyuan Spear became even more illusory in the process of flying out, like a candle in the wind.


The violent energy gushed out from the huge mirrors. However, unlike before, this time, at the moment when the energy gushed out, it was not about the golden horns being submerged, but bizarrely disappearing together!

"What's the matter, it doesn't seem to be the same as before?"

Everyone finally realized that the current scene was different from the previous one.

Lin Chen is not giving up on himself, but has other means!

Before they could figure out the situation, they saw Jin Jiaoyu, whose aura was getting stronger and stronger, suddenly opened his eyes and let out a scream.

The huge body fell to the ground like a goose that was shot down.

The nine scales that originally surrounded him, the light became dim, and fell towards the ground together.


"What's going on, who understands?"

"Obviously it was a similar blow to the previous one, but this time, it actually defeated the golden horns in one fell swoop? But the area on the surface of the golden horns did not receive any impact at all. It seems that the defenses on the surface of the golden horns were not forcibly broken. Rather..."

"But what, what are you talking about!"

"Uh, I don't know either! That's why I feel weird."

The people who thought that the battle was settled, were dumbfounded by the reversal of the situation, and looked at the powerful gods next to them.

They couldn't see the mystery of Lin Chen's blow just now, but the strong king of the gods must be able to understand.

Dongfang Ji looked at the God King of Desolate Heaven, and said in amazement, "Master, what method is this, you taught it to your younger brother this month?"

The Desolate God King shook his head: "It has nothing to do with me, it belongs to him, a shot to break free from time and space."

The face of the God King Green Nightmare was so gloomy that it seemed to drip ink.


By letting Jin Jiaoyu take the stage with scales, he was almost indirectly interfering in this competition. Even if he won, it would not be very glorious.

In the end, he even lost!

"Waste! What a waste!"

The Green Nightmare God King stared at the golden horn who fell to the ground and cursed a few words in a low voice.

If this guy can hold on for a while longer, and wait until the effect of the "Cyan Nightmare" field appears, and cooperate with the ultimate move that uses his scales as a weapon, he will definitely win!

As a result, they lost so embarrassingly.

Although he was scolding, he actually knew in his heart that it was no wonder Jin Jiaojian was defeated this time.

Lin Chen's blow just now clearly broke free from time and space, ignored the defense, and sent the destructive power that had erupted from the other method before directly into the body of Jin Jiaoyu!

If you replace it with yourself, relying on the power of the inner world, you can in turn digest that external power.

However, if it is a half-step **** king, it is impossible to block this move!

It's not right to say that. If it is replaced by himself or the God King of the Wild Heaven at the half-step God King level, he will not be defeated because of the opponent's attack, but the strength of Jin Jiaoyu is defeated by Lin Chen's attack. No more normal.

"Damn guy, as hateful as his master. If you win, you will win. He even called that blow a 'broken dream', and he didn't take me seriously at all."

Thinking of Lin Chen's name for that blow, the Qing Nightmare God King gritted his teeth even more. The secret technique of his own talent is called "Cyan Nightmare", and his move is called "Broken Dream". Although he thinks about it carefully, his move really has the taste of Tianji's secret technique, but this name is still too arrogant, it is simply punch yourself in the face


In the future, when people talk about Lin Chen's method and mention the name "Shattered Dream", his Green Nightmare God King and Jin Jiaoyu will be taken out and talked about, which is equivalent to being slapped in the face once!

I originally wanted to take advantage of this battle to regain a city from the God King of the Wild Heaven, but was slapped in the face by a disciple of the God King of the Wild Heaven, a median Void True God, what is this?

Lin Chen reached out and grabbed the Xuanyuan Spear that flew out of the twisted space, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

The blow just now almost drained the power of his inner world. If he still can't defeat the opponent, then he simply admits defeat and doesn't need to fight anymore.

"Broken dream! Breaking free from time and space, ignoring all defenses, is a shot that must be hit no matter what! Xuanyuan gun really gave me a big surprise."

With a smile on his face, Lin Chen was extremely satisfied with Xuanyuan Spear's new ability after merging the nine Hearts of Chaos.

'However, you can't be too happy. There is nothing absolute in the world! There are methods that claim to be able to ignore all defenses, and there are defense methods that claim to be immune to all attacks. But there is no real invincibility! It's like the so-called strongest spear and the so-called strongest shield, no one knows which is the real strongest before the real touch. Although 'Shattered Dream' seems to be able to ignore all defenses, if it is facing a god-king-level enemy,

I'm just afraid that there is no way to take others! '

Lin Chen secretly warned himself in his heart not to be complacent, lest he accidentally capsize in the gutter in the future.

But in any case, this battle can be said to be the perfect curtain call for the trip to the "Yin and Void Realm"!

"It's been so long since I've been out, it's time to go home!"

Lin Chen smiled and flew to the side of the God King of the Wild Heaven.

The God King of the Wild Heaven looked at him with a smile on his face: "Very good!"

Anyone who knows the God King of the Wild Heaven knows that he basically does not praise others. It is more difficult for him to say the word "good" than to go to the sky, not to mention that the word "very" has been added at the moment.

"Today's battle will keep everyone present a secret. If they are known to the demons outside the world, several of their **** kings will try their best to kill you before you become a **** king!" said the barren **** king.

Lin Chen said: "It's up to you to arrange it, master."

Desolate Heaven God King said: "If there is nothing else, we will leave today and return to the ancient world of Yunmeng?" Lin Chen nodded with a smile on his face. After leaving for so long, he is finally going back!