Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5262

Chapter 5262

The fifth thousand two hundred and sixty-two chapters six **** kings are here!

Even if Lin Chen didn't ask, the same question had already appeared in the mind of the God King of the Wild Heaven.

The two powerful **** kings appeared here, most likely, they came to the Treasure Pavilion of the Demon God Sect.

"There is a possibility. But you can rest assured that even if there are treasures here that can make the king's heart move, I still have the same attitude as before. Everything in the Treasure Pavilion, as long as you are interested, is my apprenticeship to you. !"

To put it simply, even if he was interested, he would never compete with Lin Chen, a disciple.

Lin Chen just asked casually, not intending to monopolize everything here, and hurriedly said: "If there is a master you can use, just take it."

"No need to think about it. I don't think there are things that I can like, things that can be liked by me, it's impossible not to be taken away by the Cangyun Demon Ancestor."

At the same time as the **** king of the barren sky spoke, he swept to the top of a tower-like building.

The top of the tower building, from a distance, looks like a strange altar, covered with dark golden lines, just because in the deep black sea, if you don't observe carefully, even with Lin Chen's eyesight, it is difficult to detect .

The right index finger of the God King of the Wild Heaven was drawn in front of him, and the streamers were intertwined, turning it into a mark that looked like a flying dragon.

When the action of the God King of the Wild Heaven stopped, the imprint of the flying dragon seemed to come alive, with a low roar from his mouth, and escaped into the altar under his feet.

Dark golden rays of light appeared, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to melt, like a swamp. Without any resistance, the God King and Lin Chen gradually sank.

"This altar is the passage to the Treasure Pavilion of the Demon God Sect?"

Lin Chen immediately had a guess in his heart.

He was obviously the God King of the Wild Heaven just now, and he used the method taught by the Cangyun Demon Ancestor, and now he is going to the Treasure Pavilion of the Demon God Sect.

When the darkness in his sight faded away, the scene in front of him really changed drastically.

In the distance in all directions, there is still a thick darkness.

In front of it is a closed space with an estimated area of several thousand square meters, and in the middle is a spiral staircase. Obviously, this closed space has more than one floor.

Looking around, there are all kinds of weapons piled up indiscriminately. In addition, there are various ores of different colors, which should be the materials for forging weapons.

"This is the first floor of the Treasure Pavilion. Common weapons and refining materials are stacked."

The God King of Desolate Heaven glanced at it and knew these things on the first floor, not to mention himself, even Lin Chen couldn't have any eye for it.

It's not that these things on the first floor are all garbage, but Lin Chen's level is not as good as his, but he is not an ordinary cultivator for a long time.

But an existence that can even challenge the half-step **** king!

In the eyes of ordinary cultivators, it is completely equivalent to an invincible devil.

Even the God King of Wild Heaven is not sure whether there is anything that Lin Chen is interested in in the Treasure Pavilion that has been screened by Cangyun Demon Ancestor.

"Check all the items in the Treasure Pavilion by yourself to see if you are interested." The God King of Wild Heaven looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen had a look of excitement on his face for a long time, and immediately released his spiritual sense.

Divine Intent covered all the items on the first floor in an instant!

As expected by the God King of the Wild Heaven, Lin Chen was not interested in the weapons or refining materials on the first floor, and quickly passed the spiral staircase in the middle to the second floor.

According to the information obtained from Cangyun Demon Ancestor, the Treasure Pavilion has a total of nine floors, and the higher it goes, the more precious it is.

The God King of Desolate Heaven didn't want to go up to see what collections there were, and stood on the first floor waiting for Lin Chen to return.

Time passed slowly.

He didn't wait for Lin Chen to come back, but he sensed that there were many people outside.

"Six God King powerhouses?"

Rao is the God King of the Wild Heaven, and his face has become very solemn.

After being silent for a while, he didn't call Lin Chen, who was looking at the items on the upper floor, and stretched out his right index finger again to draw the imprint like a flying dragon.

As the mark disappeared, his body sank, disappeared on the first floor of the Treasure Pavilion, and reappeared at the top of the tall tower!

The moment he just appeared, he immediately had a six-path god-king-level aura, all of which locked him.

Almost at the same moment, six figures appeared in front of him.

He looked at Zhu Yuantong and the old man, and said lightly:

"What do you mean, you are looking for reinforcements to attack me? Are you sure you are ready to fight against the Demon Suppression Army?"

"Your Excellency has misunderstood! I am not a member of the two of them, but a member of the Waning Moon Sect. Speaking of which, I have a strong relationship with your Demon Suppression Army!" said one of them.

The God King of the Wild Heaven looked at the person who opened his mouth: "What's your name?"

"Zhen Tianlu!"

"Are you Zhen Tianlu?"

The chill in the eyes of the God King of the Wild Heaven dissipated a little. He heard about the person in front of him from Lin Chen's mouth.

Zhen Tianlu said happily, "Your Excellency knows me?"

Desolate Heaven God King said: "Lin Chen is my disciple."

Zhen Tianlu showed a look of surprise. With Lin Chen's strength, there was a master at the level of a **** king, and he was not surprised at all.

Rather, he would be surprised if Lin Chen didn't have the guidance of a god-king-level powerhouse!

Zhen Tianlu pointed to the other two people beside him: "These two are not from Shenyuan Pavilion, but two elders of Zhentian Shengong.

We came here with no malice, let alone the idea of enmity with the Demon Suppression Army. We just wanted to ask about one or two things. "

The three top forces in the Yinxu world, are they all here?

The God King of the Wild Heaven guessed that what the other party wanted to ask was probably related to why their group of powerful God Kings appeared here.

It just so happened that he was also interested in it.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Your Excellency will come here. You really got the promise of the Cangyun Demon Ancestor. Just now you went to the Treasure Pavilion of the Demon God Sect?"

Zhen Tianlu said immediately.

The Desolate God King nodded, a little suspicious in his heart.

In the Treasure Pavilion of the Demon God Sect, there are only a bunch of things left that the Demon Ancestor of the Cangyun can't look up to. Logically speaking, it is not worth letting the powerful God King come to search.

What's more, at the moment, the three strongest forces in the Yin Ruins Realm are coming together, and a total of six powerful gods and kings have come!

This battle is a bit too big!

Zhen Tianlu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately said: "In this case, we want to make a deal with you! The Treasure Pavilion should have what we need right now."