Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5190

Chapter 5190

Qing Yun Jia also noticed that the place where Demon Ancestor Cangyun was in retreat back then was actually someone.

He didn't stop cautiously like Lin Chen and Taoyao, but showed a surprised look, speeding up and rushing over there.

Lin Chen immediately understood that Qing Yun Jia was looking forward to whether these people knew the trace of his master.

"Be careful!"

After he told Tao Yao, he set off again and chased Qingyun Jia.

Tao Yao turned into a streamer, faster than Lin Chen, and arrived in front of Lin Chen in the blink of an eye.

"What are you doing in front of me?" Lin Chen asked in amazement.

Taoyao took it for granted: "Your little strength, if there is an accident, you might be dead! Since you are following me, of course I have to take care of you more."

Lin Chen: "..."

As the distance approached, Lin Chen could clearly see those figures not far away.

To be precise, these figures are not humans.

Their size is similar to that of human beings, but without exception, they are very short, only about one meter, three to four.

Besides, the crimson skin was full of wrinkles, and there were three pairs of eyes on his face.

The bottom pair of eyes is the size of a normal human eye. The top pair of eyes is half smaller than the normal pair, and the top pair is half smaller.

In addition, there are fangs in the mouth and no eyebrows, making a face look hideous and ugly.

They all bend their waists slightly, it seems that the lumbar spine is naturally bent. Under normal circumstances, in this way, they should be somewhat like elderly people in the human race.

But his body was covered with rock-like muscles, and his eyes were sharp as knives, giving people the feeling that they were more vigorous than the young and middle-aged human beings.

These hideous-looking alien races noticed Lin Chen and several people, and they all gathered together at this time, staring vigilantly at Qing Yun Chi who had fallen in front of them.

Lin Chen and Taoyao fell beside Qingyun Jia, and immediately felt the hostile sights they cast!

"You are, Ghost Eye Blade Clan?"

Qing Yunjia looked at the other party a few times, and was a little surprised and authentic.

Seeing Lin Chen and Tao Yao looking at themselves curiously, he explained through voice transmission.

"The Ghost Eye Knife Race is a special ethnic group that lives in the abyss of the blood prison! In fact, this is the first time I have seen this ethnic group. I have only heard my master say it before.

According to my master, any member of this ethnic group, when placed outside, is a top-notch talent.

They are born with the power to control fire and death, and are completely immune to the terrifying temperature and the erosion of blood in the abyss of the blood prison.

The only problem with this group is that it is difficult to reproduce. Although this ethnic group is extremely ancient, the number of ethnic group members has never exceeded one hundred at most. "

When Lin Chen heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and the sound transmission said: "No matter how difficult it is to reproduce, as long as the years are long enough, in any case, it is not just this amount, right?"

Qing Yunjia explained: "If it reproduces normally, it will naturally be more than just! Do you know that many ascetics come here for them."

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen was confused.

Qing Yunjia explained: "In their minds, there is a special kind of spar, which can be called the source of their life. That spar is called the ghost eye blood crystal.

The ghost eye blood crystal can be regarded as a kind of extremely rare treasure. "

Lin Chen finally understood what was going on.

The number of Ghost Eye Knife Clan is so scarce, in addition to their difficulty in reproducing offspring, there is another reason, that is, they have been slaughtered as prey?

Although they are strong, they are obviously still not enough to protect themselves.

It is estimated that it is precisely for this reason that everyone has been hiding in the abyss of the blood prison, not going to the outside world.

However, in this way, they also escaped the disaster in the Yinxu realm.

Although the disaster was terrifying, it didn't seem to have had much impact on this place like purgatory.

Several members of the Ghost Eye Blade Clan did not answer Qing Yun Chi's question.

After Qing Yunjia uttered the words "Ghost Eye Blade Clan", they became more vigilant, and the bones in their bodies made weird crisp noises.

Immediately, a sickle-like weapon made of white porcelain, but glowing with metal, appeared from the back of their necks, seeming to be connected to the cervical vertebrae.

They stretched out their hands to pull out the weapon, it looked like they were pulling out their spine, which was very strange.

Qing Yunjia said: "The weapons they use are very special. They are generated from the spine. Although they are weapons, they are also part of the body. As their strength improves, they become more sharp and hardened by their bodies.

Don't take it lightly! This bone knife can even fight against the Yinxu treasure, and it is terribly poisonous, not to mention you, even if I was slashed unsuspectingly, it was not a small trouble. "

After the explanation, he looked at the ghost-eyed knives with bad eyesight:

"Several people, we are not malicious. I believe that you should not want to fight with me for no reason!"

The overbearing and terrifying power of the Half-Step God King diffused from him.

The expressions of several Ghost Eye Blade Clan changed slightly, and their strength was not weak, but the strongest was only at the upper **** king level.

Qing Yunjia smiled and said: "I just want to ask, why are you here? Don't you know where the owner of this stone house is right now?"

He glanced at the humble stone house next to him, his eyes full of nostalgia.

This stone house was the place where Cangyun Demon Ancestor retreated. In a blink of an eye, countless years have passed since the vicissitudes of life.

Several ghost eye knife clan glanced at each other, and the leader shook his head and said: "I don't know. When we came over, there was no owner here!"

Qing Yun Jia showed disappointment, and said unwillingly: "Then what are you doing here?"

"The walls in this stone house are engraved with things that are useful to us, so we are here to comprehend cultivation." The ghost eye knife clan headed replied.

"Something useful to you?"

Qingyun Jia was taken aback, and then he reacted. When his owner was retreating here, he wrote a lot of thoughts and thoughts on the wall.

These ghost-eye sword clan, actually rely on the master's experience to understand and practice?

"What is your relationship with the owner of this stone house?"

The ghost eye knife clan headed, asked curiously.

Qing Yunjia sighed: "He is my master, and I don't know where he is right now. I'm looking for him."

Several ghost eye knife clan glanced at each other, their eyes were kind.

The insights engraved in this stone house are a treasure to their clan. Over the years, members of the clan have come to practice and have benefited a lot.

Although I have never seen the owner of the stone house, it is considered to have accepted the other side's kindness.

Hearing that Qing Yun Chi had something to do with the owner of the stone house, he couldn't help feeling a little more in his heart.

A younger ghost-eye knife clan asked: "In the future, can we still come over here for enlightenment?"

"Yes. Don't worry, you are also predestined with my master, and I won't embarrass you!"

After Qing Yun Jia responded briefly, he walked towards the stone house, hoping to find some traces of the whereabouts of the Cangyun Demon Ancestor.

As soon as he left, Lin Chen, Taoyao and a few members of the Guiyandao clan were left behind. You look at me and I look at you, but they don't know what to say.

Tao Yao was the first to break the silence: "I ask you, have you ever heard of Chaos Heart?"

"Of course I've heard of it. We have it in our clan!" The young Ghost Eye Sword Clan who had spoken earlier, feeling that the other party seemed to treat his clan as an ignorant hillbilly, immediately replied in a displeased tone.