Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5177

Chapter 5177

Lin Chen wondered if Xiao Yuan was taken by Ling'er, what is meant by deceived by beautiful male tricks, am I the kind of person who would betray hue in order to achieve my goal?

Well, I am!

The problem is, that would have to be useful!

"Lin Chen?"

Dongfang Ji's suspicious voice sounded in his ears.

Lin Chen came back to his senses before realizing that he was in a daze just now, Tao Yao and others were looking at him, waiting for their opinions.

"Or, let's leave soon. If there is a **** king coming, I can't deal with it!"

After a lot of search and no results, even Taoyao stopped thinking about any treasures, and was anxious to leave.

Although she was militant, she didn't like being beaten, and she knew that she was no match for the king and powerhouse.

After speaking, I saw Lin Chen looking at him with a hesitant appearance.

Tao Yao felt a little strange, and rarely saw this expression on Lin Chen's face.

This guy speaks very poisonously. He never cared about whether he would hit him or not. What is the situation right now?

"Speak straight!" Taoyao said.

Lin Chen coughed dryly: "The Chaos Heart on you, isn't it useless yet, can you lend it to me first?"

"It can be, but what are you doing? The Heart of Chaos is the same. The one on me is the same as the one you got before, and you haven't seen it before." Taoyao asked in confusion.

Lin Chen said, "I want Xuanyuan Gun to swallow it."

Tao Yao glared, and said angrily: "Do you treat me as a fool? Let Xuanyuan Spear swallowed it up? Then what else would you take to return it to me!"

"Don't worry, listen to me."

Lin Chen also understood that what he said sounded like he was going to fool others, and quickly said what Xiao Yuan said to him just now.

He has regarded Taoyao as a friend who shares adversity, and does not want to be careful in front of Taoyao. He chooses to treat each other with sincerity. If Taoyao is unwilling, then forget it. "That's the way it is. Let Xuanyuan Spear devour your Chaos Heart first, and then I will find the Chaos Heart here and return it to you. In this way, don't you still have a Chaos Heart in your hand? From the results Look, you won't have any losses!

Taoyao finished listening, and said, "Are you sure, after devouring my Chaos Heart, Xiao Yuan will definitely be able to find the Chaos Heart hidden here?"

Even Lin Chen is a little embarrassed to ask this question: "Not sure, what she said is possible, but there is no guarantee."

"..." Dongfang Ji had the heart to help Lin Chen speak, but he only felt that the words were blocked in his throat.

Lin Chen is equivalent to doing business, you have to pick up the goods in advance, and you may not be able to settle the payment for the goods!

The key person is in this process, even if he settles the payment smoothly, they will not get any benefits.

The good result is getting back a chaotic heart, the bad result is nothing!

As long as it is not a fool, it is impossible to make a deal!

"All right." Taoyao snorted.

The same item flew out of her body, suspended in front of Lin Chen, and it was the jade box containing the heart of chaos.

"You promised?"

Lin Chen was a little confused, even he himself was a little surprised by this result.

Tao Yao said: "Even if you can't return the Heart of Chaos to me this time, you will owe it first and pay it back later. I believe this will never be the last Heart of Chaos you get."

A warm current surged in Lin Chen's heart.

"I will pay you back!"

He didn't say much to express his emotions and opened the jade box.

Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong looked at the Chaos Heart inside with a curious look. It was the first time they saw this thing.

If it's not for time constraints, I really want to take it over and observe it.

"Xiao Yuan, devour it!"

Xuanyuan spear flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows, Xiao Yuan appeared in front of everyone, opened her small cherry mouth and inhaled, "Heart of Chaos" flew into her mouth and was swallowed by her.

After that, she returned to Xuanyuan Spear, and Xuanyuan Spear flew into Lin Chen's eyebrows.

Now that time is running out, Lin Chen will naturally not let the Xuanyuan Spear change slowly in the outside world like last time, but instead let the Xuanyuan Spear return to the inside of the God Prison Tower.

With the blessing of a hundred times the time, Xiao Yuan's voice sounded in Lin Chen's mind not long after the outside world had passed.

"Master, I have digested the Heart of Chaos." Xiao Yuan said excitedly.

"Are there any new abilities?" Lin Chen asked immediately.

"No. But the existing abilities have become stronger, probably doubled."

Lin Chen was ecstatic, he liked this answer more than the so-called adding new abilities.


In other words, the original "burning sky" increased the power of the fire attribute power by about 30 times, and now it is 60 times!

The key is, if it goes well, the Heart of Chaos can continue to be merged later!

If it keeps doubling like this, I'm afraid that I won't even improve my realm. In the future, even the **** king will be afraid of his own one-shot power?

In addition, the other three abilities have also been strengthened.

Taken together, it's not just as simple as doubling the combat power.

Lin Chen suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and now there was no time for him to confirm the changes of Xuanyuan gun in detail, and immediately changed to another concern.

"Now, is it possible to sense the location of another Chaos Heart?"

"Able to perceive the position roughly."

Xiao Yuan's answer surprised Lin Chen again.

"follow me!"

Soon, Lin Chen came back to his senses, said to Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and Tao Yao, turned and rushed towards the rear.

Dongfang Ji realized something and quickly followed.

After a while, the four came to a dilapidated palace.

The walls around the palace have basically collapsed, with old stone pillars in the middle.

"We have searched this place in detail before, and there is nothing!"

Seeing Lin Chen stopped here, Yue Kong frowned suspiciously, released his divine mind, and felt it again carefully.

However, I still didn't notice anything wrong here. I didn't find anything like a treasure either!