Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5166

Chapter 5166

Hearing Lin Chen's question, Zhen Tianlu sighed: "The Yang Ruins Realm and the Yin Ruins Realm are naturally a level plane, there is no doubt about this. In fact, the original Yin Ruins Realm does not have the heart of chaos. Chaos The heart of mind appeared for the first time more than 60 million years ago. We just started to learn about it

When it exists, the level of shock is not weaker than you. "

Lin Chen was surprised: "Could it be that something special happened in the Yinxu realm more than 60 million years ago?"

Zhen Tianlu said: "Nothing special happened. The reason why the heart of chaos appears is because the origin of chaos has 'aged' to a certain extent."


Lin Chen felt unable to understand that the origin of chaos is not a certain kind of creature. Where does aging come from? Zhen Tianlu said: "Have you ever thought that in the small fragmented world, the chaotic origin of the universe will be shattered and reborn, accompanied by the replacement of the universe. Then the big world, that is, the chaotic origin of the Yinxu realm and the Yangxu realm, is actually the same? Will be ruined

That day? "

Lin Chen's brain buzzed, only feeling that this was completely beyond his imagination.

Will the chaotic origins of Yinxu Realm and Yangxu Realm be destroyed?

He finally understood what the so-called "aging" meant.

Lin Chen stunned: "Senior, do you mean that the Yin Ruins Realm and the Yang Ruins Realm will also undergo reincarnation like the old universe and the new universe?

The Yin Ruins Realm and Yang Ruins Realm will eventually disappear with the collapse of their chaotic origins, and new Yin Ruins and Yang Ruins Realms will appear? "

"No!" Zhen Tianlu shook his head, "According to our guess, the Yinxu Realm and the Yangxu Realm will indeed one day be destroyed with the collapse of the origin of chaos, all laws disappear, and all matter and non-material return to nothingness. But not. There will be a new yin and yang market

He looked at Lin Chen who was unbelievable, "Do you know how the chaotic origin of the small fragmented world got a new life?"

Lin Chen said: "Please also seniors for advice!"

Zhen Tianlu said: "The so-called rebirth of the chaotic origin of the small world of fragments, in the final analysis, is just another part of the chaotic origin of the big world.

To some extent, the destruction and rebirth of the chaotic origin of the small fragmented world is at the cost of the further weakening of the chaotic origin of the big world. In fact, it is also one of the reasons for the aging of the chaotic origin of the big world! "

For a moment, Lin Chen didn't know what to say, his heart was full of shock, and he felt that his previous concept had been subverted.

He previously thought that a plane like the ancient world of Yunmeng was an eternal existence.

It won't change from the old to the new like the universe in the small world of fragments. How can I imagine it, indeed, it won't change from the old to the new, because once it is destroyed, it means that everything will return to nothingness?

Tao Yao couldn't help but said, "Then what if this world becomes nothingness, what will happen to us immortal ascetics?"

"There is no real immortality, and there is no eternity!"

Zhen Tianlu shook his head, "Our immortality, in the final analysis, is based on the origin of chaos, or, in other words, the various laws derived from the origin of chaos.

If the chaotic origin of the two big worlds of Yin and Yang Ruins collapses and everything returns to nothingness, we will naturally return to nothingness. "

Tao Yao was also confused now.

She has always thought that she has an eternal lifespan, now it seems that this is not the case?

Seeing that neither of them looked pretty, Zhen Tianlu thought that when he and others came up with this guess, they behaved more fiercely and unbearably than them.

He comforted: "Don't be so pessimistic. Even if the origin of the Yinxu realm has entered the aging stage, under normal circumstances, it can still exist for trillions of years!

The chaotic origin of the Yangxu world has not even entered the aging stage, and its remaining years are much longer. To some extent, such a long time is not impossible to say that it is eternal! "

Trillions of years!

The remaining time of the Chaos Origin of the Yangxu Realm is far more than this number!

Lin Chen, who had just been hit a little bit, was all at once so he didn't know what to say.

From his birth to the present, the years he has spent, even if one hundred times the time spent in the **** prison tower is counted, let alone a few trillion years, even a fraction of hundreds of millions of years is far less than that.

Such a long period of time, even if the Yin Yang Ruins are truly ruined in the future, there is no need to worry about anything right now.

Zhen Tianlu couldn't help sighing again: "Originally, it was determined that the Yinxu realm still has a lifespan of several trillion years. We all breathed a sigh of relief. How can I imagine that the Yinxu realm is now like this? If you let me know who is behind it. , Absolutely can't spare him!"

Lin Chen said in his heart that compared to the remaining eternal years, the disaster facing the Yinxu Realm is actually more worthy of his own vigilance!

To put an end to this kind of thing, the possibility of appearing in the ancient world of Yunmeng.

It's a pity that although his current strength is not weak, he still can't intervene in this kind of thing. Instead of thinking about it, it's better to improve his strength first.

Lin Chen thought for a while and curiously said, "Dare to ask seniors, is there a heart of chaos in this treasure chest?"

Taoyao looked at Zhen Tianlu expectantly when she heard the words.

Zhen Tianlu seemed to have been stabbed, his face twitched, and suddenly regretted that he shouldn't explain to the other party what "Chaos Heart" is!

He coughed and said: "The heart of chaos is rare, but it is not as powerful as you think. The treasure of Yinxu merges with a heart of chaos, and it is impossible to reach the level of the sacred mountain. I don't know the power of the sacred mountain. , Is it mixed with other methods of the Cangyun Demon Ancestor, but it is certain that it has merged a large number of Chaos Hearts! It may have been merged to the limit. Back then, when the Chaos Hearts appeared the most, then

The guys have grabbed a lot! "

"A treasure of Yin Ruins, can it fuse more than a chaotic heart?"

Lin Chen felt stunned, so he said, even if the powers of the two Yunmeng Supreme Treasures are superimposed, it is impossible to have the kind of whirling sacred mountain.

Zhen Tianlu nodded and said, "That's right! As for the limit, a treasure of Yin Ruins can fuse up to nine Chaos Hearts. When the limit is reached, it will undergo a qualitative change.

All in all, even if you get a heart of chaos from us, it will not help you much. Rather, consider the ready-made Yinxu treasure! "

Zhen Tianlu smiled, with a look that I was thinking about you.

As a result, Lin Chen's answer was so simple that he felt heart cramps, and it was no longer just a pain in the flesh.

"I want a heart of chaos!" Lin Chen said.

Taoyao seemed to be afraid of falling behind: "I want a heart of chaos too!"

"..." Zhen Tianlu was already thinking in her heart, how can she explain to them after the waning moon teaches other **** kings to come back?

Now there are only three Chaos Hearts in the Treasure Treasure Pavilion in the entire Crescent Moon Sect! Two of them were taken away at once, these two guys are too cruel!