Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5136

Chapter 5136

The fifth thousand one hundred and thirty-six chapters of relics left behind by the flesh

The former residence of the master of the old monk is located in a place called Jixing Valley.

The reason why the old monk made this proposal is because this place happens to be not far from the Jixing Valley, so he is relatively familiar with this place. Even though this place has been completely different from that of the past, he still recognizes this place. .

Under his leadership, it didn't take long for everyone to come to the front of a barren mountain.

"No! The old monk did not sense the master's breath. If he is here, he should be able to sense his breath at this time."

Inside Lin Chen, the voice of the old monk's loss came.

"Master, don't be so disappointed, maybe your master is actually hiding on it, but has only reduced his breath? Let's go up and look for it!" Lin Chen said.

The old monk said: "The donor is expecting, what treasure will be left in the old monk master's residence?"

"Uh, this..." Lin Chen coughed dryly, "It doesn't matter what the baby is, it's mainly because I treat you as a friend, Master!"

Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and others looked away, and there was always a feeling that the old monk was watching them in Lin Chen's body.

In their hearts, naturally they were also thinking about the same idea as Lin Chen, if they weren't expecting something from here, they wouldn't be interested in coming over!

A red light flashed from Lin Chen's eyebrows.

In front of Lin Chen, a tall old monk appeared. His skin was scarlet red, and his body was filled with terrifying blood and hostility. His eyes were as red as blood, staring straight at Lin Chen.


Lin Chen was taken aback and stepped back.

Even if you are really thinking about hitting your master's treasure, it is reasonable. Who can't think about it carefully, there is no need to do it with me, right?

The appearance of the old monk was like a fierce beast who had to choose people to eat, making him feel hairy and dare not be careless.

Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and others were all taken aback and waited in full battle.

Taoyao, on the other hand, behaved very calmly, and said contemptuously: "It's a bunch of timid guys. Look what scared you. He has always been like this, he didn't deliberately target you!"

Always like this?

Lin Chen thought of the dark red, like a mountain that was infiltrated by blood, and immediately realized that the situation of the old monk was related to that mountain.

Perhaps the mountain was originally not dark red, but it was changed into that shape after some influence.

The old monk, being an instrumental spirit, is of course affected?

"No! The situation seems to be worse than before."

Tao Yao looked at the old monk carefully, her eyes became wary, and she blocked Lin Chen's front, "Smelly monk, what do you want to do when you come out?"

The old monk smiled, and an extremely peaceful atmosphere filled his body.

This feeling is very weird, like a combination of a holy monk who is compassionate to the world and an evil spirit who kills madly, it is difficult to distinguish good from evil.

"Several donors don't need to worry, the old monk did have some problems, but he can still control himself right now," the old monk said.

"Master, is your situation related to leaving the previous different space?" Lin Chen wondered.

The old monk nodded: "If you stay in that different space, the old monk's body will deteriorate slowly. If you leave there, the speed of deterioration will increase. The old monk originally thought that if you stay in the body of the donor, you can make a difference. Improve, but now it seems that you are not the master at all, and you can't play any role."

Lin Chen said guiltily: "Then I let you come out with me, didn't it hurt you?"

"No. Staying in that different space can't solve the fundamental problem. If you haven't waited until the master returns, the final result will be the same. The old monk came out to find the master this time to see what happened to him. I want to save myself."

The old monk slowly said, "The old monk can slow down the deterioration of his body by sleeping, but then he won't be able to find anyone. After thinking about it, he can only ask the donor for your help."

Lin Chen said: "Master, do you want me to help you find your master? Of course this is fine, but I don't have any clues at all. To find him, I'm afraid it is even thinner than finding a needle in a haystack."

The old monk said: "The old monk will tell you a few places. You can find some clues in those places. Don't worry, since I let you help, I will naturally not let you help in vain."

"Hey, Master, you are too polite!" Lin Chen looked forward to it, "I don't know how you want to thank me?"

Everyone was full of black lines, thinking that Lin Chen said that he didn't need to be too polite, and that he didn't need to reciprocate later.

The old monk said: "There is a treasure on this mountain that can jump from you to the true **** of the void from half a step."

Lin Chen missed a beat in his heart, there was a feeling of being hit by a pie from the sky, and then confused, and he was so surprised that he almost laughed.

It didn't take long for me to become a half-step true god. If you rely on yourself, you have to cross the half-step true **** and become the empty true god. I don't know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey.

Precisely because it took too long, so after becoming a half-step true god, he did not rush to continue to improve.

Originally, I wanted to deal with all the things here. It would be better to wait until a large amount of merit, and then go back to Yunmeng Ancient Realm to retreat and attack the Void True God.

As a result, now the other party actually said that there are treasures on this mountain, which can make him leap into the true **** of the void!

Lin Chen's breathing was a bit short: "Master, you... this is too polite."

"You don't want to accept it?" the old monk said.

Lin Chen looked like a cat with its tail trampled on, and said loudly, "What is this, Master, how can I refuse?"

"False!" Taoyao gave him a white look.

Lin Chen pretended not to hear, still a little unbelief in his heart that there was a treasure that could make himself a true **** of the void, and curiously said:

"Master, what kind of treasure is that that has such a miraculous effect?"

Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong looked at the old monk curiously. Although they were already vanity true gods, the treasures that the old monk had said were useless to them, but they were also surprised.

You know, it took a very long time for them to break through from the Half-Step True God to the Void True God.

The old monk smiled lightly and said, "It is the relic left over from the body of the old monk before his death."

"She... relics?"

Lin Chen was dumbfounded. He originally thought it was a treasure of heaven and earth, or a peerless pill that he had never seen before, but the other party actually said who was the relic left by his body?

Wasn't this old monk the tool spirit of that mountain? According to this idea, he also had a physical body, was he a living person, or a monster beast, not a tool spirit?

Lin Chen felt that the body of this old monk was filled with fog, which was more mysterious than he had imagined.

Whether it is the **** sight of that big mountain or the fact that the old monk once had a flesh body, it turned out to be a relic, everything is weird.