Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5133

Chapter 5133

The fifth thousand one hundred and thirty-third chapter is a bit like a dog leg?

"We have been investigating the reasons for the destruction of the Yinxu Realm, but as of today, there is no accurate answer."

Luosen said that this question, let alone him, is the entire group of evil demons outside the world, no one can answer it, naturally it is impossible to give Lin Chen an accurate answer.

"Two seniors, do you still want to ask?" Lin Chen looked at Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong.

After Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong asked a few questions, Lin Chen spoke again:

"Next, I plan to find a passage and go to the Yinxu Realm to take a look. As the saying goes, hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing! Do you have any opinions?"

"Yes! Let's go to the Yinxu Realm to see, I don't believe that the Yinxu Realm is really destroyed. That's impossible!"

Taoyao immediately agreed. In fact, she had decided that even if Lin Chen didn't want to go, she had to think about letting him go over there.

Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong didn't take the ruin of the Yinxu realm seriously. They were more concerned about whether the situation on the Yinxu realm would cause greater damage to the Yangxu realm or the ancient Yunmeng realm in the future. Influence?

Also, since there are so many chances in the Yinxu Realm, then if you wait for someone to go over, maybe you can also get some treasures!

In this way, naturally there is no objection.

Lin Chen asked Luo Sen again, wanting to ask him about a ready-made space channel that can go directly to the Yinxu realm.

Luo Sen didn't disappoint him, he really said a spatial passage that had just appeared not long ago, telling Lin Chen that as long as he went there, he could use the spatial passage to enter the Yinxu realm.

It was also said that there was still a problem with that space channel. It could only enter but not exit, so Lin Chen and others didn't need to worry. When they entered, they happened to encounter an out-of-bounds evil spirit.

"Aren't you deliberately lying, leading us to die there, right?" Yue Kong said with a vigilant expression on his face.

Dongfang Ji nodded: "Be cautious. Maybe there are god-king-level outside demons waiting for us to cast our traps!"

Lin Chen also thought about it, the words of the evil demon outside the world could not be believed anyway.

He looked at Taoyao, asked Taoyao to take action, and controlled Luosen's consciousness for questioning.

Although Tao Yao was far superior to Luosen in strength, he was still in the realm of the Void True God Realm after all. If Luosen had the will to resist, Tao Yao would have some difficulty in directly controlling his consciousness.

However, Luosen knew that he couldn't resist, he simply cooperated and let the opponent control.

After asking the questions I asked before, including everything about the Yinxu Realm, after getting the same answer, Lin Chen and others really let go of their guard.

"In that case, it should not be too late. We will now leave for the Yinxu Realm."

Lin Chen's tone was a little impatient, and he looked at Taoyao, meaning that she wanted to tell her how to leave from here and return to the outside world.

"I've never left here, how do I know how to leave?" Tao Yao replied frankly, making Lin Chen hardly know what to say.

At this time, colorful spots of light flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and gathered in front of him into a light gate six or seven meters high, and the gate slowly opened.

"Thank you senior!" Lin Chen was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

He was thanking the spirit of the mountain in his body. Obviously, this was the other party's handwriting.

Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and others hurriedly followed to thank you. Although the old monk had never really made a move from start to finish, his ability to suppress Taoyao meant that he was afraid that he would have power comparable to the king of gods, so they could not be afraid of them. !

Flew into the three-pointed real and seven-pointed gate, and recovered, Lin Chen and others appeared at an altitude of several thousand meters.

Looking down, it was the familiar island. They had entered the different space through the canyon in the middle of the island.

"Finally came out!"

For Lin Chen, the experience this time was not long, so it wasn't a memorable one.

Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong, Qing Prison God Sovereign, and Tian Lan breathed a long sigh of relief. They were trapped inside before, really thinking that they would never be able to come out.

Taoyao looked around, curious about the outside world.

"You come to lead the way, we will go to the entrance of that space now, remember, don't be careful, if there is any accident, I will, uh...no, she killed you the first time!"

As Lin Chen said, he pointed to Taoyao who was on the side, quite a bit of a fake tiger.

There is no way, even if Luosen is controlled right now, but at any rate he is still the upper Void True God, even if the other party allows him to kill, he may not be able to do anything with the other party, maybe he will fall into the other party's hands.

Tao Yao was very cooperative, stretched out her palm, looking like she was about to shoot.

She muttered in her heart: "It's strange, I'm the master, right! How do you feel, I look a bit like a dogleg now? No! I'm the master, after all, should I shoot him to death in the end? It's up to me to decide."

On the way, just passing by the island where Jianyu Pavilion was located, Lin Chen remembered something and asked everyone to follow him to Jianyu Pavilion.

He mainly wanted to ask if Guo Yuer had helped to find out any useful news during this period of time.

Guo Yuer was surprised and delighted when he saw Lin Chen's sudden arrival. Even though Xuan said embarrassingly, he had not investigated the kind of space channel that Lin Chen was looking for.

"However, I just received another message!" She added immediately after she finished speaking for fear of Lin Chen's dissatisfaction.

"what news?"

Guo Yuer said: "Just a few days ago, there was a terrible battle on Solo Island. It is said that the members of the Sea God Palace were dead and injured.

Wasn't there originally an enchantment around Solo Island? The enchantment was destroyed by the battle, and even half of the island was destroyed by the battle! "

This news really surprised everyone.

"Under what circumstances, is it possible that the outsider evil spirits and the people of Sea God Palace are in conflict?" Yue Kong looked surprised, Sea God Palace is just a running dog of outside evil spirits, can he have such courage?

Moreover, since there is such a big movement, it means that the two sides still have to fight. If it is a unilateral crush, there will be no movement at all.

Sea God Palace can actually fight the evil demons outside the world to make you come and me?

Luosen showed a suspicious look, and immediately sneered: "With the courage of the waste from the Sea God Palace, they will definitely not dare to do anything with us again."

The Azure Prison God has long rebelled out of Sea God Palace. He didn't take it seriously when he heard that the people in Sea God Palace were rubbish. He even agreed: "The people in Sea God Palace really don't have the courage! Most of those who have the courage are dead. In the last conflict."

"If you are not from the Sea God Palace, then..."

Lin Chen and Dongfang Ji were shocked, and they had the same thought in their minds. Could it be that the rest of the Demon Suppression Army finally came to the Underworld Realm?