Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5007

Chapter 5007

The fifth thousand and seventh chapter is white and long legs

For the vast majority of creatures on the Middle-earth Continent, these existences are legendary things, far away from real life.

When Lin Chen said that he could bring out two Yunmeng Supreme Treasures, everyone had already determined that he was talking nonsense.

In particular, it is even more nonsense to say that you want to use two Yunmeng Supreme Treasures in exchange for one.

If it weren't for seeing his powerful strength just now, I'm afraid that people have already laughed out loud, mocking him and deceiving people without using their brains.

"If I bring out the Yunmeng Supreme Treasure, do you believe me?" Lin Chen did not get angry.

The sturdy woman was suspicious. What do you mean, this guy really has the Yunmeng Supreme Treasure. If he has the Yunmeng Supreme Treasure, what kind of strength does this guy have?

At least he is also a master class powerhouse!

Even, it is impossible for ordinary world masters to possess the Yunmeng Supreme Treasure.

"Okay! I don't believe it, you can really take it out." The sturdy woman nodded with solemn eyes.

Suddenly, a pair of dark red wings appeared behind Lin Chen, surrounded by colorful streams of light, looking very mysterious, filled with mysterious energy fluctuations.

The people watching outside the door stared curiously at the wings behind Lin Chen.

"Is this the treasure of Yunmeng?"

"Whether it is Yunmeng Zhibao or not, it definitely looks like a treasure!"

"Naturally it is a treasure, but the ordinary Chaos Supreme Treasure, isn't it a baby? Even the supreme artifact, isn't it a baby? Maybe this person is bullying everyone who has never seen Yunmeng Supreme, so --"

People's curious discussion was interrupted by a violent drink.

"Shut up all to me!"

Everyone was startled, and only then did they find the short and sturdy woman, staring frantically at the wings behind Lin Chen, and muttered in her mouth:

"The treasure of Yunmeng! It turned out to be the treasure of Yunmeng?"

Lin Chen said in his heart, this iron barbarian clan is working with the refining tool, it seems that he has some abilities.

The woman in front of me is just a mid-immortal stage, and replaced by other ascetics of the same level as her, I am afraid that she does not have enough eyesight at all to determine what level of treasure "Amaterasu Chasing Divine Wings" is.

And she just glanced at it to determine the level, and there was only admiration in her tone, no doubt!

"Now, do you believe what I just said?" Lin Chen asked.

In fact, if he is asked to take out the other two Yunmeng Treasures now, he can't take them out, but this is not important. What is important is that he is confident that his future self will never be stumped by the two Yunmeng Treasures.

Right now, what needs to be done is to understand clearly whether this Iron Man can upgrade his Xuanyuan Spear to Yunmeng Supreme Treasure!

With a reluctant gaze, the sturdy woman retracted from the wings behind Lin Chen, looked at Lin Chen, and said:

"You must swear by Dao Xin that you will not do things that are detrimental to our Iron Barbarians."

"Yes. As long as you don't know what to do, and if you turn to trouble me, naturally, I won't trouble you."

Lin Chen simply swears with Dao Xin, but he also added a prerequisite, that is, the other party will not provoke him in reverse.

The strong woman actually knows that even so, there is no guarantee that the other party will not be disadvantageous to the Iron Barbarian, but she is more clear:

A cultivator who possesses the most precious treasure of Yunmeng is at least a realm master, and he is not an ordinary realm master.

In front of such a person, let alone running away, even trying to keep any secrets is impossible.

The other party can easily control his own consciousness and get any information he wants to know from his own mouth.

So far, this person has been discussing with himself, and he hasn't relied on his strength to be tough. From this point of view, it is relatively reliable.

"Msang Gong, you are waiting here, I will take them to the Hui clan." The sturdy woman looked at the dark middle-aged man on the side.

The height of the dark middle-aged man is very ordinary, but still a head taller than this sturdy woman who is less than 1.4 meters.

Before long, Lin Chen and his party followed behind the strong woman and left the city.

Lin Chen looked at Ye Yiren and others apologetically. Just as he was about to speak, Ye Yiren smiled softly:

"No need to feel sorry, we are also very interested in this iron barbarian. For us, this may be a more interesting experience."

Su Xiran also smiled and said, "Just treat this as part of the tour."

Wu Qianye said coldly: "This is the first time I have been said to be ugly. I have to go over and see if the aesthetics of their Iron Barbarians are as deformed as hers!"

The rest of the women nodded in agreement after hearing the words.

When the strong woman heard this, she kept her lips secretly.

A few hours later, Lin Chen and his party followed the sturdy woman to a snow-covered plateau.

When the sturdy woman fell downward, Lin Chen and others thought that the Tieman clan was somewhere on this plateau.

As a result, after the opponent fell to the ground, he directly pushed a few hundred meters high, with a dark cave below.

"Come with me!"

After the strong woman said a word, she jumped into it.

"This iron barbarian originally lives deep underground."

Lin Chen became more curious about this mysterious group.

When he saw his parents and the daughters were equally curious, he was relieved, as long as they were not bored.

I clearly said that during this period of time, I would use it to accompany them, but in the end I still came to deal with his own affairs. Lin Chen felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Let's go! Dad, let's go and see, this Iron Barbarian clan, are they all the same as the woman just now, looking like a black bump."

Lin Panpan looked expectant and jumped into the dark cave first.

After the dark passage that turned around, Lin Chen and the others simply doubted whether what they saw in front of them was located deep underground.

Because in front of them, there is a majestic huge city, and above it is a huge burning ball of fire, which looks like a small sun.

The buildings of this city are all made of spar and steel. It is a real steel city. With the magnificent spar, it has a breath of iron and blood, and at the same time has a dreamy beauty.

However, when I saw a group of short and strong Iron Barbarian tribes flying here from the city.

The city suddenly became less beautiful.

The words spoken by this group of Iron Barbarian tribes made the hearts of all the girls unhappy.

"Tia, why did you bring a group of foreigners back."

"Look at them, these foreign women are white and have long legs. Their eyes are not only big but also not round enough. I am afraid that the muscles on their bodies are not even one-tenth of mine! They are too ugly! !"

"Yeah! Not strong at all, only our Iron Barbarian women are as beautiful as a mountain!"