Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 4974

Chapter 4974

"Brother Lin, did you make a mistake, 1 merit point? Isn't this kidding us?"

Qin Kunyu was speechless, if it wasn't for Lin Chen that he could not afford to provoke him, then he would have been angry.

A merit point is indeed not a small amount for the ordinary lower-level realm masters, and for ordinary ascetics, it is a fortune, but for them, is this a beggar?

Especially, if things are done, what Lin Chen can get is a cloud dream treasure and an ancient secret method.

In such a comparison, it seemed that Lin Chen had no sincerity at all.

"You are right, I am just kidding you!"

Lin Chen's expression sank slightly: "I'm quite curious, how thick-skinned you are that you are embarrassed to want something with me?

Do you think I am very rare that Yunmeng treasures and secret methods? It sounds amazing, but what is the probability of getting it? If you are not careful, you will lose your life!

If you can, I would rather you haven't been to me at all. You dragged me into this fire pit, and I didn't bother you, so you still come to me for benefits?

joke! I'm going to the Yunya Desert now, if you love it or not. If I can find it alone, it doesn't need you at all; if I can't find it alone, plus you, most of it won't be found at all! "

After Lin Chen finished speaking coldly, he flew to the front and stopped talking to Qin Kunyu.

Qin Kunyu looked at the direction of Lin Chen's disappearance and muttered, "This guy is too arrogant!"

"He was right. Wouldn't it be annoying if it was you?" Teng Yuan sighed.

Qin Kunyu thought for a while, if someone came to him and said that he was taking him to find a chance, but he was dragged into the fire pit, and he would lose his life if he was not careful.

Then, I am afraid that I would have held a grudge long ago, wishing to kill the other party!

Thinking about it this way, he felt a sudden in his heart, and he didn't care about complaining, and said anxiously: "Does this guy hold a grudge against us?" "Now, nothing else matters. The important thing is whether we can run the snake well. The matter explained. If it is not handled well, then it will be fatal. Is he holding a grudge, and what is the difference? This matter, he is indeed dragged down by us

water. Let's go! "

Teng Yuan chased after Lin Chen disappeared.

Qin Kunyu and Linghu Mu quickly followed.

Their current location is to the southeast of Middle-earth Continent, and looking at the entire Middle-earth, they are relatively close to the Yunya Desert in the south.

However, the area of Middle-Earth Continent was too vast, and it took Lin Chen and his party a little half a month to finally reach the Yunya Desert.

"Here, this is the Yunya Desert!"

Lin Chen and a few people were suspended in the sky of several thousand meters.

Below them, there was a huge desert with yellow sand flying all over the sky without seeing the end.

The scorching sun was scorching the earth, and this desert was as hot as an oven. Looking around, Lin Chen didn't see the slightest vigour and greenery. "Now, the information we know is that the oasis is located in the northwest of the Yunya Desert and is covered with red cherry trees. Although the northwest of the Yunya Desert is still very large, but with our ability, we must Oasis searched it out, it's not

What is difficult. "

Teng Yuan said in a tone as relaxed as possible.

Qin Kunyu said, "That's the case. But I'm afraid that the oasis has already disappeared, and there is no spring in the depths of the earth! If that is the case, even if we dig three thousand meters, it is impossible to find anything.

Speaking of which, this possibility is not small! After all, the monster was a **** king in the ancient times, and hasn't left its lair since he fell asleep.

After so many years, the vicissitudes of life, everything has been very different, it is really possible that nothing will be found.

Think about it, although you don't know what the Qinglian is, it is definitely a good thing. After so many years, it is very likely that others have been taken first by others. We"

Qin Kunyu said, and found that the other three people were staring at him with annoyed eyes.

"Close your crow's mouth! Only you are smart, aren't you?"

Teng Yuan cursed angrily.

Several people flew to the northwest, releasing their spiritual minds at the same time, spreading in all directions, conducting large-scale exploration.

As Teng Yuan said, although the northwestern part of the Yunya Desert occupies a vast area, as long as the divine mind is not isolated, it is not difficult to search it again with their detection ability.

The four searched separately.

Two days later, they returned to their original location and gathered, but they did not gain anything, and did not find the oasis full of red cherry trees. "Red cherry tree is a very common tree on the Middle-earth Continent. It originated in the country of Thousand Sakura in the east, but the so-called common is also common in the eastern region. Under normal circumstances, this kind of desert should not exist. A tree full of red cherry trees

oasis. "

"Normal and abnormal, it's not important! The important thing is, can we find it?"

"The facts are already in front of us, and they can't be found! It seems that maybe that oasis has disappeared a long time ago. Wouldn't we have to wait for death obediently?"

Qin Kunyu and Linghu Mu looked anxious.

Teng Yuan's face was also very ugly, but he acted calmly, and yelled:

"Shut up to me, and Tengshe gave us 20 years. We are only searching for two days. What's so desperate about it."

He looked at Lin Chen and found that Lin Chen was still calm: "Brother Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Chen looked around the endless desert, and slowly said:

"After so many years, the oasis may have really disappeared, but the spring water deep underground may not disappear with it.

I suggest that we continue to search for the next three months. But this time, what we want to search is not the northwestern part of the Yunya Desert, but the entire desert! Not only to look for the oasis, but most importantly, to check all the deep underground. The ancient times are too far away from today. Maybe the spring water from that year still exists, but it was transferred to other places through the movement of the earth's crust.

The location is gone. "

"Crustal movement?" Qin Kunyu was confused.

Lin Chen said, "You don't need to understand this. In short, just do as I said!"

After a while, the four separated again.

In three months, they almost turned the entire Yunya Desert upside down, but when they got together again.

"Still no one gains?"

After Lin Chen listened to the other three's narration, his heart sank slowly.

It's hardly possible that the so-called oasis and the spring water deep in the ground really disappeared long ago because of the age.

Since the spring water disappeared, naturally it is impossible to find the so-called blue lotus. In other words, let alone get the Yunmeng Supreme Treasure and the Secret Technique, he is even destined to not escape this catastrophe?