Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 4872

Chapter 4872

After a moment of astonishment, Hundred Eyed Ghost frowned and stared at Lin Chen, and sneered:

"Naturally I want to kill you, but it is not the time right now. The ruler of Chi Yao is right. The most urgent thing at the moment is to find out the ancient corpse and kill the disaster at the source. If you and I fight each other now, it will not be When the threat of the ancient corpse is erased, it will first be divided internally, and it may evolve into a catastrophe that all creatures cannot escape. At that time, whether it is your Xuanhuang Universe or our Canglan Universe, both

Will be implicated. "

"Seeing that you look like a human three-pointer, and a beast seven-pointer, I didn't expect to know that the overall situation is the most important thing, not without thinking." Lin Chen muttered.

In his heart, he temporarily turned off the thought of shooting the Hundred Eyed Ghost.

Although he wanted to kill everyone in "Canglan Universe", what the other party said was correct, and it was indeed not the time for infighting.

The Hundred Eyed Ghost was so angry that Lin Chen gritted his teeth.

In fact, if she is willing, although she can't completely change into another person's appearance like Lin Chen, but with the control of flesh and blood, it is still very simple to make herself look much better.

She showed her true face because of her strength, no matter how she looked, others would never dare to criticize her. It did not mean that she could accept others' mockery of her appearance.

"After that ancient corpse is destroyed, I will tear you up alive!"

The Hundred Eyed Ghost stared at Lin Chen, his face was as fierce as a ghost, his eyes were full of fierce light.

Lin Chen curled his lips disapprovingly: "You have that ability, you can try it at any time."


At this moment, an astonishing storm came in the distance, pushing the surrounding white fog back.

A huge golden energy pillar rose up in the sky and appeared in the sight of Lin Chen and Hundred Eyed Ghost.

The giant golden energy pillar was even more dazzling than a burning star. Lin Chen squinted his eyes, still feeling a tingling sensation in his eyes.

To be sure, the place where the giant column appeared was extremely far away from the side where Lin Chen and Hundred Eyed Ghost were, but it still seemed extremely clear.

In the storm that swept across, Lin Chen sensed a familiar aura.

"It's the breath of Linlong rule!" Lin Chen's eyes lit up.

"Could it be that he met the ancient corpse and is fighting the ancient corpse?" The Hundred Eyed Ghost immediately had a guess.

Lin Chen carefully sensed it, and shook his head: "Except for the breath of Linlong ruler, there is nothing else. It is not fighting against the ancient corpse, but in this way, he is telling us his position and letting everyone pass him. Converge over there! The Lord of Linlong is really a brave artist, he is not afraid to touch any mechanism here, he is not afraid, the ancient corpse noticed the movement before us, and then rushed to his side? The oldest prince, really confident

It's very! "

Immediately, Lin Chen turned into a streamer and swept in the direction where the golden giant pillar was.

The Hundred Eyed Ghost hurriedly followed.

Holy meteor restricted area, another location.

"Is that the method used by Linlong to dominate?"

When Emperor Ming saw the beam of light in the distance, his face was filled with joy.

He is not alone, there is an old woman beside him, who is the master of Xuyuan Universe.

The place where the two appeared, just not far apart, quickly merged, thinking about how to find other people, they saw a huge golden energy pillar in the sky, and in the storm that swept across, they sensed the breath of Linlong's dominance. .

The two were overjoyed, and were about to fly in the direction where the golden energy pillar was.

In the next second, a breath enveloped them.

They only felt that there was a chill rushing from the soles of their feet to their foreheads, their backs were chilly, their scalp numb, and a strong sense of palpitations filled their hearts.

Almost at the same time, Emperor Ming and Lord Ming Ling turned around.

Their hearts trembled fiercely, because they saw that a mummy was standing behind them at some unknown time.

The corpse was looking at them with extremely indifferent eyes.

It was the ancient corpse they came to look for this time!

Although Emperor Ming had never seen this ancient corpse before, he had seen the appearance of the master of Mingling before, and he recognized it in an instant.

The appearance of the ancient corpse was somewhat different from the portrait that appeared before Mingling ruled.

His body is still shriveled, but the outline of his facial features are much clearer, and the cracks on his body have almost disappeared!

"There is food delivered again, very good..."

The ancient corpse's eyes fell on the two of them, and his voice was hoarse and low, giving people a sense of weakness and weakness.

Emperor Ming's face was extremely ugly, and he communicated with Ming Ling's master:

"It seems that in the previous situation, the reason why we and others were separated may be this guy's handwriting.

Calm down, the two of us will join forces and delay for a while. As long as there is some movement, maybe Linlong will come to support them soon if they dominate. "

Mingling nodded, and said gravely: "Fight with him! His speed is not comparable to ours. If you choose to escape, you will not have the slightest way to survive. If you want to live, you must fight him and fight for miracles."

Emperor Ming nodded in agreement.

In the next instant, the two of them shouted almost at the same time: "Do it!"

Immediately afterwards, each of them used powerful methods, their aura skyrocketed, and at the same time they used body type chaos magical skills, bursting out of extreme speed.

What is shocking is that the two of them clearly said that they were fighting with the ancient corpse, but they turned around at the same time and fled in different directions!

After detecting each other's movements, they all secretly scolded each other for being cunning, and even wanted to cheat themselves!

"This guy wants to lie to me to delay time, so as to give her a chance to escape!" Ming Emperor cursed secretly in his heart.

In fact, he didn't think the same way.

These two guys not only have the same words in their titles, but they are also very insidious, and both want to cheat each other.

His speed is indeed inferior to that ancient corpse, but it is not important, as long as he escapes faster than the people around him!

A brief astonishment appeared on the face of the ancient corpse, and it seemed that these two guys fled before fighting, which is completely different from what they said.

After the Emperor Ming escaped a certain distance, he looked back and found that the ancient corpse hadn't caught up with him, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hahaha! I was lucky, he went to chase the master of Mingling. It seems that the last time the master of Mingling escaped from him, it probably made him unhappy, so this time, let the master of Mingling be the first goal?"

The Emperor Ming was overjoyed, and only then turned his direction and flew towards the golden energy pillar.

As long as you reach the Linlong ruler, there will be no more danger if you want to come. However, after a while, Emperor Underworld noticed that the aura of that ancient corpse once again enveloped him, and he almost screamed in horror.