Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Silly Woman

"I..." Xiang Huowu's tone suffocated, and facing Lin Chen at this time, she was indeed a little scared in her heart.

"Lin Chen, forget it." Leng Hanyan pleaded for help.

Lin Chen frowned: "You are a stupid girl, they caught you, and you even pleaded for her in turn?"

"If it wasn't for her, I would be insulted by others, so, Lin Chen, let her go, anyway, her second grandfather has also been taught now." Leng Hanyan is still soft-hearted, thinking of Xiang Huowu's words just now Stop the feminine young man, and can't help but plead for help.

Lin Chen was a little puzzled at first, but it quickly came back. What did Leng Hanyan mean, after all, she was so beautiful, it was inevitable that these men would move their minds.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Huowu would also stop those people.

"Huh! Even if that is the case, she was originally a participant. Using such a mean trick and threatening with a woman, I'm so sorry that you have always been showing how proud it is." Lin Chen said coldly at the end. Xiang Huowu gave a glance, but the coldness in his eyes finally dissipated a lot.

Xiang Huowu was speechless by Lin Chen, she was ashamed to the extreme, she also felt so shameless, but she could not disobey the meaning of the family. The children of the big family are not what you want to do. of.

"Let's go." Lin Chen took Leng Hanyan's hand and walked outside.

The culprit of this incident is the Qi family's major and minor Qi Chenghan after all. For this Xiang family's old man, he doesn't have to kill him.

Since Leng Hanyan began to plead, she would no longer ignore it.

Xiang Huowu watched Lin Chen and Leng Hanyan leave, and her eyes were a little complicated. When she first saw Lin Chen, she felt that he couldn't even compare with Zhou Yi. Now, she doesn't even have the qualification to play against him. No more.

What the first ancient martial genius in South China Province, in front of this person, his name is really ridiculous.

After walking out of the abandoned factory building for a while, Lin Chen suddenly stumbled and nearly fell.

Leng Hanyan was startled and quickly supported Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." Lin Chen shook his head.

At this time, the blood red on his face faded away, and he became a little bloody, his steps were vain, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

He used to take the blood-burning pill. Although this pill can greatly improve his strength in a short period of time, it is comparable to the congenital mid-term strong. The side effects are not particularly large, but it is not small. There is no strength, if this situation encounters the old Xiang family or one of the one-eyed dragon, he is estimated to have to explain here.

Leng Hanyan couldn't see where Lin Chen was lying, and supported Lin Chen, blaming herself: "It's all me, if I'm not so stupid, and they won't be deceived by them, this kind of thing won't happen."

"Deceived? How did they deceive you?" Lin Chen was a little curious in his heart. How did the other party quietly bring Leng Hanyan out, but the Leng family didn't know anything about it.

"Just... the girl just now, called me and said, she... she is your woman and said that I robbed her man and wanted to have a good talk with me, so I came over. Lin Chen, I ... Am I stupid? I was just cheated like this?" Leng Hanyan blamed herself.

Lin Chen heard that, but it was a bit distressed, Leng Hanyan's appearance and family are impeccable, for ordinary people, she is undoubtedly a goddess-like existence, but such she, but with a kind of small three Mentality, come out and meet people.

If she didn't really love herself, how could she be like that.

"You are not stupid, but stupid." Lin Chen said.

Leng Hanyan blinked her eyes wide, wondering: "Is stupid and silly different?"

"Stupid is stupid, and stupid is stupid because he can't extricate himself," Lin Chen said.

"What can't help yourself?" Leng Hanyan still didn't understand.

"Of course it's love that I can't extricate myself." Lin Chen said a little shamelessly.


Leng Hanyan's face suddenly turned red, "Only...not at all."

Lin Chen smiled, clutching her bright white hands tightly, Leng Hanyan blushed even more, symbolically struggling twice, and then let him hold it.

At this time, Leng Hanyan supported Lin Chen and held a small hand by him. The two of them leaned together. Haoyue was in the sky, the stars were scattered, and Wan Lai was still, like a beautiful painting.

They can even feel each other's breathing and smell each other.

Leng Hanyan has a good smell on her body, while Lin Chen has a manly, or sweaty smell...

After all, they ran all the way.

"Han Yan, let me tell you something about me and your sister." Lin Chen said.

"Sister?" Leng Hanyan stunned, he was the only daughter, where is the sister?

Lin Chen said with a red face: "It's my other woman, isn't it your sister?"

When he said this, he felt a little ashamed, and he felt a little shameless.

Leng Hanyan gave him a glance. This bad guy even described his other women as his own sister. Do you still want to sleep in the same family?

However, she was indeed interested in Lin Chen's other women. She didn't ask before, but she was afraid of embarrassment.

She also knew that Lin Chen wanted to tell her this because she was afraid that something would happen again tonight.

Seeing that Leng Hanyan didn't object, Lin Chen laughed a few times, and then told her about Su Xiran and Zhang Yuerong. In the end, even Ye Yiren also told her about her.

After all, I will go to the wedding of Qi Ye's two families tomorrow. This matter cannot be concealed.

As for people like An Xueyao and Meng Xiaowan, there are some entanglements, but he is not sure about anything. He naturally didn't say anything. After all, although Leng Hanyan has a good personality, she might annoy her.

Lin Chen only told Leng Hanyan that there are two women, but now she says three, and there is an extra Ye Yiren. Although Leng Hanyan didn't say anything, she still couldn't help staring at Lin Chen for a few times, some You complain.

But when she listened to Lin Chen talking about the story with Ye Yiren, looking at Lin Chen's sad face, she felt a little bit distressed.

Unexpectedly, this Ye Yi person had such a deep relationship with Lin Chen, and Lin Chen ran out of the village because of her stimulation.

If it weren't for her, maybe she would not meet Lin Chen?

In that case, your final result may be forced to marry Zhou Yi.

Thinking so, Leng Hanyan felt a little grateful to Ye Yiren.

Lin Chen had nothing to hide from Leng Hanyan. When Leng Hanyan heard Lin Chen say that the other party had secretly given Lin Chen the first time, and even did not even say anything to him, Leng Hanyan was sure that Ye Yiren I must love Lin Chen very much.

Only when you love deeply, will you only think about giving and not expecting rewards.

But she did not say her own thoughts. These things must be clarified by Lin Chen.

"Tomorrow is her wedding banquet, then you go, at least, don't leave any regrets." Leng Hanyan said softly.

Lin Chen nodded, and the sadness in his eyes disappeared. He was not a person who liked to indulge in his memories. Seeing Leng Hanyan looked at herself with some worry, he said with a smirk: "Well, I did go back. Hehe Our thoughts are exactly the same. There is a tacit understanding. No wonder Han Yan will become my wife."

Leng Hanyan blushed a little, and she was a little bit ashamed, and then hummed softly: "Huh! Who is your wife, you are a big radish, you just wait, wait for me and...and your sisters to clean up with you!"