Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 4021

Chapter 4021

It was like taking a picture of a honeycomb, and there were at least tens of thousands of people pouring out of the blood cloud tribe, which was why Lin Qizhi was taken aback and ran beside Lin Chen.

Among the people she sensed, there was a very dangerous atmosphere, and her strength was much stronger than her, which she couldn't deal with.

A group of youths beaten like pigs' heads. When they saw these people from the tribe, they were full of joy and stared at Lin Qizhi for the first youth.

"Bitch! Wait for me, I will definitely play to you!"


Just after the words, Lin Chen kicked his face. The young man screamed, his face was bloody, lying on the ground, and he had turned into a corpse. His round eyes were full of consternation, and he seemed to have no idea that the people of his own tribe had come out. I dare to kill myself

"As long as I am alive, no one can bully my woman, or even have that thought. Since you are looking for death, then I will give you a ride!"

Lin Chen looked at the corpse of the young man, his tone was indifferent. With his current state and heart, he would not easily be irritated, but he has his counter scale, and if he touches it, he will die!

When Lin Qizhi heard this, her eyes were extremely charming. If it were not for the moment, she just wanted Lin Chen to take out the bed in the Shen He Tower...


"Asshole! This kid killed Pei Shen!"

"Damn the guy, dare to kill the people of our blood cloud tribe, and still run to the front of our tribe to kill! This is simply a provocation to our tribe!"

"Kill him and avenge Pei Shen!"

"Yes! We must kill him, otherwise, where will our tribe's face be placed? If other tribes on the snowfield know this, we will definitely laugh at our incompetence!"

The sounds coming and going from behind were like waves coming in, Lin Chen turned around, and then put on a pair of murderous eyes, as if he wished to swallow him alive.

Lin Chen's face was plain, and his eyes fell on the headed old man.

The breath of this old man is the strongest within a few hundred miles except him.

He has also judged the realm of the old man according to his breath.

The existence of a late period of immortality is, for ordinary monks, a super strong person above him. For him, the ants are nothing more.

In front of these guys, not to mention tens of thousands of people, that is, millions of people, in the face of a huge gap in strength, Lin Chen waved to kill.

The leader of the Blood Cloud Tribe is also looking at Lin Chen. Seeing Lin Chen facing himself and others, he still looks disapproving. He is angry in his heart and thinks this kid is too arrogant!

He snorted coldly, letting the rush to rush over to stop Lin Chen's clan, and then stared at Lin Chen, said coldly:

"Who is your lord? It is too rampant to run to our blood cloud tribe and kill our tribe!"

Lin Chen shook his head: "It's not that I'm mad, but that he's trying to kill himself. If he didn't shoot me first, I wouldn't shoot him. When he first shot it was a trick, then it would be reasonable for me to kill him."

The leader of the Blood Cloud tribe said coldly: "You speak lightly! With his strength, it is impossible to kill you. Even if he kills you, there is no possibility of success, and you will not be in any danger.

This is not a big mistake at all. You don't care about others, kill him, undoubtedly don't take our tribe in the eyes! "

Lin Qizhi said angrily: "Wow! Do you have to be shameless, what does it mean not to make a big mistake, and dare to feel that Lin Chen is strong enough, he can play the killer? If Lin Chen is not strong enough, he will have died in him On your hands!"

The leader of the blood cloud tribe coldly said: "There is nothing if. The end result is that he is not dead, but the people of our tribe are dead! After all, it is you who deceive people too much!"

Lin Qizhi was so annoyed by the logic of the other party that his brain was going to smoke, how could there be such a shameless person.

"I'm so deceiving, and what can you do with me?" Lin Chen was not interested in explaining, but just asked back.

The old man's face was gloomy, and he glanced at the other tribe elders beside him.

Almost at the same time, he and three elders rushed to Lin Chen at the same time!

"This kid is dead! The leader and the three elders are all immortal powerhouses. The four of them joined forces. Even if this kid is even more powerful, don't want to leave alive."

"From his understatement of Pei Kun, who killed Zheng Daojing, he should also be a strong immortal realm, with a high probability of the early immortal realm, and possibly the middle of the immortal realm!

The strength is indeed not weak, so I developed a self-righteous character! But dare to be arrogant in front of our leader, still to death! This is not a place where he can be arrogant. "

"In my opinion, the leader is too cautious. Why do you want to join forces with the three elders, and the leader himself is more than enough to kill him!"

Seeing that his leader and three elders joined forces to deal with Lin Chen, the blood cloud tribe's clan, whispering, as if they had already seen the end.

In words, I don't worry about any accidents at all.

But as soon as they spoke, Lin Chen waved his right hand as if driving away the flies.

The four leaders of the blood cloud tribe rushing to Lin Chen at a rapid speed screamed like a baseball that was beaten back, flew back, smashed many tribes, and there was a scream!

The scene fell into silence!

The people of the Blood Cloud Tribe first buzzed their brains, and immediately looked at Lin Chen, and took a few steps back in horror. That kind of reaction was like an elk seeing a tiger and realizing that the other party is simply unmatched.

The leader and the three elders join forces, and it's just that they aren't opponents.

The key is that they flew back when they waved their hands?

This not only means that it is not a rival of others, but also represents that the strength of the two sides is not a level at all, and there should be many realms in the middle!

"You... who are you? What is the purpose of coming to our Blood Cloud tribe! Our Blood Cloud tribe has absolutely not offended your level of existence. Is there any misunderstanding in the middle?"

The leader of the Blood Cloud tribe climbed up from the ground and looked at Lin Chen. The anger and killing intention in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by fright.

Before, I wanted to find Lin Chen to settle the accounts, saying that Lin Chen was too rampant, and now it is desperately explaining to Lin Chen, there must be some misunderstanding between us.

The contrast between the front and the back is simply staggering!

Lin Chen ignored him, looked at somewhere in the crowd, stretched out his hand and grabbed a figure, and flew out of the crowd towards Lin Chen and Lin Qizhi.

"Blue?" Lin Qizhi saw the flying person, surprised, and immediately rushed towards the man. As a result, her hand was held by someone. She turned to look at Lin Chen, who was holding her back, and she saw Lin Chen's expression: "She is not blue!"