Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3941

Chapter 3941

Xue Huayuan led the way, Lin Chen and Xue Hen and others walked behind him and walked through the snow.

Xuehen looked at the expressionless Lin Chen next to his eyes, hesitated, and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Chen's clothes, his voice softly said:

"Are you still angry with Xue Huayuan?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "He is not yet qualified to make me sulky. Furthermore, although I don't like his behavior, it is also clear that his behavior is normal in the eyes of the vast majority of creatures on the original continent.

Slaves are equivalent to the owner's private property, whatever you want to do, even many slaves think so. I was just thinking..." He sounded and his eyes were firm: "I can't change this world of weak meat and strong food, nor can I change people's ideas, so I must become very powerful, so that everyone in this world not only dares not To provoke me, not to bully me

The person beside. Never let anyone who is important to me become a slave slaughtered by others! "

Xue Chen looked at Lin Chen at the moment, and only felt that there was a flash of light in Lin Chen's eyes. She felt that her heart was beating a little faster.

"Is there something on my face?" Lin Chen stared at Xuechen with a stunned look and touched his face.


Xuehen's face was red, and he shook his head.

She remembered what Xue Shuangyue had said to her when she was in the Tower of God Prison.

Xue Shuangyue said, you must explain to Lin Chen, Miss, the person you like is him, and the person you kissed is also him, otherwise, he has a misunderstanding in his heart, the relationship between the two of you will never progress.

Xue Hen blushed and retorted: I did not say that I liked him, nor did I think of any progress with him.

Xue Shuangyue asked with a straight face, did you really think so? If this is true, I will never mention this matter in front of you again.

Hearing her say, Xuehen opened her mouth and said nothing.

She just found out that it seems that she is not only not repelling, but also quite happy with Xue Shuangyue's matchmaking between herself and Lin Chen?

Why is it so, do you really like Lin Chen?

She didn't even know what she liked, and she couldn't answer this question.

Finally, she told Xueshuangyue that she would not put her mind on the feelings of men and women before removing the Demon Eye Clan.

At this moment, Xue Shuangyue held her fast beating heart, and a thought came to her mind.

'If it's the future, the Demon Eye Clan can be removed and the Celestial Clan can flourish again. At that time, he will hand the Celestial Clan to Aunt Lan for their care and return to live in the Earth City. Will life be easy and comfortable? '

With this thought, she thought that Lin Chen had asked herself, what did she really want?

Perhaps, staying with him and living a simple, carefree life is actually what you want?

"Snow mark, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Chen's voice came from his ear, and Xuehen recovered, only to find that he was caught in cranky again.

Busy is shaking his head: "No... nothing!"

She was so ashamed that she almost lowered her head to her chest.

Lin Chen was confused, but then Xue Canglan and Xue Huayuan were talking about something that interested him, and they focused on the other party's conversation.

Xue Canglan asked Xue Huayuan if their father and son had been living on the snow field for years.

Xue Huayuan shook his head and said, "We came back here only half a month ago. We accidentally got the news that'Destiny Stone Gate' appeared on this snowfield, so I came to take a look and see if it was possible to get Opportunity!"

His words attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

"Destiny Stone Gate?"

Motu, Xuelan, Xueshuangyue, Xueganyu and all others looked at him.

Even Xueshen was busy raising his head.

"The Destiny Stone Gate is a famous treasure?" Lin Chen looked at the snow marks beside him on the principle of asking immediately without moving.

Xuehen was about to answer, and there was a chuckle in front.

Xue Huayuan rang with a scornful voice.

"Foolish ignorance! The Destiny Stone Gate is not a treasure, but a chance, a legend only a person who is favored by the origin of chaos can have a great chance!"

Xue Huayuan looked at Lin Chen with disdain. He didn't want to introduce Lin Chen at all, but wanted to borrow the ignorance of the other party to set off his knowledge.

"Lin Chen, he is not from the original continent. He is from other galaxies. He is not clear about many things here. It is normal."

Xuehen gave Xue Huayuan a dissatisfied glance and felt that it was really annoying to deal with the deliberate deliberateness, and then patiently explained to Lin Chen:

"The Destiny Stone Gate is a legend that is widely circulated on the Yuanyuan Continent. It is said that the Destiny Stone Gate has a special relationship with the Chaos Origin. Soon after the birth of the Yuanyuan Continent, the Destiny Stone Gate has been born.

Destiny Stone Gate has its own spirituality, and it will appear on the original continent every hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years, and the location of each occurrence is different. Rumor has it that those who pushed the door of destiny stone away and entered it will see different scenes and get different opportunities. Some people once got a supreme artifact inside, others got the ultimate supreme skill inside; others came out of it

After that, there was a huge leap in strength...

In short, as long as you can enter the Destiny Stone Gate, without exception, there will be huge gains, so it is said that it is a great opportunity.

Some people say that only those who are destined to return, that is, those who are favored by the origin of chaos, can see the destiny stone gate and enter it. This is also the origin of the word "Fate" in the Destiny Stone Gate. "

After Xuehen finished talking, seeing Lin Chen's eyes glowing, she was obviously interested in "Fate of the Destiny Stone Gate." She showed a playful and soft smile. When she turned her head to look at Xue Huayuan, her face had become very plain:

"About the Destiny Stone Gate, out of a hundred, ninety-nine are fake. Are you sure that the news you got is true, the Destiny Stone Gate is in the snowfield?"

Xue Huayuan shook his head: "Not sure! Come here, it's pure luck."

Xuehen turned his head to look at Lin Chen, seeing that Lin Chen's face had collapsed, he could not help covering his mouth and chuckling, the unspeakable bright and moving, this cold world of snow and ice seemed to bring a few because of her smile It's warm.

Seeing this scene, Xue Huayuan's gaze at Lin Chen became very cold, with jealousy, and even murderous intent.

Xue Shuangyue whispered secretly. Miss, she really meant that she didn't like Lin Chen. It is estimated that she was the only one. She didn't find her treating Lin Chen differently from other men. Half an hour later, a group of people arrived in front of a snow mountain that was thousands of meters high, and Xue Huayuan finally stopped: "Here!"