Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3926

Chapter 3926

Chapter 3926 Zi Ting Auction House

The few passers-by who talked to each other didn't expect the voice to be so low, and the result was heard by the other party. In the face of Xuehen's question, they looked at each other and finally chose to answer honestly.

Although it is said that some people of the Celestial Clan were auctioned, ordinary people like them couldn't even enter those auctions. When facing the clan of the seven source clan, they couldn't get upset.

The tall and thin middle-aged man headed said: "Yes! In the Purple Ting City, there will be occasional auctions by the clan of the Celestial Clan, which is something everyone knows."

Seeing the other party speak so easily, as if it were a normal thing for the Celestial Clan to be auctioned, a few people Xuexian and Xueshuang Yue were even more annoyed.

As one of the "Seven Major Origins", the Celestials do not think they are superior to other ethnic groups, but they are extremely arrogant at heart. Now they know that their people are actually being auctioned as slaves, where can they accept it?

Lin Chen did not expect that he had just arrived at Zi Ting City and got such an unexpected news.

Xuejian told him that there must be some people from the Celestial Clan who had survived the disaster. Now she is hiding in all parts of the Yuanyuan Continent. She plans to wait for the Demon Eye Clan to solve the problems before recovering the remaining clan.

Now it is a good thing to get news from the rest of the Terran tribes, but I can't be more happy!

Motu was also taken aback, but acted calmly and said in a deep voice: "The clan of the Celestial Clan was auctioned by which auction houses in Zi Ting City? Also, why do they have the Celestial Clan in their hands? people?"

The middle-aged man's inexplicable fear of Motu's gloomy eyes, he was busy answering:

"All the slaves of the Celestial Clan appeared from the auction of the Zi Ting Auction House. Only the slaves of the Celestial Clan appeared at the auction of the Zi Ting Auction House. As for ... As for their hands, why are there People of the Celestial Clan, that is not something we can know."

"Zi Ting Auction House?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes when he heard the name.

It was not that he had heard of this auction house, but directly used the name of Shencheng as the name of the auction house. It can basically be concluded that the background of this auction house is related to the royal family of God Territory.


next moment.

He listened to Xue Canglan and exclaimed: "The founder of the Purple Ting Auction House is the master of the Thunder You God Territory Gou Ting! Damn it! That is to say, the royal family of the Thunder You God Territory is auctioning people of our Celestial Clan?"

The faces of Xue Lan, Xue Shuangyue and others suddenly became as dark as the bottom of the pot.

Although the relationship between the Celestial Clan and Lei You God Realm is not very good, but it used to be some exchanges, and it was barely a little friendship. They did not expect that the Lei You God Realm royal family would do such things.

After their Celestial Clan fell, did they even arrest the Celestial Clan for auction?

Lin Chen secretly said, originally came to use "Xuan Lei Saint Armor" and the other party in exchange for "Yan Demon Armor", but if it is really Thunder You God domain domain master who is auctioning the clan of the Terran, then the plan may have to change!

He looked at the snow mark with a white face and red eyes, and said softly: "You can rest assured that I am here. Even the master of the Thunder You God Territory is auctioning the Celestial Clan, there is no need to be afraid."

Hearing what he said, this was a few people who were furious and had a lot of calmness. If it was before, only Motu, the strong man in the supreme realm, was beside him. Even if they encountered the situation in front of them, they were helpless.

Even if the domain owner of Realm of Thunder and God Realm is auctioning the Celestial Clan, they can't take the other side!

After all, although Lei You God Realm is only a subordinate God Realm, it also has two Supremes. The domain master Gou Ting is even in the middle of the Supreme Realm. If you dare to take the initiative to find the other party's trouble, it is tantamount to finding your own way.

Although Lin Chen is only in the early stage of Supreme Realm, he is completely enough to match the middle stage of Supreme Realm. With him standing beside himself and others, plus Motu, then even if he falls down with Lei You God Realm, there is nothing!

The words "I'm here" seem to have a strange magic power, and it instantly calmed Xuehen.

She reached out to Lin Chen and walked quickly towards the gate of Zi Ting City, unable to wait:

"We will go to Zi Ting Auction House now. Since some of my clan will be auctioned over time, then my clan must be held there!"


Lin Chen glanced at Xue Ren's small hand, and touched his nose with the other hand. He said that you took the initiative to pull me. Even if you have someone you like, you can't blame me on this matter. It's not that I take advantage of you.

He also understood Xuezhen's eagerness to rescue the tribe, and let Xuezhen pull him forward.

Motu and Xue Canglan and others quickly followed.

Those passers-by who were questioned looked at Lin Chen and his entourage, especially at the hands held together by Lin Chen and Xuehen, eyes full of jealousy.

One of them chuckled: "Even if the domain owner is auctioning the Celestial Clan, don't need to be afraid? Chi! This kid is really a big breath! What a thing! It is estimated that the woman of the clan was cheated by bragging. That Women are blind too, only"


Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise on his face, as if he had an invisible palm, pumped **** his face, and beat him out. After landing on the ground, he was full of blood and his teeth fell out.

Several other people who were about to get along were shocked by this scene, and they just saw Lin Chen looking back coldly, and they suddenly felt scalp numb and covered his mouth.

Until Lin Chen disappeared into sight, they didn't even say it, they didn't even dare to move.

Whether this young man really has no fear of the master of the domain, it is not easy to say, but obviously he can easily kill a few of them, not his own and others can be arrogant!

"People with the Lei You God Territory should sit in the Zi Ting Auction House. If they are not careful, they will alarm the Lei You God Territory Master! If we go directly, will we be too risky?"

Xue Lan followed Lin Chen and Xue Hen and thought about it. Out of caution, she couldn't help but say a word to Xue Canglan next to her. The tribe rescued.

"Adventure?" Motu, standing on the other side of her, shook her head. "This is no longer an adventure. Going directly to the Purple Ting Auction House is completely equivalent to declaring war directly with the royal family of Lei You God Realm! Xuexian's girl is anxious, maybe not Thinking of this, but he must have thought of it. But let Xuehen pull him to the past, it means that he is ready to take the initiative with Lei You God Territory!"

Speaking of the back, Motu's eyes fell on Lin Chen, who was calm, with infinite emotion.

When I was in the western part of the original mainland, I still looked down on this kid, but now, I can only follow him...