Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3910

Chapter 3910

Chapter 3910 The Cold Experience

The relationship between Leng Dongliu and Lin Chen, both teachers and friends, regards each other as a comparison object in their hearts.

For a long period of time, Master Leng Dongliu even couldn't even look at Lin Chen Xiangbei. Later, he left Earth City in order to make a breakthrough in his pursuit of strength, although it was related to his own pursuit. Disciple's stimulation.

Compared with when he left Earth City, his strength has been a leap of miracles. As the immortal realm, he not only condenses 99 stars in the body, but also has 87 stars of star power, Transform into the power of the world.

In his opinion, he is now better than Lin Chen, a disciple. When he speaks, he inevitably has a little bit of pride. After all, your kid is my apprentice. Although he was stronger than me, he is no longer my opponent.

Lin Chen's answer made Leng Dongliu's face twitch slightly, "Are you breaking into the supreme realm?"

Lin Chen nodded and took the initiative to release the breath. He had long formed the habit of astringent breath. If he did not take the initiative to release the breath, Leng Dongliu would not be able to sense anything.

With Lin Chen's breath revealed, Leng Dongliu felt a sense of horror in his heart, as if his life was threatened. He had seen the Supreme more than once, and naturally understood that this belonged to the Supreme's breath.

He smiled bitterly: "Supreme! Your kid..."

Lin Chen laughed.

Leng Dongliu scolded: "Look at your proud look, even if you become the supreme, I am still immortal, you are still my apprentice! Can you still step on my head?"

"That's not dare!" Lin Chen said with a smile.

The Patriarch of the Muling tribe, Xuexian and Xueshuangy are silently keeping quiet. The master and the disciple talk about their experiences over the years.

Leng Dongliu heard that the Earth City had encountered great difficulties, and was afraid for a while, and heard the dangers that Lin Chen has experienced. He said that his disciple is also a great blessing, and besides luck, he also depends on him. Only by the courage and heart of man can we reach this point.

After Lin Chen said the main things briefly, he and Lin Chen talked about their experiences over the years.

His experience is much simpler than that of Lin Chen.

Although he has also experienced many dangerous situations and obtained many opportunities, the key to being able to grow to this step is to gain the appreciation of an existence and become a named disciple of the other party. It is also through the gift of the other party that his strength has an amazing leap. .

When referring to the existence, Leng Dongliu looked forward with longing, "Teacher, he took me to a higher **** realm, and the domain master is a superpower at the pinnacle of Supreme Realm, and he is also a named disciple of the teacher! You should know ,what does this mean?"

Lin Chen naturally knows what this means.

The so-called named disciple, in the final analysis, is not yet qualified to become a disciple disciple, which means that the superpowers at the peak of the Supreme Realm are not yet qualified to be that person's disciple disciple?

This conclusion appeared in his mind. Lin Chen's eyes were full of shock. The snow marks and Xue Shuangyue on the side took a breath, and they were both a little scared.

Superpower at the pinnacle of Supreme Realm?

That kind of existence can sweep any one of the seven source groups with one person.

However, even if it is so powerful, it still cannot be a disciple!

To what extent is this man so powerful that it will lead to the condition of accepting the disciples to be above the peak of the Supreme Realm?

Lin Chen noticed that when Leng Dongliu mentioned the existence, the head of the Muling clan on the side was full of awe, which made him more curious about the existence.

He asked Leng Dongliu, the strength and identity of the other party, but Leng Dongliu shook his head, saying that he did not know:

"Teacher, he said that if I could become supreme within 100 years, then I would be accepted as a personal disciple. At that time, I would naturally know his identity. By then, I can also call him " 'Teacher' is changed to'Master Respect'."

Lin Chen secretly said that Senior Yanyan's request to himself was to become a supreme within a thousand years, and this person's request to a master was to become Supreme within a hundred years. The demand is so high. Does it mean that his strength is far from that of Zhenyan? on?

Soon he rejected this speculation again, believing that this cannot be inferred.

After all, he met his requirements. Senior Yanyan just gave himself a supreme divine skill, so the requirements would naturally be much looser. If he was to be accepted as a disciple, it would be many times harder to make requests.

Furthermore, the stricter requirements do not mean that the strength is necessarily stronger!

Lin Chen chuckled and said: "You master, you must do your best, if you become a disciple of that kind of existence, I can get some light!"

"Zhanguang?" Leng Dongliu didn't respond.

Lin Chen blinked: "Your master is my master. You have a great master. Isn't it equivalent to having a great master to be a backer?"

Leng Dongliu only realized what he meant by this, and laughed and scolded "little head", but he did not refute his words. In his view, Lin Chen's thing was his thing, and it was no different.

"Your kid hasn't said, what's the matter with you coming over to the Mu Ling clan? My senior Mu Huang still has some friendship. If you need any help, as a master, I'm cheeky to help you Ask him." Leng Dongliu asked with a smile.

Lin Chen rejoiced in his heart that the master was indeed the master. This is clearly speaking to himself, which is equivalent to saying to Mu Huang, this is my disciple, if you can help, please help, don't you really need me to beg you?

The Muhuang people are old and mature, laughing: "Leng Brother is too polite. Since it is your disciple, I will help if I can help. Why don't you ask me."

When he said this, he was secretly distressed. He didn't know that if the other party said that he wanted to help himself against the Demon Eye Clan, should he say that he could do nothing, or go to the other two supremes in the clan to discuss ?

Lin Chen did not rush to say what he wanted, but first said what happened after coming here.

"What! Someone dared to hit his mind on our "Mu Ling Clan". Mu Jingtian's mixed boy also regarded the enemy as a benefactor. I can't spare him!"

After listening to Mu Huang, he was furious and could not wait to go and clean up Mu Jingtian now. He looked at Lin Chen's eyes and became more friendly. He did not expect that the other party was not only a cold disciple, but now he is still the Mu Ling clan. Benefactor.

Leng Dongliu was a little sighed, but did not expect that the giant Chi Yan beast that forced the planet to travel on the stars had become the supreme and died in the hands of his disciples.

Lin Chen was almost ready to see the fire, and only then came to the ground: "I want 10 drops of 'Skyfire Soul'.