Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3868

Chapter 3868

The winning ticket was held in Mrs. Yingzhu's heart. At this moment, she saw a blue light slashing in front of her.

It turned out that Motu and Li Yao had been fighting for a long time, and basically basically pressed Li Yao to fight.

Li Yao was a little careless, Motu broke through his block, and immediately came to Mrs. Yingzhu. It was almost like that. She cut Mrs. Yingzhu in half with a knife!

"I'll stop these two guys!" Motu grabbed Lin Chen and pushed him fiercely in the direction of Xueshen and Xueshuangyue.

Lin Chen was busy: "Senior, do you want me to take the snow marks and leave them first? No! If we go, then you--"

Motu stared in the corner of his eyes: "Fart! When will I let you take someone away first. Let me take one enemy and two, in case I can't go, what should I do if they are killed together?"

He looked at Xuehen and said in a deep voice: "Merge'Jianhuo Shenyi' for this kid! With the help of'Jianhuo Shenyi', his combat power can be improved by a large amount. Together, it is enough to beat these two guys in a short time!"

Lin Chen understood Motu's meaning and turned his head to look at Xuehen.

In fact, he also has this idea in mind. The key is that "Sword Fire God Wing" is a treasure of the Celestial Clan. If you want to integrate "Sword Fire God Wing", you must get Xuehen's consent.

Without any hesitation, Xuehen took the "Jianhuo Shenwing" out of the space ring and shouted to Lin Chen: "Lin Chen! Come here!"

Lin Chen nodded and rushed towards Xuehen!

"Stop that kid!" Li Yao was shocked and rushed to Lin Chen at the same time as Mrs. Yingzhu.

"Aeolus Wall!"

Motu's body disappeared, a gust of wind screamed between heaven and earth, and a wall formed by the gust of wind was caught between Lin Chen and Li Yao and Mrs. Yingzhu.

Among them is a flash of cold mountain, like countless sharp blades lurking in the river, which makes people dare not touch it easily.

Both Li Yao and Mrs. Yingzhu were startled, and their figure slowed down. At the same time, Motu appeared in front of the wall, facing Mrs. Yingzhu and Li Yao.

Next second.

The wall behind Motu shined a dazzling blue light, and a ray of bright light, like an arrow in the sky, burst into Li Yao and Madam Yingzhu.

"Motu, you are looking for death! Really thought that one person could stop us both?" Li Yao was furious and already understood that if he wanted to rush over, he might need to clean up this guy first.

On the other side, Lin Chen had arrived next to Xuehen.

"How to integrate?" Lin Chen looked at the "Sword Fire God Wing" in Xuejian's hand and asked directly. Xuejian said: "Sword Fire God Wing" has a spirit, but it does not appear. There are two ways to use its power. One is to use the power of the soul to control it, which is equivalent to the spirit of slavery. ; The second kind is to make it willing to match

Hehe! Now time is running out, I am afraid that I can only choose the first way! "

Lin Chen took the "Sword Fire God Wing" into his hand.

This thing is very large, three or four meters wide, and it is also very heavy. It is not ordinary people can hold it in hand, but Lin Chen holds it in his hand, but it seems to put a goose feather in his palm. There is no pressure at all. He glanced at the "Sword Fire God Wing", which is made of transparent crystal, and exclaimed: "Although this thing is huge, every place is like a carefully sculpted artwork. The Supreme Spirit Tool is between heaven and earth. Singular objects, and then renovated by the refiner

If you rely on the refiner alone, I'm afraid that you can't make this kind of treasure at all. I can get this kind of treasure, I must cherish it, and let it show its true value! "

Xueshen and Xueshuangyue were both a little stunned. I didn't understand what was going on at this time, what Lin Chen was still saying, and it sounded like, how did it sound like he was shooting the "sword fire **** wing" fart, or Like coaxing a child.

If they knew that Lin Chen took the "Sword Fire God Wing" in their hands, they would feel a somewhat repulsive emotion from it, and as Lin Chen said these words, the repulsive emotion has already weakened a lot, nor Know whether it will be dumbfounded. The corner of Lin Chen's mouth slightly raised, and his heart was almost what he expected. Although this thing has a spirit, the spirit of the instrument is estimated to be equivalent to a human child. He said a few good words by himself, and the child's perception of himself Soon it changed


He looked at Chen Ken, looking at "Sword Fire God Wing", and said:

"Now, I need your help very much. But I don't want to enslave you, but I hope you can cooperate with me willingly! I believe that you are not willing to be treated as a decoration forever?

I promise you that if I become your master, I will let everyone in this world know your extraordinary! "


"Sword Fire God Wing" trembles slightly, and the feather like a long sword looks like a long sword with countless handles shaking, and then it suddenly turns into a ray of light, rushing into Lin Chen's body instantly.

Next second.

Puff puff--

A piece of sword-shaped feather, pierced from Lin Chen's flesh, quickly turned into a pair of huge wings with a width of three or four meters after opening.

"Sword Fire God Wing" took the initiative to cooperate with you?"

Xue Shuangyue was surprised, but she didn't expect Lin Chen to flicker so much, "Sword Fire God Wing" was really willing to cooperate. Xuehen thought for a while and said, "This is actually not surprising.'Jianhuo Shenyi' has its psychic intelligence, and naturally understands that it can't get rid of the end that it is used by people in any case. One is by people. Slavery, the other is to cooperate on your own initiative,

If it is chosen, it will naturally choose the latter. "


She said this, Lin Chen, who thought she had fooled "Jianhuo Shenyi", was a little embarrassed in her heart. After a long time, she only had to put out two options to make "Jianhuo Shenyi" "I just choose it myself?


He coughed twice and said to Xuehen both: "You two, hide away, don't be affected by the battle."

The moment when the "Sword Fire God Wing" fanned behind him, black flames poured out from the back. The originally transparent "Sword Fire God Wing" now looked like a pair of black flame wings with a somewhat ominous depraved atmosphere!

Lin Chen turned into a streamer and went towards Motu and Li Yao and Madam Yingzhu who were fighting.

"No wonder, Xuehen traveled thousands of miles, and came here looking for the "Snow God Wing" similar to the "Sword Fire God Wing"! My speed is now about twice as fast as before!"

Lin Chen sensed the change in speed and was ecstatic in his heart.


It was at this moment that the blue wind wall in front made a bursting sound, like a collapsed wall, completely collapsed.

Lin Chen looked at Motu, who was under a siege of Li Yao and Madam Yingzhu, and shouted, "Senior, I will help you! Madam Yingzhu will deal with me!"