Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3559

Chapter 3559

When Yan Wumo's words fell, a streamer flew out of his space ring, and then a huge "Danding" about three meters high appeared in front of them.

"Danding" is like a cast of blood jade. The lines on it look like blood in meridian blood vessels. They are slowly flowing and look very strange.

Lin Chen looked at the "Danding" and speculated in his heart that this thing does not seem to be used for alchemy, but to test the true age of the contestants.

He was a little curious, how was this thing tested?

Yan Wumo said slowly: "Every participant, according to the number on the token they got before, come over one by one and press your palm on the blood jade."

His words were short, and apart from that, there was no other explanation.

The first contestant walked to Yan Wumo and pressed his palm over Yuding.

Buzz-Yu Ding trembles slightly, the blood-like texture on it flows fast, even like red vines, and a part of it is wrapped around the contestant's arm and startled the person, but This person has some points

Constant force, did not bring the palm.

Next second.

The lines on the surface of Yuding have gathered into one figure.


People looked at the numbers on Yuding, and many people said aloud.

"Age under 90,000 years old, in line with the rules. Next!" Yan Wumo said lightly.

At this point, everyone knows that the display of "nine" on Yuding means that the age is under 90,000 years old.

The second contestant, who also came forward soon, pressed his palm over Yuding. After a while, the lines on the surface of Yuding gathered into another number-"seven"!

"Age under 70,000 years old, in line with the rules, the next." Yan Wumo's voice sounded again. Lin Chen looked at this scene and secretly said, 'In this way, it's accurate to say that this person's age is under 70,000 years old, but it's over 60,000 years old, otherwise, it's showing six, not seven. The accuracy of this jade is based on ten thousand years

As a unit! '

After one contestant stepped forward, the number of words displayed on the jade tripod has been switched between "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", and "ten". It took a long time for one to display "five" .

"The age of these contestants is basically between 50,000 and 100,000!" Someone said below the ring.

"This is normal! After all, the above contestants, even if they are not Shen Dao Dan Zun, are also Nine Grade Dao Realm Sheng Dan Masters, so naturally they cannot be so young."

"Yes! Most of the alchemists in this world, even for the rest of their lives, cannot become a Taoist Holy Pill Master, not to mention Divine Dao Zun!"

Even if it's just a boring age-testing session, the people below the ring still look extremely excited. For them, these people on the ring are the stars in the sky that they can only look up to, no matter how boring things they do, as long as they cooperate with the aura on them, it is enough for these hearts to worship the powerful alchemist of

People, look fascinated.

At this moment, a young man on the ring who looked very young and only looked like a teenager, put his palm on top of Yuding, but Yuding did not respond.

"what happened?"

"What happened to Yuding?"

"It shouldn't be! Although I don't know what this Jade Ding is a treasure, but since it was something taken out by Master Yan Wumo, it is absolutely unusual. How could it be possible to fall off the chain at a critical moment!"

Everyone in the audience was upset and looked at the ring in doubt.

Lin Chen on the ring and the rest of the contestants were also a little surprised. Lin Chen had a guess in his mind, and his eyes fell on the teenager who only looked like a teenager.

Yan Wumo glanced at Yu Ding, who had no response, and immediately looked at the boy, his eyes cold.

The young man put his palm on Yuding without any response. His face was immediately white. He changed his palm and placed it on top of Yuding. As a result, there was still no response.

Sensing Yan Wumo's cold eyes, his face was instantly pale.

"This... there must be something wrong with this jade tripod! It must be!" the teenager looked at Yan Wumo, said with some fear. Yan Wumo said lightly: "Every time, my Yan family explained to the public that only under the age of 100,000 can I come to participate in Dan Dao. However, every time, there are always things that are not long-eyed. , Even in my Yan family

In front of you, you can pass through! In the end, one by one lost his life, it is ridiculous that every time, there is a new person who does not remember long, running to death! "

When people heard this, they immediately understood what Yan Wumo meant.

This looks like a teenager who looks like a teenager. The real age is more than one hundred thousand years old!


The "teenager" face changed drastically, turned into a streamer, and escaped towards the sky, trying to escape.

However, he just flew a distance of hundreds of meters, and suddenly screamed, his body ignited a purple-red fire, and in the blink of an eye turned into ashes, even his soul dissipated.

Looking at this scene, I looked at it from beginning to end, my face was calm, and I didn't look at Yan Wumo, who fled the young boy. In people's eyes, there was deep fear and admiration.

This man definitely died in Yan Wumo's hands.

However, they simply couldn't see when Yan Wumo moved hands!

Lin Chen looked at Yan Wumo, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He had only seen a faint streamer just now, and he suddenly penetrated into the body of the "boy".

The problem is that the speed of the "wiping" streamer is too fast, and he can only see a trace of the afterimage. If he is replaced by the "boy", he can't escape it at all, and he can only cast the "Cangzhi Blood Armor". Try hard to resist!

'This person is very likely to exist at the same level as the Spirit Patriarch and Chiyan Beast. Although it is not yet supreme, it stands at the pinnacle of immortality! '

Lin Chen secretly said.

After this "boy", there was another person behind him, and the same situation occurred. Yuding did not respond, that is, he was over 100,000 years old.

The man also wanted to escape, and was also killed by Yan Wumo's expressionless face.

Compared with the people with rich expressions, Yan Hanxue and Yan Hanyu, the Yan family, are very calm. It seems that this kind of thing is already strange.

Na Jiang Qiyang has also tested it, and the word ten has appeared on Yuding. That is to say, he is over 90,000 years old, but he is still under 100,000 years old and still eligible.

Finally, it was Lin Chen's turn.

"Finally, this guy's turn, I want to see how old he is! But even if he is like Jiang Qiyang before, he is more than 90,000 years old, which is also a pervert in pervert, a bit of a blow to people. Anyway, I don't take myself Just compare with him!" Ling Huaxuan under the ring, curiously looked at Lin Chen, who pressed his palm above Yuding, and whispered in a low voice.