Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3465

Chapter 3465

The crowd of people who thought they might not see Zheng Ming shot, was quite disappointed in his heart. Hearing Zheng Ming's words at the moment, they were all pleasantly surprised.

"Haha! It seems that Zheng Ming can still see the shot, but it's a pity, it's just a trick, think about it, it's really not fun!" Someone laughed.

"Even if Zheng Ming didn't say what he just said, as long as he shot, it was a one-shot thing! One-shot can decide the victory or defeat!"

"That's right. This kid naturally can't take Zheng Ming's move. The question now is, will this guy be seriously injured by a move, or will he be killed directly?"

People whispered and looked forward, looking forward, not naturally the victory between Lin Chen and Zheng Ming, but Zheng Ming's shot.

In their eyes, there is no expectation at all, and Zheng Ming will definitely win.

Lin Chen was a little surprised in his heart. This guy was confident enough. He didn't hide his breath. He should be able to detect that he was also in the middle of the immortal state.

Realizing that he is the same as him, he still feels that he can't take his trick?

'interesting. Lin Chen was a little interested, wondering where Zheng Ming's self-confidence was, and thought he couldn't take his trick.

"Uncle Zheng, he didn't answer, that is the default agreement! You hurry up!" Guo Yu shouted eagerly. He knew that Zheng Ming mastered an extremely powerful inferior shinto martial art, and his father once told him that Zheng Ming's shinto martial arts belonged to the type of swordsmanship. Comparable to Chinese martial arts martial arts

Infuse your own strength and spirit spirit into that trick, not to mention the existence of the same level. Even the monks in the late Immortal Realm have to avoid the sharp edge when they use the magical martial arts skills of Zheng Ming!

"If you don't speak, then I'm when you promised!"

Zheng Ming's eyes glowed with light. His words just now didn't seem to put Lin Chen in his eyes, but he started with others. Because of the martial arts of the Shinto, it was basically a move between them.

If the opponent can take his move, then basically means he lost!

Even if he let him make the second and third moves, it doesn't make much sense. 'He's the same class as me after all. It shouldn't be killed by me, but it's not a problem to hurt him. There is no need to kill him, as long as he is injured, in this way, he can not only be angry for Guo Yu, but also will not pass me

Qianyulou killed the customer. '

Zheng Ming was thinking of wishful thinking and thought everything was under his control.

He was about to start, Lin Chen suddenly said: "Wait!"

"Why don't you dare to do it with me?" Zheng Ming frowned slightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his words.

"Boy, you haven't started to fight yet, could you have been scared?"

"Adult, he only made one move, don't you dare to do anything with him? You dare to make trouble with us if you are timid? I shit!"

Appearing with Zheng Ming, all the people in Tsing Yi who surrounded Lin Chen at this time were ridiculed and ironic, and their eyes were full of contempt.

"I didn't say that I wouldn't fight him, what are you in a hurry? The owner is not in a hurry yet, a group of dogs are barking fiercely!" Lin Chen said lightly.

"What do you say? Do you dare to call us a dog?" All the Tsing Yi people were furious.

Lin Chen ignored them directly and looked at Zheng Ming slowly: "I can fight you, but if I win, you must tell me the news of the girl in the previous portrait."

Zheng Ming then understood what the other party was thinking, sneered: "Don't think about it, impossible!" Lin Chen said lightly: "Then, I'm standing here, don't flicker or hide, let you Make a move, if you can hurt me by one move, it is considered as you win, if you can't hurt me, it is considered that I win! If I win, you tell me her news

,how is it? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded, and he doubted whether his ears were wrong.

What is this guy talking about?

He stood still and let Zheng Ming move, as long as he could hurt him, would Zheng Ming win?

What a joke!

Even the monks in the late period of immortality never dare to say such big words?

This guy is absolutely crazy!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to say such crazy words!

Zheng Ming's eyes twitched, and he smiled angrily. In his opinion, the other party's words were simply insulting himself, scolding himself as a soft-footed shrimp, standing and letting himself fight, he couldn't hurt him!

"Uncle Zheng, promise him! He will find himself dead, then even if you kill him, no one will say that our Qianyu Tower is wrong!" Guo Yu shone brightly.


Lin Chen's words simply did not take Zheng Ming seriously, and it could be understood as a provocation to him. If Zheng Ming killed him at this time, it could also be interpreted as being angry and killing!

This kind of thing is so common in the world of monks!

At that time, people would only think that Lin Chen's death, he asked for it, has nothing to do with Qianyu Tower.

"Do you know, what are you talking about?" Zheng Ming's forehead twitched blue, his tone cold, he was like a viper, staring at Lin Chen.

"I naturally know what I'm talking about. In fact, don't say it's a trick. Even if it's a hundred tricks, you can't hurt me. Otherwise, why didn't you agree to my terms? You dare not."

Lin Chen's tone is still very bland. It is this bland tone that makes Zheng Ming even more annoyed. At this time, the other party can still be so calm. Doesn't it mean that he really didn't put himself in the eyes!

Lin Chen's words, even a fool, could hear that he was using aggressive methods to get Zheng Ming to agree to his terms.

Many times, although you know that the other party is using the militant method, you will still be irritated uncontrollably, and even take the initiative to jump into the pit dug by the other party, this is the case with Zheng Ming.

"Okay! I promise you! You stand still. If you don't get hurt after taking my first move, then you are the winner! I tell you about the girl!" Zheng Ming gritted his teeth and his eyes were about to squirt out. anger.

"Wait a moment, what if you regret it?"

Lin Chen showed a happy look, thought of something, turned to look at the crowd on the street.

More and more people were watching, and the whole street was blocked at this time. Lin Chen shouted: "Everyone! Please help me to be a witness. You have heard what he said just now! If he waits for a while, then it will be the people of Qianyulou who have no words and do not believe. News, who knows

Say what they said to you is true or false! "

Zheng Ming's eyes were red with anger.

How many years!

He has been too long for too long, and has never been so angry!

This guy really looks down on people!

People are speechless. In this world, how come there is such a rush to find a dead guy? "Okay! You can do it. Hurry up and let me stand here!" Lin Chen turned to look at Zheng Ming and said with a smile.