Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3457

Chapter 3457

Earth City, the main palace.

"Nine Nine, you really are not mistaken, that the breath belongs to the owner of this earth city? That is to say, he secretly calculated the black shadow python, and the chaotic fire fell into his hands?"

In a room, the morphological form of Tianfeng Qingniu looked at the old friend Jiuyou Shenhuang beside him, and was very surprised to ask.

At the beginning, the domain master of Dongyang God Territory and Chi Yan monster went to chase the guy who robbed the chaotic fire, and he and the Nine Nine Divine Phoenix also passed the position where the guy appeared before.

Relying on the simple description of Lin Chen's appearance by Wu Ying Python, the Nine Nine Divine Phoenix did not associate that person with Lin Chen's body. After all, the description of the appearance is relatively general.

However, when Jiuyou Shenhuang noticed the remaining breath, he immediately felt a little familiar, and then remembered Lin Chen.

The appearance between people may be the same, but the atmosphere between people is absolutely different!

Everyone's breath is unique.

However, the Nine Nine Divine Phoenix is actually not 100% certain, and that breath belongs to Lin Chen.

One thing is, he and Lin Chen only met one side, and the impression of Lin Chen's breath is not very deep, and there is a possibility of remembering it incorrectly.

Second, he believes that with Lin Chen's strength, it is impossible to steal Chaos and Fire from Wuying Python's hands!

Nine Nine Divine Phoenix shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, whether I made a mistake. After seeing him, everything will be revealed." Tianfeng Qingniu nodded, and he had already been at that time too. The remaining breath of Hengshan Mountain is remembered in his mind. As long as he sees the Lord of the Earth City, and compares his breath, is it the same as that breath?

Fire guy, is it him?

Two figures walked in quickly from the door.

They are the second elder and the little elder of the Jiuyou tribe.

"I've seen my ancestor! I've seen Senior Tianfeng Qingniu!" The elders and Xiaoyou of Jiuyou tribe said in a respectful tone.

"What's the matter?" Nine Nine Divine Phoenix turned to look at them.

The Second Elder said: "Lin Chen, the city host of the Earth City, has returned, and now he is in the hall of the city's mansion. Do you have to go there too, Patriarch?"

"Finally home?"

Jiuyou Shenhuang and Tianfeng Qingniu glanced at each other, and then walked in the direction of the hall, and the elders and Xiaoyou of Jiuyou Tribe, followed behind them respectfully.


When I heard that Lin Chen was back, all of his women and parents came here. At the moment, the hall was extremely lively, with laughter and warm atmosphere.

"Little brother, wait a minute, your sister will take you around. The expanded area of Earth City is much larger than before, and many buildings are built in the style of our earth."

Su Man took Lin Chen's hand and said with a smile, although she has been with Lin Chen for a long time, her name for Lin Chen has never changed.

Lin Chen saw her with some petite and charming appearance, and praised the other party's work in building the Earth City. She praised Su Man with a smile.

People on the side felt a little funny when he saw his flattering face.

Who would have thought that the owner of Earth City, now known as the superpowers of many immortal dynasties, still has such a side?

"By the way, before I came back here, I went to Haotian God Realm and went to see Xiaoqi's girl." Lin Chen took Su Man's hand and said to everyone.

"Xiao Qi, how is she doing there, hasn't she been bullied?" Su Xiran asked with concern, and the rest looked at Lin Chen, waiting for him to continue.

Lin Chen didn't sell Guan Zi, and he said what he saw and heard in the Haotian City Shrine.

After he finished speaking, Lin Panpan grinded his teeth and exhaled angrily: "That grand elder's granddaughter is so abominable that he dared to bully his father and Xiao Qi. If I were present, I had to give him some good looks. "Yi Ren said: "Unexpectedly, that old man turned out to be the elder of Haotian God Territory, and his start was even more amazing than we had originally guessed. Fortunately, he was reasonable, and according to you, he should also be very valued. 7. At least

Between Xiaoqi and his granddaughter, there was no bias towards his granddaughter. "

Chen Lanzhi said: "It's strange, how can such a sensible grandfather have such a barbarous granddaughter!"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "When I left, I asked Xiao Qi if I wanted to come back with me. She chose to stay there. She said she wanted to become very strong and protect us in the future."

There was a warm feeling in the hearts of all the women. "Sister Xixi, I know you are worried that Xiaoqi will be bullied, but she will eventually grow up and experience her own storms. If we force her to stay under our wings forever, like that, Zi is unfair to her

. She has a special physique, outstanding talent, and should have a wonderful life! "

Lin Chen saw Su Xiran's eyes reddened and took her hand, relieved.

Su Xiran took Lin Chen's hand and nodded: "I know the truth, but in my heart, I miss her a little, fearing that she will be bullied outside."

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became a little low, Ye Yiren changed the subject and asked, "Xiaochen, how was your harvest this time?" Lin Chen just said a lot about what he went out this time, but She didn't mention any danger she experienced. She didn't think it was Lin Chen who went out this time. She didn't experience any crisis. She knew in her heart that Lin Chen only picked those good things.

It is dangerous, and he has omitted it.

When Lin Chen left, he told Ye Yiren that he was looking for chaotic fire. Ye Yiren asked this question, but he also asked him if he had grabbed the chaotic fire.

Not waiting for Lin Chen to answer, suddenly a few people came in from the door.

Ye Yiren and Su Xiran and others turned their heads to look around. They were not surprised when they saw the Jiuyou tribe. Ye Yiren looked at Lin Chen and explained to him:

"Xiaochen, the ancestor of the Jiuyou Tribe, came here more than a month ago. He said that he would like to wait for you to come back and thank you for taking the Jiuyou Tribe, and then leave."

Lin Chen saw the Nine Nine Divine Phoenix and Tianfeng Qingniu walk in from outside the door, and his eyes kept staring at him. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart and had a bad hunch.

Jiuyou Shenhuang and Tianfeng Qingniu, with Xiaoyou and Jiuyou tribe elders, walked to Lin Chen and others.

Tianfeng Qingniu's bronze bell-sized eyes stared at Lin Chen suddenly, and suddenly said: It's really you! This breath can't be wrong. In the end, it's you who took away the chaotic fire. Such a little guy in the middle of immortality? What about the chaotic fire, is it still on you now?"