Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3236

Chapter 3236

In an instant, Lin Chen judged that Jiang Haotian, the owner of Taixu Temple, had brought someone over.

If you go back the same way, you will definitely collide with them.

Although Lin Chen is not afraid of the other party, if he can leave without interacting with the other party, it will be better.

Without any hesitation, he put all the space rings in the room into the Shenhe Tower, and soon Xue Xueyi, who had no resistance, also received the first floor of the Shenhe Tower.

His body turned into a dark flame, rushing in the opposite direction, and the moment the wall touched his body, it melted like ice and snow.

Lin Chen easily walked through walls and ran a certain distance in the ground, and suddenly thought that if he had been walking underground, then the other party could easily find himself through the traces of the ground.

He turned around and rushed upward.

Along the way, I also encountered some formation enchantment and prohibition. Lin Chen broke the law directly and ruined it arbitrarily.

"He has taken all the space rings in the treasure house. He is escaping in the opposite direction! It should be aware that the temple master has come!"

In Jiang Haotian's ear and others' ears, Qi Ling's old voice sounded.


Jiang Haotian's face changed, but he didn't expect the other party's perception to be so sharp. When he got to the room where the space ring was stored, he saw that there was no one in it. On one wall, there was a dark hole on the edge.

They walked for a while, turned into streamers, and continued to chase according to the traces left by Lin Chen.


An empty space outside the city of Taixu City, there is a dark edge on the ground, some conspicuous caves, a "boom" sound, several silhouettes, rushed out of the cave, after landing on the ground, it was Jiang Haotian and Tu Renyan, etc. A group of people.

"That guy's speed is fast enough! Did he let him escape for him?" Tu Renyan looked at the surrounding scenery and said a little unwillingly.

"Chasing! He must not have escaped far! We are looking separately, and we must not let him escape!"

Jiang Haotian's face was so gloomy that he almost dripped water. Since he became the master of the Taixu Temple, he has never encountered such a thing today.

For the first time, someone dared to challenge the authority of Taixu Temple.

Not only were the things in the treasure house taken away, but even the goddess Xue Miaoyi was also taken away by the other party!

This is simply not to take your own temple too seriously!

You must find out the other party and use his life to wash away the shame!

After a cold drink, he turned into a golden streamer and headed towards the sky.

The kings who remained in the same place looked at each other, looked at each other, and then flew in different directions. No matter whether they could find the man or not, since the temple owner had ordered it, they should continue to try it.

At the same time, Lin Chen was at the foot of a barren mountain thousands of miles away from Taixu City.

"The things in the treasure house of the Taixu Temple have been obtained. The purpose of this trip has been achieved. It is also time to go back."

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's thoughts moved, and there was a stream of light, which flew out of his eyebrows and landed on the ground.

Xue Miaoyi didn't expect that Lin Chen's eyebrows actually had a hall, and she didn't see the space rings that Lin Chen had put into her eyebrows in that hall. It was expected that there would be other things in Linchen's eyebrows. space.

In Xue Miaoyi's eyes, Lin Chen in front of him became a little mysterious.

"You...what do you want to do? Don't! Don't kill me! You said before, when things are done, they won't kill me!"

Seeing Lin Chen's cold eyes falling on himself, Xue Miaoyi panicked for a while and said busy.

"I said, I won't kill you, but that's on the premise that you didn't think carefully!" Lin Chen said coldly.

Did Xue Miaoyi play in front of Lin Chen?

If it weren't for Lin Chen's strength, it was just an ordinary seven-robber testimony, I'm afraid she had been killed by her!


Xue Miaoyi was paralyzed on the ground, crying with pear flowers and rain, and choked with sobs:

"I admit that I have calculated you, but I am the goddess of the Taixu Temple. If you want to **** the things from my Taixu Temple, I have to be reasonable and must stop it. Do I have other options?

If I do nothing, then when you leave safely, I will not only lose the title of goddess, but also be severely punished! "

Lin Chen frowned.

Xue Miaoyi said that, it was true.

If she is her, she will always count the enemy as her. From an objective and fair perspective, there is nothing wrong with her doing so.

Since his cultivation, Lin Chen has many dead souls, but he never likes to kill people easily. What he kills is either the enemy who wants to kill him or the fierce generation.

Although Xue Miaoyi counts him, in the final analysis, it is not his enemy. He has no hatred for Xue Miaoyi.

As for the latter, Lin Chen did not know Xue Miaoyi, did not know her character, and would not rashly think that the other party was fierce.

Although the woman is a bit narcissistic, she shouldn't be damned for it.

"Let's go!" Lin Chen said coldly after a few seconds.

Xue Miaoyi stayed for a while, and she doubted that her ears were wrong. She said with some uncertainty: "You, just let me go?"

She had made up her mind, as long as Lin Chen did not kill her, even willing to give Lin Chen a servant. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen opened her mouth to let her leave.

"It's impossible, you don't want to leave, you want to die in my hand?" Lin Chen said a little bit angry.

"Me, I will leave now! Leave now!"

Xue Miaoyi was taken aback. He was busy getting up from the ground. He was about to leave, but he saw two figures in the distance. He panicked and ran towards this side.

These two men were actually not long ago, Xue Miaoyi let a few maidservants drag down to kill the tall maidservants and Yu'er.

The tall maidservants and Yu'er, like escape, ran towards this side, glanced back and forth nervously from time to time, obviously not paying attention to Lin Chen and Xue Miaoyi here.

Seeing these two people, and seeing Lin Chen's gaze, they also looked at them. Xue Miaoyi's heart snapped, how come these two cheap things haven't died yet, and they appear here? "Silly Yu'er, this is the time, do you still think about Xu Wu? You tell him this matter, he estimates that he will not only help us, but also send us both to the goddess! By then, The vicious woman of the goddess is not just to put

We are killed, but to make us worse than life! Even with the sisters who let us go, we will inevitably die! "

The tall maid pulled Yu'er and ran forward while looking at Yu'er's angerless rebuke. As soon as he said this, Lin Chen's brows couldn't help but frown, and his eyes fell on Xue Miaoyi again, as if to ask, what is their relationship with you, why do you call you a vicious woman?