Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3183

Chapter 3183

"Ba Song is going to deal with Lin Chen!"

People all over the world, hearing Bason's words, looked tight, and those who knew Bason immediately raised it with one heart.

Several of the leaders of the Demon League, if they are in terms of strength, are between Bozhong and Zhong, but if they are the most murderous, it is undoubtedly Bassong.

Before the advent of the monks, Basong was a well-known underground champion in Southeast Asia. At that time, he was famous for his fierce and fierce play. Not only did he have extraordinary talents in boxing, but he was also amazing in the way of cultivation. After the resurgence of the earth's spirit, he grew to the point where he is now and encountered many strong enemies along the way, but those people eventually became His fist died


Every one died miserably!

"Boy, don't talk too early, want to make the Demon League disappear? Then I will pass this level first!"

Ba Songbao laughed, purple thunder flashed in his eyes, the next moment, his whole body, wrapped in purple thunder, like a thunder, shot at Lin Chen.

When Bason shot, people's faces were full of fear.

"Bathon comprehends the law of thunder and lightning, speed and power, both of which are his strengths! In terms of speed alone, among the leaders of the Demon League, it is one of the best!"

"I remember that Lin Chen understood the law of fire, and power is not under the law of thunder and lightning, but when it comes to speed, there is no way to compare with Bassoon! Lin Chen must not choose to compete with Bassoon, otherwise, It's all over!"

"After you?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and there was a sense of laughter.

Hearing people's discussion, Lin Chen's mouth grinned.

The law of fire, the speed is not as good as the law of lightning?

Lin Chen chuckled in his heart, not to mention that his realm was far above Basong, even if he was also the ninth level of the Holy Realm, in speed, he could completely abuse the other side.

The speed is not only related to the laws understood, but also related to many aspects such as cultivation skills, body skills, and the perception of the laws.

People on the earth think that the law of fire is not as fast as the law of lightning, because their knowledge is too short.

boom! !

In an instant.

Bassoon had arrived in front of Lin Chen, struck with thunder and lightning, struck Lin Chen's right shoulder, and burst the space, the sound was thunderous, which made people feel shocked.

His expression became fierce and hyperactive. This punch did not hit Lin Chen's vital point because he didn't want to kill the opponent with a punch. In that case, it would be too boring.

As he just said, he wants to make the scene bloody.

"You are even more wasteful than I thought! It is really disappointing!"

Seeing that he was punching, the other party was still standing silly, neither counterattacking, nor defending. Obviously, it was too late to respond. Basong was disappointed in his heart. The opponent was too weak and abused. It was not addictive at all.

"Master, be careful!"

"Lin Chen, hurry away!"

"It's over! Sure enough, the times have changed. Even when Lin Chen came back, he was no longer an opponent of the Demon League."

Seeing Lin Chen motionless, Basong's fist was about to fall on Lin Chen. Suzuki Qianxia and Jiang Lao, and countless people who saw this scene, exclaimed.

Jiang Lao was beside Lin Chen, but Basong's speed was too fast. In his mind, Lin Chen could help him, but his body couldn't fully respond.

"You two, you shouldn't be here." Qin Chuan sighed a long time, feeling that Dragon King and Lin Chen came here, but came to death in vain.


Just as everyone's heart was tightened, Basong's fist finally fell on Lin Chen's shoulder.

The smile on Bassoon's face froze, and the feeling from the right fist was like this one was hit in the air, and nothing was touched at all.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the "Lin Chen" in front of him dissipated, but only a residual image.

"You are more wasteful than I thought. It is really disappointing."

With a mocking voice, came from behind Bassoon.

This speech, Basong said just now, now Lin Chen has returned intact.

One face of Basong became iron-green, and turned sharply, and saw Lin Chen standing behind him, less than an arm's distance between the two.

Basong was so terrified that his heart twitched, and he immediately withdrew a dozen meters away.

"Don't be so nervous, if I want to shoot behind you, it doesn't make any sense how far you exit." Lin Chen pouted.

Basson's face was blue and red.

Qian Suzuki and Jiang Jiang, looking at the scene above, were stunned.

For the rest, their eyes almost fell out of their eyes.

"What a terrible speed. Lin Chen's speed, far above Basong, was able to avoid the moment when Basson's fist was about to fall on him, and instantly came behind Bassoon!"

Qin Chuan was dumbfounded, and even with an admiration, the look of expectation appeared in his eyes. Perhaps this time, Lin Chen could really bring surprises to everyone, maybe?

On the high stage, the eyes of Alex, Andre, Thiel and Jon were all condensed. Even if they were replaced by a few of them, they could not escape the punch of Basson so easily.

"This guy's reaction speed should be above several of us! It seems that he should also be the ninth order of the Holy Land, and the speed is his strength. No wonder, dare to run here to make trouble!" Alex voice Low.

"Huh! Don't say that he just responded faster, even if he is stronger than everyone we are in, what's the matter? Can he still be against the five of us?" Andrea was a little annoyed because things went wrong. Just as they expected. "Andre is right. And we have the treasure that Casia left when we left, there is no need to worry about anything. This Lin Chen has already posed a huge threat to our Demon League, if we do not eliminate him today , I'm just afraid of future trouble!

Tyre, a little talker, said a few more words.

Alex, Andre and Jon all nodded and reached a consensus. Today Lin Chen had to die. At this moment, they were somewhat happy. Lin Chen took the initiative to appear in front of them.

Otherwise, if Lin Chen hid and wanted to find him, it was really not that easy.

Basong saw that many people below cheered, as if Lin Chen had defeated himself.

His face was as dark as ink, his eyes were crazy, and he grinned:

"It's faster than me. It's impossible. You think you can beat me this way? You hid thousands of times, but as long as I was hit once, you would die without a burial place!"

Basong rushed to Lin Chen again, and his eyes were murderous. He had no choice but to slaughter Lin Chen slowly. This time, a violent punch directly hit Lin Chen's chest, beating Lin Chen with a punch.

"Being hit by you once, you die without a burial place?" Lin Chen raised his brow.

He remained motionless and stood still, as everyone thought he would avoid Bassoon's fist again, with a "bang", Bassong's fist hit Lin Chen's chest. This time, it is not an afterimage!