Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 3106

Chapter 3106

Wen Yuxiang was cautious and said everything that happened after Lin Chen.

In fact, they knew nothing about Lin Chen. From her account, Lu Yang couldn't guess Lin Chen's whereabouts at all, and didn't get any useful information.

"In this way, it is because you are well-known. If you change to other Taoist spiritualists, you are already dead!"

Lu Yang said coldly and looked at Shen Lixuan again.

"According to the rules of the Magic Devil's Cave, you dare to lie in front of me. It was supposed to be damn, but since your life was saved by Chen Lin, I will spare you."

Shen Lixuan's eyes, as soon as he showed joy, he heard Lu Yang continue: "Death is exempt, living sin is inescapable, I will abandon your soul cultivation, and be honest as an ordinary person in the future!"

After he finished speaking, his right index finger pointed at Shen Lixuan's eyebrow, and a mark formed by the condensed soul energy flew into Shen Lixuan's eyebrow.

"No! Don't! Ah-"

Shen Lixuan screamed, and the next second, the scream turned into a scream, holding his head and rolling all over the floor.

Nie Ang looked at Shen Lixuan with a trace of sympathy. Since the elder of the Magic Devil Cave said that Shen Lixuan's soul cultivation was to be abolished, then he must have said it.

In other words, the future Shen Lixuan is no longer a spiritualist, but an ordinary person.

Ordinary people, on this illusion continent, are the lowest-level waste people!

This kind of punishment, for Shen Lixuan who has always been arrogant and proud, is even more painful than killing him!

A figure, like a ghost, shuttled through the jungle, it was Lin Chen who had just left in front of Lu Yang and others. "I have been in this illusion continent for half a day, and I don't know if the people in the illusion cave have found me trespassing in there? Those people in the illusion cave have not returned. There will be doubts,

It is estimated that it will not take long for them to discover this matter. "Only relying on the mountain owner alone can't match all the powerful players in the Magic Devil's Cave. However, not long ago, the Yin-Yang religion just bowed my head to Shenshan, the world is guessing. My Taishan had powerful hidden means. In this case,

People, no matter how angry they are, don't dare to treat the Lord. I don't need to worry about the safety of the mountain owner. "

"However, once they find that I am in the Illusion Cave, they will definitely come to me! I have to move faster."

Lin Chen looked at the soul bead in his hand and looked forward: "I don't know, how much can this soul bead enhance my soul? Is it possible for me to break through to Dao Jiu Pin directly?"

His purpose of entering the Demon Continent was to raise the soul realm to Daojing Ninth Grade. If this soul bead could allow him to break through to Daojing Nineth Grade, then he would not have to stay here.

After looking for a remote place, Lin Chen took the soul bead and entered the Tower of God's Hell.

More than two days passed.

Lu Yang returned to the base of the Magic Demon Cave in the Magic Demon Continent, and came to a courtyard gate, facing the two guards at the door, saying: "Two, I want to see the elders, please also help me to inform me, just Say I have something important to report!"

When the two guards saw Lu Yang, they immediately bowed to say hello.

One of them respectfully said: "Elder Lv, you will wait a moment here. I will report to you now, but I don't know if the elder elder will see you now."

"Oh? What's the matter with the elder elders now?" Lv Yang was puzzled. Under normal circumstances, the elder elders will always see themselves when they arrive.

The man nodded and said, "Just now, Lord Demon Lord came with a few elders from the outside, and he didn't know what to discuss with the elders."

"What did you say? Lord Lord Lord has entered this world?" Lu Yang was startled.

Ordinary people on the Magic Demon Continent do not know, but they are the core characters of the Magic Demon Cave, but the Devil Lord of the Magic Demon Cave is not in this world, but in the outside world, one is much larger than this world. Much more world.

The phantom cave on the phantom continent is managed by the elders of the phantom cave.

Lu Yang remembered that the last time the Devil Lord entered this world was thousands of years ago. Generally speaking, if there is no major event, the Devil Lord will not come here.

"Do you know what the Devil Lord is doing this time?" Lu Yang asked curiously.

The guard shook his head and said, "Elder Lu laughed. I have the right to know about such things. However, when the Devil Lord and the elders arrived, their faces were very annoyed. It should not be a good thing."

"His face is very annoyed?" Lu Yang was startled, his heart was the world outside of the Magic Devil's Cave. What trouble did he encounter?

The guard went in to report, and soon came back, said to Lu Yang: "Elder Lu, Lord Demon Lord and Grand Elder, let you go in." Lu Yang nodded, walked into the gate, walked through the courtyard, and soon came to the front door of the hall Before he walked into the hall, he saw that there were many people in the hall, the elders and the devil, who were awesomely listed. In addition to the two of them, there were more than a dozen magic caves

The elders.

"I have seen the devil and the elders!" Lu Yang walked quickly.

Elder Hall of Magic Hall is a wrinkled face, white hair is very sparse, looks very old.

He nodded to Lu Yang and smiled kindly, said: "Elder Lu, I heard you have important things, you want to tell me?" Lu Yang nodded and said busy: "Yes, elder elder. I go to the soul Beast Forest, after looking for Golden Eye Blood Nether Spider, after Golden Eye Blood Nether Spider, it could not have been the seventh grade of Dao Realm, but at the critical moment, it absorbed the soul energy of the same kind and broke into Dao Realm

Eight grades! "

The elder elder said with a smile: "After the Golden Eye Blood Nether Spider in Daojing Bapin can't hurt you, but most of you can't kill it. You are here to get me to get its soul beads for you?"

"No! Grand Elder, you misunderstood!" Lu Yang waved his hand and explained: "After the Golden Eye Blood Spider, he has already died in the hands of others. I came to you this time to tell you about This person's affairs. This person looks very young, but turned out to be a spiritualist with eight qualities in the soul.

He is not a person in my phantom cave, saying that he is from a small village isolated from the world. I really don't understand, which village on the illusion continent can actually walk out of such characters? "

The faces of the elder elders and the rest of the people were stunned.

A spiritualist with eight qualities? A small village isolated from the world?

Can the two be related? The otherwise silent and silent Demon Lord suddenly looked upset and shouted, "What's that man's name?"