Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 The Future Valkyrie

Irina shook her head: "I don't know this. The employer's information is not accessible to me as a C-level killer. It is estimated that only the Shadow Demon himself knows."

Lin Chen was a little disappointed in her heart, but think about it too. Irina, at the beginning of the day after tomorrow, is estimated to have no high status in the organization. It is not surprising that she does not know the employer's information.

He asked again: "Who is the Shadow Demon?"

He remembered that the pygmy killer had mentioned the shadow demon before, and said that he was being targeted by the "Phantom", then he would definitely be sent to accompany him.

Irina said with resentment and fear in her voice: "The Shadow Demon is the leader of the "Phantom", a holy master who is so powerful that he dare not resist, ranking third in the world killer list, and you were killed tonight. The son of the devil is also a figure in the world's killer list, but he is ranked tenth, only a semi-holy level, and can't be compared with the shadow demon.

After she finished speaking, she seemed afraid that Lin Chen could not understand, adding: "The Saint level is your innate master of Huaxia, and the half Saint level is the peak of the acquired day."

Is the Shadow Demon an innate master?

Lin Chen frowned slightly, he is now enough to crush the general peak of the acquired day, but if you encounter an innate master, it is really a bit of trouble.

"Since Shadow Demon is the leader of the "Phantom" phantom organization, how do I feel like you don't respect him at all?" Lin Chen wondered. He even felt that Irina seemed to hate this person very much.

Irina coldly said: "He is an old pervert, and forced me to be his mistress, I would rather die than promise, and he will bet with me later, if my mission is successful this time, he will no longer Press me, but if I fail, I have to be his mistress honestly. Huh! He wants to be beautiful, I would rather die than touch that old thing!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen finally understood why the woman wanted to kill herself so desperately that even **** was used.

"If you really don't want to be his mistress, leave the "Phantom", the world is so big, just find a place to hide?" Lin Chen said.

Irina shook her head: "Useless, we killers all have micro bombs in their heads. If they dare to escape, no matter where they are, the brain will be shattered. This bomb is hidden deep in the brain and cannot be taken out at all. If you are not careful, you will become an idiot or even die."

"Oh, is it so?"

Lin Chen looked at Irina's head as if she had encountered something interesting, "Since the bomb can be put in, it can be taken out naturally, the key is to see if the person who took the bomb has enough skills."

Irina turned black: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to help you take out the bomb." Lin Chen said. He is very interested in various things related to medicine in the world, but he wants to see how deeply the other party can bury the bomb and what the bomb looks like.

Irina was shocked and shook her head quickly: "No, the bomb is embedded in the brain through special equipment. How can you take it out! I have secretly found several famous North American surgical experts to see them, they all Tell me, this bomb cannot be taken out!"

"Then do you want to take out the bomb?" Lin Chen looked at Irina's eyes.

"Of course I thought." Irina said without hesitation, feeling that the other party was talking nonsense.

"Then rest assured, even if you can't get it out, it will not leave any sequelae, and it is impossible to kill you."

Irina just wanted to say something, and she felt like she was black and fell to the bed.

Before fainting, there was only one desperate thought in my head: finished, this is really over, this guy actually wants to open his mind! What a madman! Why am I so miserable!

The next morning.

Irina woke up and saw Lin Chen, who was asleep next to her. Her brain did not respond. The first reaction was: Do you want to kill him? Now it seems a good opportunity?

Then, I remembered what happened yesterday, my face changed a lot, I touched the back of my head, my hair was still there, and there did not seem to be a hole in my brain, but I was still a little uneasy. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Rest assured.

It seems that this guy didn't take his own surgery, just kidding.

When she walked back, she saw something on the bedside table.

Scalpel, cotton with blood stains, small porcelain bottle with no idea what to hold, tweezers, alcohol lamp, silver needle...


Irina suddenly made an exclamation, the sound, the glass almost shattered.

Lin Chen was also taken aback. He was so busy that he opened his eyes and jumped up, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Seeing Irina screaming, she wasn't angry, "What's wrong with you? I didn't do anything to you last night!"

Last night, I got to the middle of the night and was too tired. He really did not do anything. It was almost like a beast.

"You, you...you didn't do anything to me? You said you didn't do anything to me?" Irina pointed at something on the bedside table, her voice trembling.

This guy actually opened his head last night?

Just rely on this scalpel, tweezers, alcohol lamp?

What a joke, although I am a killer, I have prepared for death long ago, but I can't play like this!

But I went to the mirror just now, but I couldn't see anything. It was really strange.

"You should thank me. I took the bomb in your head." Lin Chen pointed to a spot on the bedside table.


Irina took a closer look at where Lin Chen pointed. There was a silver ball the size of a worm egg, with an incredible expression on her face, and then it became ecstatic: "Really taken out!"

She had seen the implanted bomb, and the tiny silver ball in front of her was the bomb implanted in her head!

It's just that it's too incredible. Lin Chen even got rid of the bomb in his head by relying on such a few simple things!

This is simply a miracle!

"The implantation location is well chosen. It happens to be in the densest part of the cranial nerve. If you accidentally damage the cranial nerve a little, it will indeed be very troublesome. It will become an idiot, and the brain will die. However, for me, This is nothing. To be honest, it really made me a little disappointed. I thought it was a brilliant implant technique." Lin Chen said lightly.

"Ah! Little man, you are too powerful, I like you so much!" Irina cheered, throwing Lin Chen directly on the bed, and then kissed him on the face, very excited.

The bomb was in her head, and she had always made her feel uneasy even when she was sleeping. Now that she was taken out, it made her mad and mad.

"Irina, I'm asking you a question. Do you want to worship me as a teacher?" Lin Chen said seriously, but she was now kissed by Irina with lipstick all over her face.

"Thank you as a teacher? Why did you say this suddenly?" Irina was a little puzzled.

But she does have some emotions, she has seen Lin Chen's force, and even the son of the devil is not his opponent! And there is a magical medical technique!

Lin Chendao: "I saw your bones good last night, I helped you touch your bones, and found that you are very suitable for learning one of my exercises. If you are willing to worship me as a teacher, I can give this exercise to you.

Although you missed the best age to learn martial arts, but I can refining Yi Gu Dan for you, you can definitely make your kung fu advance by leaps and bounds. "

Irina's eyes lit up: "What exercises?"

"Martial nerve." Lin Chen said.

He did help Irina touch the bone last night. He didn't expect that this foreign girl's talent is really good. It is fully worthy of the names of bone singularity and martial arts. I believe that with his help, force can definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

By then, he had an extra right arm.

Lin Chen didn't know at this time. His decision at the moment gave the future a Valkyrie that shocked the world!