Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 Do You Despise Me

Lin Chen frowned, and the innate masters did not dare to provoke this voodoo door. Seeing that this voodoo door was indeed a bit difficult.

However, he will not change his decision because of this!

All three men in this room must die!

Whether it is Wu Hai, Master Huang, or Li Chang who brought Zhang Yuerong, he does not intend to let it go.

These people attacked the woman beside him, which has offended his counterscale!

The dragon has a counterscale, and it will die if touched!

Seeing Lin Chen's face still very cold, Wu Hai was so terrified that his body was trembling, and he couldn't help but shouted, "Lin Chen, I was mixed with Feng Shao, Master Huang is also Feng Shao's person, if you kill us, Feng Shao will not let you go! You better think about the consequences. In this month of Haishi, if Feng Shao wants to kill a person, no one can keep it, even if you know the dragon group!"

"Feng Shao?" Lin Chen looked at Wu Hai.

Wu Hai was overjoyed, thinking Lin Chen was afraid, and said: "Yes! Feng Shao is the future heir of the Feng family, and the Feng family is the first family of Yuehai City, with a military background, don't look at our stars Hui Group, or Tianqiang Entertainment, Huading Group seems to be very powerful, but it is nothing compared to the Feng family! I am now Feng Shao's person, you must not move me!"

Lin Chen shook his head, "No matter how powerful he is, I will not let you go. If he wants to avenge you, then I will wait for him."

"You--" Wu Hai's face changed suddenly.

Lin Chen no longer ignored each other and walked out of the room holding Zhang Yuerong.

Just after leaving the room, Lin Chen saw Li Kaishan kneeling in front of him.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Kaishan gritted his teeth and said, "Please save my wife!"

After talking, Li Kaishan gave him a bang directly, and with a loud bang, the floor trembles, and his forehead was bleeding.

Lin Chen froze, then said coldly: "Go inside and pull the two women out."

"it is good!"

Li Kaishan responded and walked into the house. Then two screams from Master Huang and Wu Hai came from the house. At this time, they were already awake and had no fighting power at all.

The two of them are now interested in men, and they have no reason, and Lin Chen cannot naturally leave the two dead women in it.

It is estimated that Li Chang will be untied by them later. As for what to do, it is self-evident.

Li Kaishan took out the bodies of the two women and threw them in the hallway, locking the door by the way. Obviously he knew what Lin Chen wanted to do.

After doing this, he hurriedly said: "Lin Chen, I beg you to save my wife. My wife has kidney failure. I have had a kidney change before, but the sequelae is very big. Now I have relapsed. Relying on the biological agents Wu Tianhua bought from the United States to sustain life, the effect has been getting worse recently.

Master Huang said that he can cure my wife's illness, which is why I think he is the main, but he has been delaying time, that is, not to treat my wife to the doctor, I feel that he is lying to me, but this is my wife living The only hope, I can only succumb to him. Please, save my wife, as long as you can save her, I will be your slave in my life! "

He spoke quickly, apparently very afraid Lin Chen refused.

Just now he heard that Master Huang seemed to be threatening after actually asking for mercy. He ran to the door and immediately stunned. Master Huang was obviously drugged like that.

Master Huang was originally a magician, and he was better at poisoning, but as a result, he lost to Lin Chen.

Doesn't it mean that Lin Chen's medical skills and poison skills may be stronger than the other?

Thinking so, there was a scene where he just kneeled down and begged Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't expect Li Kaishan to do all this because of his wife, who was touched in his heart, but still said coldly: "You are a tiger, I'm good if I don't kill you. Do you still want me to save your wife?"

Li Kaishan gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you are willing to save my wife, I can immediately give up my life without any complaints!"

Lin Chen was about to continue talking, and suddenly found a moist and warm feeling around his neck.

"Sister Rong, are you awake?"

When Lin Chen saw Zhang Yuerong opened his eyes, he couldn't help but feel happy, and then his mouth twitched, because Zhang Yuerong now kissed his neck, kissing a little crazy.

"Well, I'm awake, Lin Chen, I'm so hot." Zhang Yuerong said with a gasp in his voice, then hugged Lin Chen's head and kissed frantically on his face.

Lin Chen held Zhang Yuerong in both hands, but it was not easy to throw her away. Zhang Yuerong kissed her with lipstick on her face.

When he saw that Li Kaishan looked at both of them strangely, he couldn't help but blush. He tried to keep a cold face and said to Li Kaishan: "Whether to forgive you and save your wife, it's up to Sister Rong to decide what you want If you want, please beg her!"

Zhang Yuerong seemed very dissatisfied that Lin Chen looked at others, wrinkled Liu Mei, and looked at Li Kaishan. Then, with a look of doubt, he puppeted sillyly and said, "Hey, why is there a Lin Chen here?"

"But I like this, this is the taste of Lin Chen." Zhang Yuerong suddenly put Lin Chen's head on his chest suddenly, as if to press him into his body.

Lin Chen felt suffocated by the softness of the two regiments. He was busy and said: "Sister Rong, bear with me for a while, you have been prescribed medicine, and I will help you immediately!"

Zhang Yuerong looked like he was drunk, blushing like blood, glamorous, and dim eyes. He was biting Lin Chen's ear in his mouth and gently biting. When he heard Lin Chen's words, he shook his head and smirked, No, no People give me medicine, I am sober!"

"You're so weird!" Lin Chen said angrily, when he saw that Li Kaishan said that he was himself, this is probably a confused brain.

Li Kaishan is very interesting, busy is saying: "You are busy, there seems to be a "poison mercenary corps" below did not die, but was seriously injured, I went to solve him."

After he finished speaking, he hurried away, daring not to be a light bulb here, and killing the living mercenary was also equivalent to giving Lin Chen a name.

Lin Chen ignored him, took Zhang Yuerong to another room, and then rushed directly to the bathroom.

He was cruel, put Zhang Yuerong in the bathtub, and then opened the cold water to rush on Zhang Yuerong.

"Lin Chen, what are you doing? Cold! No, I'm so hot, you hug me, hug me!" Zhang Yuerong said a little coquettishly, while struggling to come out of the bathtub.

Lin Chen reluctantly said: "Sister Rong, you have to be patient first, you have been prescribed medicine, you need to be awake, I will help you with acupuncture and moxibustion, can help you relieve it.

His tone was awkward, and he was awkward: "Best, you can solve it yourself..."

"No, I have not been drugged, I am sober, really, Lin Chen, for the first time I understand my own heart so much. I like you, I like you so much, I especially like you, I don't want to solve it by yourself! I think I'm too old, do you think I'm carrying two tow oil bottles? Woo..." At the end, Zhang Yuerong even cried aggrievedly.

Lin Chen was dumbfounded.

In any case, if you get an aphrodisiac, you should be confused, just thinking about men. Why did you confess it?