Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Chapter 216 I want to worship him as a teacher!

"Ah! How can there be butterflies on the stage, I... why am I crying!"

It wasn't just who screamed first, and then everyone recovered, watching the scene on the stage, they were all stunned, and then the scene was noisy again, this time people were even more crazy than before, The waves of mountains and rivers swept through the hall.

"Fuck! It's amazing. It's really amazing. For the first time, I know that music can be performed like this. It turns out that music can be intoxicating like wine. It turns out that music can make people see a story!"

"It's so amazing, no wonder, he said that Zhang Yiting played rubbish. Although it was straightforward, compared with others, Zhang Yiting played real rubbish!"

"Yeah, what about their usual clothes, this music can make people forget everything outside, what clothes and appearance are not important!"

"It's so romantic, that even the butterfly flew over, this is incredible! Who of you knows who the man is on stage, what is his name? From today, he is my male god, and no one is allowed to be I rob!"

"You save it, I'm almost the same wherever you deserve him!"

On the jury, everyone was stunned.

Music actually attracts butterflies, which is simply a miracle!

The most surprising thing is Ye Menghuang, who has a cold temperament, but at this time she is excited and blushing: "Principal Liang, what is his name? Tell me quickly, who is he and what is his name?"

Principal Liang wondered: "This person is not a student here, but Bai Lan found it, and I don't know who he is. Meng Huang, could it be because of his talent, would you like to accept him as a student?"

"No! I want to worship him as a teacher!" Ye Menghuang bit her lip and stared at Lin Chen, her eyes glowing.


Principal Liang thought he had heard it wrong, the classic goddess Ye Menghuang wanted to worship this young man as a teacher, how could this be possible!

"Menghuang, you...you just said to worship him as a teacher."

Ye Menghuang nodded excitedly: "Yes."

Principal Liang heard the answer and found that he heard it correctly and was completely stupid.

Ye Menghuang didn't care, only she knew that Lin Chen's piano sound had reached a true extreme, which was far from her.

Music has no borders, and when the music reaches its extreme, it can even cross races, because any creature in the world likes moving sounds.

And Lin Chen has already reached that step!

The white and blue on the stage have already cried into tears. She just sang "Liang Zhu". The whole person was immersed in the music as if she had followed Lin Chen with such a poignant love affair.

"Stupid girl, don't cry, "Liang Zhu" seems to me, in fact, it is not a tragedy, as long as it can finally be together and turned into a butterfly, then what about it." Lin Chen laughed.


Bai Lan nodded her head, plunged into Lin Chen's arms, hugged the man, she felt the sadness in her heart infected by the sound of the piano slowly disappeared.

As long as he is present, this world is beautiful!

Then she saw the colorful butterflies flying around them, and curiously said: "Brother Lin Chen, can butterflies also understand music?"

Lin Chen was not surprised to see these butterflies: "Of course. Animals cannot understand our language, but they can feel the emotions in them."

At this time, Lin Chen said to the audience: "Now do you believe that Zhang Yiting's "Pingsha Luoyan" played very garbage?"

He didn't use the microphone this time, but the magic is that everyone on the stage heard his voice, but now everyone is very excited, and no one thinks about it.


The people in the audience shouted in unison and were in a state of euphoria. There was no harm without comparison. Zhang Yiting's piano sound alone sounded good, but when compared with Lin Chen's piano sound, it was really garbage!

"Very good. Then I'm telling you, what Zhang Yiting said to you before is a lie. The blue character is ten million times better than her. It's impossible to deliberately bet on her. She played rubbish, that was nonsense, because in my eyes, she was not worth my scolding at all!" Lin Chen said lightly.

The reason why he only explained it now is because, at the beginning, he explained that these people would not listen at all, and only after showing his ability, these talents might believe their own words.

In this world, the words of excellent and powerful people will be valued and considered.

When everyone heard his words, they thought about it.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the other party really has no need to provoke Zhang Yiting.

In terms of looks, Bai Lan is much prettier than Zhang Yiting. They originally thought they might be jealous of Zhang Yiting's guqin talent.

But now it seems that Zhang Yiting's guqin talent is simply scum in front of others. It is not a grade at all. Where else will they provoke each other?

Zhang Yiting's face in the background was so ugly that she couldn't even dream of it. Lin Chen played piano so much better than her, and even felt better than her teacher Ye Menghuang!

Seeing the students under the stage, there was some shaking in the look. It seemed to believe Lin Chen's words. She gritted her teeth and ran directly to the stage, screaming: "You nonsense, I didn't lie!"

"You didn't lie? Do you think you are qualified to let me take care of you? I have no interest in telling you that you are garbage." Lin Chen said coldly.


Zhang Yiting suffocated, turned to look down the stage, had to say that she would perform very well, at this time the face of grievance, two lines of tears came out, weeping:

"Students, please believe me, because they bully me, where do I dare to provoke them? Bai Lan's boyfriend was the one who beat Xue Kai and Coach Taekwondo from the school gate a while ago. Rich second generation, think about it, where can I dare to provoke them?"

The students on the stage were shocked when they heard this.

Not long ago, Xue Kai and Coach Park of the Taekwondo Club were beaten by a rich second-generation Lamborghini at the school gate. They all knew this.

Xue Kai is the famous rich second generation in the school, and Coach Park is a super master of Taekwondo. The other party can beat them, indicating that this person is definitely not easy to mess with!

Thinking this way, they actually believe Zhang Yiting's words. After all, this kind of person, if Zhang Yiting is not crazy, will not provoke.

Where do they know that women can sometimes be irrational just to fight for their will?

When the people under the stage began to believe Zhang Yiting's words again, a girl with purple hair and blue eyes, a tall and graceful figure, and a very delicate face came to the stage.

Lin Chen frowned slightly when she saw the girl.

Su Ruan, what does this girl run up to do? It stands to reason that this girl should be resentful to herself. After all, she has beaten other people's PP more than once...

Could it be that this chick ran up to support Zhang Yiting?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's eyes were cold. In fact, he didn't care what these students thought, but after all, Bai Lan studied here, he didn't want to have any bad influence on Bai Lan because of what happened tonight.