Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 2155

Chapter 2155

Seeing Bingyue lost in the blink of an eye, the Longmen people looked a little desperate.

Wu Yuqiang let the Dragon Gate Master come out, however, Lin Chen did not appear for a long time.

"What's the matter, that the Dragon Gate Master is all this time, and he hasn't stood up yet?" "What's the use of him coming out, not to die? It is estimated that I don't know where to hide, maybe even, no one knows At the time, he secretly fled the Yongye City. After all, he can arrange this big array, obviously there are some other skills

, Very likely, already ran! "

"I ran away, leaving Longmen with so many people waiting to die here! This kind of person, Lao Tzu is the most peculiar! It's a scumbag!"

In the city of Yongye, everyone saw that Lin Chen had not appeared for a long time. In his words, he was full of disdain and contempt.

Wu Yuqiang narrowed his eyes. He used Shennian directly to investigate in Yongye City and found that there was no Lin Chen's breath. He could not help but sneer:

"In this Yongye city, there is no breath from that guy. Unexpectedly, he was let to escape!"

Hearing his words, everyone determined that Lin Chen had fled, and a boo sounded in the city of Yongye, which was even more disdainful to Lin Chen.

"Yes, that guy escaped, just escape. There is a bereavement dog, and I am too lazy to look for it again."

Wu Yuqiang said lightly. Now, he has broken through to the first level of the Holy Realm. He only feels that his former self is too weak, and feels that he is enough to control everything in the southern region. Like Lin Chen and Bing Yue, they are not worth mentioning. Since Lin Chen "escaped",

He was too lazy to find it.

"Give you two choices, die, or surrender to my poisonous religion?" Wu Yuqiang looked at the people at the Dragon Gate and said.

"Don't think about it! If you have the ability, you will kill us all. Lao Tzu would rather die than die!" Qingtian snarled.

Although the atmosphere is extremely depressed, many people in Longmen also have a sorrowful expression to die, and they have spoken one after another, and they would rather die than die.

Nowadays, Longmen has been established for a short time, and many people have regarded themselves as part of the Longmen. Niu Qing and Qing Mo's face changed, and finally sighed. After all, they didn't open their mouths. Since they have joined the Dragon Gate, and they also gained a lot of benefits at the Dragon Gate, if they choose to leave the Dragon Gate to surrender at this time, then Even them

Will look down on themselves.

However, not everyone is willing to perish together with the Dragon Gate.

"I surrender!"

"I am willing to take the people under my hand and submit to the priests! In the final analysis, we belong to the demon king's palace, not a **** dragon gate!"

"I've long wanted to leave Longmen, and it's just right! Hum! Only a fool will choose to perish with Longmen! You are willing to die with Qingmo as a woman, then go, anyway, don't drag on the old man!"

A small number of people opened their mouths and chose to submit to Wuyu Qiong. The vast majority of these people were originally those who belonged to the Demon King's Palace and Fei Xue Lou, and even included the main characters of the original Demon King's Palace and Fei Xue Lou.

"Shi Yuanqiu, there is no demon king hall now, only demon king hall! How dare you take someone to rebel, are you looking for death?"

Niu Qing was furious, staring at a middle-aged man with blue hair and a tiger's back, screaming and killing.

The middle-aged man named Shi Yuanqiu is also a demon beast, the body of which is the two-headed lion of the blue flame.

Niu Qing did not expect that the other party would choose to surrender at this critical moment, which is tantamount to rebellion!

"Xian Yutuo! It seems that you think you have lived too long and want me to give you a ride in advance?"

Qing Mo looked at an old man not far away, her words were very short, her eyes overflowed with murderousness.

This old man was originally Feixuelou, and now an important person in Feixuetang, after joining the Dragon Gate, he did not get much training resources from the Dragon Gate. At this time, he chose to surrender, which made Qing Mo's heart already killed.

Facing the angry Niu Qing and Qing Mo, both Shi Yuanqiu and Xian Yutuo's face changed slightly. They are not rivals of Niu Qing and Qing Mo, and they dare not talk back.

"The prosperous ones are prosperous, and the rebellious ones die. In my opinion, you are the ones who are looking for death!"

Wu Yuqiang snorted in the air, but he did not see any action. Niu Qing and Qing Mo both spouted blood at the same time, and flew out, as if they had an invisible palm, slapping them **** them.

Everyone was in an uproar, shocked by Wu Yuqiang's means again! Shi Yuanqiu and Xian Yutuo had a smug smile on their faces, and no longer had any scruples. They sneered at Niu Qing and Qing Mo. The people of Longmen could almost hear anger in their eyes. Some people couldn't help but rush to Shi Yuanqiu. He Xian Yu Tuo, and then again

Was shot out by an invisible force!

"The Lord of the Witch, Lin Chen, the Lord of the Dragon Gate, has actually been here for two or three months, but I don't know exactly where he went!" Shi Yuanqiu looked at Wu Yuqiong, his face flattering.

"I don't know very well, but the woman of Lin Chen must know that if the witch master wants to pull Lin Chen out and kill him, then from her woman's mouth, you can get the answer!"

Xian Yutuo also quickly looked at Wu Yuqiang, and the two looked like two dogs competing with their master.

"Which is his woman?"

Wu Yuqiang is too lazy to spend too much energy to find Lin Chen. After all, Long Yuanxing is too large. Lin Chen may have even fled to several other domains, and it is unlikely to be found.

But if he can, he still tends to pull Lin Chen out and cut the grass!

"she was!"

Shi Yuanqiu and Xian Yutuo spoke at the same time and pointed to Long Xuelan!

"Asshole, Lao Tzu slaughtered you two guys who eat inside and out!"

Qingtian roared, the tiger's eyes widened, and rushed to Shi Yuanqiu and Xian Yutuo, but the blood demon was slow to pull him.

However, Qing Tian had not rushed to Shi Yuanqiu and Xian Yu Tuo, but was also shot directly by an invisible force, and fell to the ground, vomiting blood in his mouth.

"Don't be overstretched, in front of me, dare to be arrogant!"

Wu Yuqiang looked at Qingtian with a sneer, and immediately looked at Long Xuelan, who was crouching beside the seriously injured Ice Moon, and said indifferently:

"Where is Lin Chen?"

"I don't know!" Facing Wu Yuqiang high above, Long Xuelan was fearless and said coldly.

Wu Yuqiang's face sank.


At the next moment, a terrible coercion came suddenly, like a high mountain pressing on Long Xuelan, and Long Xuelan's bang was overwhelmed by the coercion on the ground.

The ground collapsed and sunk!

Long Xuelan couldn't move his body, his face was close to the ground, there was blood in his mouth, and the sound of bones clicking in his body.

"I'll ask again, where is Lin Chen?" Wu Yu Qiongdao said.

"I! No! Know! Dao!" Long Xuelan had been a bit difficult to speak, but the words were clear, but she was very clear. She stared fiercely at Wu Yuqiang!

"Look for death!" Wu Yuqiang sighed coldly, and the first-order pressure of Saint Realm erupted, slamming on Long Xuelan!