Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Family Law Serve

Su Xiran looked at Su Meilin and said angrily: "Meilin, I am your sister. Did you talk like that? Why did my eyes grow on top of my head?"

"Okay, don't be noisy!"

Sun Yan looked at Su Xiran with an undoubted tone: "Xi Ran, wait for the rain to stop, you are going to date Mr. Zhao, this matter, I am talking about it! The company of Mr. Zhao, every day There are too many things to be busy. Can he leave things and run to our house? Isn't he sincere enough? He is so young, he is worth ten million, and is enough for you!"

At a young age, Zhao Zhisheng worked hard for ten million family businesses, and the family conditions were not bad. In Sun Yan's eyes, this kind of man is undoubtedly the best son-in-law.

Zhao Zhisheng smiled modestly: "Aunt Sun, you don't always call me Mr. Zhao. It's too common, just call me Zhisheng. In fact, how big my company is and how much money they have, these are secondary, Mainly, I really like Xiran."

He looked at Su Xiran with a sincere look and said: "Xi Ran, I am sincere to you, would you give me a chance?"

From the moment he saw Su Xiran's photos, he was fascinated. The other party was like a beautiful and **** dream goddess. It was not comparable to the women in the small county, so for Su Xiran, he was bound to get it.

Now, Su Xiran's family is basically on his side. In his view, it is inevitable to win Su Xiran.

Su Xiran frowned and was about to speak.

At this time, there was a sound of someone patting the door.

The people in the room were all stunned and looked at the heavy rain outside the house. At this time, it should be reasonable that there should be no friends or family to be guests.

"I'll open the door."

Su Xiran stood up and said that she really didn't want to continue talking.

As she walked towards the door, she thought about how to send Zhao Zhisheng away.

The door was opened and a rain-filled face appeared in front of her.

Su Xiran looked at this face that appeared in the dream last night, and was stunned.

"Lin...Lin Chen? Is it really you? Did you come to me?" Su Xiran said incredulously, then his eyes slowly turned red, and he looked like he was crying.

For the past two days, she has been thinking about whether Lin Chen will come to him, and he is really here now, and also looks like a rain-covered embarrassment, Su Xiran is moved and sweet again.

But then, Lin Chen snorted, picked her up directly, and walked into the door.

"Ah! Lin Chen, what are you doing?"

Su Xiran was taken aback, showing Lin Chen's angry look, but also a little scared.

Lin Chen didn't care if the ground was a bit dirty, anyway, he was drizzled and he was afraid of something dirty.

He sat down on the ground and pressed Su Xiran on his lap.

Raising her hand is a slap on her butt.


"I let you leave without saying goodbye!"


"I told you not to return to Yuehai City!"


"I asked you to return the Ferrari to me!"


"I can't get through your phone!"


"Ah! Don't...don't fight, little villain, you run to kiss someone else, you still blame me! Woo... little villain! Pervert!"

Su Xiran couldn't be grieved, but he was a little happy in his heart. Lin Chen was so angry that he was spanked by Lin Chen, feeling that the whole person was soft, without any effort.

"Kiss? Was she kissing me myself? Brother was very wrong! I was just pretending to be her boyfriend! I told you before, I am An Xueyao bodyguard, you just don't believe it! Again, you Seeing me we kissed you, wouldn't you rush up and question? You ran away secretly, what do you want to do? Go home and make a blind date?"

Lin Chen became more and more angry, and raised his hand again, slap. In any case, this time he must wait for family law to let Su Xiran take a longer lesson. Otherwise, if there is anything going on in the future, he will just run away.

"You... are you really An Xueyao bodyguard, pretending to be her boyfriend?"

Su Xiran heard Lin Chen's words and was dumbfounded. Then she looked upset and forgot that Lin Chen was hitting her ass.

Lin Chen didn't answer at all, but directly slap.


"Ah! Lin Chen, you... you don't want to fight, can't someone else make a mistake. Don't fight, little villain, Sister Xi Xi apologizes to you, OK?" Su Xiran blushed with a hint of begging.

Lin Chen snorted, "What's wrong with my spanking? Do you know? I drove from Yuehai City last night. I didn't eat, drink or sleep for more than ten hours. People asked for directions, and I found it here after being in the rain for a long time! I spanked you, and you were wronged?"

Lin Chen said more and more angry, and raised his hand again.


Su Xiran's face was full of emotions. After thinking about it, she flushed her buttocks slightly with a red face, and there was a sweet taste in her voice: "Have you really driven for more than ten hours?"

"Nonsense! I'm cold, hungry and sleepy now, do you know?"

Lin Chen glared, Su Xiran shrank her neck like a little daughter-in-law, and finally blushed and poked her **** up, "That person beat you up. But shall we go to dinner first?"

Lin Chen: "..."

When Lin Chen thought that Su Xiran was shaking some M attributes, an angry roar came.

"Asshole! Are you doing anything to Xi Ran?" Zhao Zhisheng looked at this scene incredulously and shouted.

Behind him, Su Xiran's parents and her sister were also dumbfounded.

They were all attracted by the strange crackling sound at the door. Unexpectedly, they saw this incredible scene.

Su Xiran was lying on a wet man, rising his buttocks, blushing, his eyes still moved, as if he was begging the other side and beating her ass.

"who are you?"

Lin Chen glanced at Zhao Zhisheng a little, and then looked at Su Xiran, "Who is he?"

Su Xiran turned his eyes wide and wanted to say that this person was the blind date introduced by his stepmother, but also afraid that Lin Chen thought he was going on a blind date. Finally, he bowed his head and blushed and said, "I don't know him..."

Lin Chen is speechless, lie, don't know him, he is in your house?

But looking at Su Xiran's pitiful look, he was a little funny, but still forced a cold face.

Zhao Zhisheng was about to get blown away. What does it mean to not know me?

Am I all he sat in your house for a morning, and you don't know me yet?

"Boy, who the **** are you? I am Xi Ran's object. She is my woman. Will you hurry and let me go of her!" Zhao Zhisheng shouted at Lin Chen.


Lin Chen frowned, just about to fight back, but Su Xiran was even more angry, cursing: "Zhao Zhisheng you fart!"

Everyone: "..."

The audience was silent, and everyone looked at Su Xiran in disbelief.

"Uh... Sister Xi Xi, you would also speak rude words?" Lin Chen was surprised, Su Xiran has always been so gentle and charming, even swearing.


Su Xiran also reacted, with a pretty face, and finally only stared at Lin Chen, angrily said: "People are not afraid of your misunderstanding, so they are too excited. He is just talking nonsense! Little bastard, Hurry up and let me go!"

Lin Chen smiled and let Su Xiran stand up.

He sneered towards Zhao Zhisheng: "I heard you, you are farting! Can my wife be your target? Return your woman? Are you an idiot with a pit?"