Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298

Everyone fell hundreds of meters down, the temperature was getting higher and higher, and there were small rivers at the bottom, but the hot red magma was flowing in these small rivers.

Lin Chen and others landed on a rocky path.

Inside this Mount Fuji, it looks like a huge labyrinth. The road is full of twists and turns. Under the leadership of Abe Qingyang, everyone walks through this underground labyrinth.

Lin Chen thought, if it weren't for this guy to lead the way, then the eight-spotted serpent was hiding in this maze-like place underground, and it was really hard to find if he came to find it by himself.

After a while, Lin Chen felt that the concentration of Reiki in the air was getting higher and higher.

He had a happy expression on his face. If nothing unexpected happened, there was definitely something good in this underground.

Gavin and the Dark Pope and others also noticed the change in the concentration of Reiki in the air, and their faces showed a surprise color, but then there was depression.

Obviously, with Lin Chen present, even if there are good things, they will definitely not be able to get their turn.

After walking for a while, there was a smell in the air, and just then, a roar came suddenly!

"Abe Qingyang, don't I ask you not to bother me? Go away!"

The voice was low and hoarse.

At the same time as the sound came, a smelly gust of wind also surged from the front, blowing everyone's clothes and hunting, and their hair dancing wildly.

Abe Qingyang quickly stopped.

Lin Chen and other people's faces also changed. Guess what he said, it should be the big snake!

This monster is actually able to speak human language, it is almost perfect, but it seems that it has been alive for two thousand years, and it dares to try the existence of thunder, it seems not difficult to accept.

Waiting for Abe Qingyang to speak, the other party's angry voice came again:

"Damn it! I don't want you to bother me or anyone to disturb me. You even brought someone over?"


The sound of snakes crawling fast came, and then, a huge snake head three or four meters wide and one or two meters high appeared not far away in front of everyone.

Although I can't see its body yet, it can be guessed that its body must be extremely large!


Rao Shizuka Suzuki has seen many big scenes. At this time, when he saw this hill-like head covered with black scale armor and the green and faint eyes, he was also shocked and couldn't help but get together with Lin Chen. beside.

Gavin, the Dark Pope, and others, also looked at the Eight Divergent Serpent in horror.

They had also seen a python with a length of more than ten meters in the primitive jungle, but those pythons could not be compared with the eight-branch snake in front of them.

The eyes of the eight-snake snake seem to give people a terrible sense of violence, and the most terrifying thing is the kind of majesty it gives people.

Gavin and the Dark Pope and others, facing the eight-divided snake at this time, felt as if their heart had been slammed a few times, and it was like pressing a boulder, some breathless.

It was not just them. At this time, even Lin Chen was terrified. The big snake in front of him gave him a feeling that he could not match it.

If it weren't for Wu Qianye to tell him that after the failure of the Eight-Big Serpent Crossing the Thunder Tribulation, he will definitely be seriously injured and if his strength is greatly damaged, Lin Chen will definitely leave directly at this time!

After seeing Lin Chen and others, the eight-spotted snake had a bad eyesight, and finally focused on Anpe Qingyang. He was about to scold, but he could see what was happening in his blood.

Its wisdom is not much worse than that of humans. It has been guessed that Lin Chen and others forced Abe Qingyang to bring them over!

An Pei Qingyang shone, and ran to the side of the big snake, pointed to Lin Chen, and complained to the big snake:

"Adult, this guy forced me to bring him over! I took out your name, hoping to scare him back, but he insulted you just as a stink snake, and said he would take your skin off, Then use it to make snake soup!"

"He is also the realm of extraordinary eightfold heaven, but somehow the power is much more terrifying than the ordinary extraordinary eightfold heavenly powerhouse! Of course, he will not be your opponent, and you are also invited to kill this unknown guy! "

After speaking, Abe Qingyang stared at Lin Chen with a smug and bitter look.

He brought Lin Chen and others over, on the one hand, for his life, on the other hand, he wanted to make the Eight-Snake Serpent to kill Lin Chen!

"Lin Chen didn't insult it at all, don't talk nonsense!"

Chika Suzuki looked at Abe Qingyang and said angrily.

Lin Chen ignored Abe Qingyang's efforts to add oil and vinegar. In fact, he knew from the beginning that Abe Qingyang had any ideas.

However, when he came here, he would inevitably be in conflict with the Eight Divided Serpent, so he did not take his careful thinking seriously.

Lin Chen looked at Ba Qi Snake's head without any scars, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he quickly loosened again. He said to He Ba Qi Snake:

"You failed to cross the robbery last night, should you be injured? Isn't it better? You give me all the good things in your cave, and then I will leave without killing you. What do you think?"

When the eight-snake snake heard Lin Chen's words, he couldn't help but be amazed.

Abe Qingyang, the Dark Pope and others are all twitching. Lin Chen's self-confidence makes them think Lin Chen is crazy!

This guy is actually threatening Baqi Snake!

Wasn't he feeling how terrifying the spirit of the eight-branch snake was?

This is a breath of extraordinary ninth heaven!

An extraordinary eight-fold heaven threatens the extraordinary nine-fold heavenly monster, handing over good things?

Abe Qingyang and the Dark Pope and others did not know what to say!

They have seen crazy!

But this is the first time I have seen this madness!

Ba Qi Snake's eyes were cold as if to freeze the air, staring at Lin Chen for a while.

At the next moment, it showed a humanized grinning expression, saying:

"Boy, even if I fail to cross the robbery, it's not like you can compare with a superb eightfold heaven! I will give you a chance to hurry up with your people, otherwise, I don't mind eating you all I haven't eaten the extraordinary Yaetian for a long time!"

"Huh! Actually, if it wasn't that I was injured a little now, I need to take a rest, and I would have eaten you directly! If I'm anxious, I can use this injured body to kill you, at best. Make it heavier and rest for a while!"

As he spoke, his body was rising, and his eyes became more and more fierce, so that Lin Chen and others would never leave again, it meant to kill.

Lin Chen had no expression, but Gavin, the Dark Pope and others, if not afraid of Lin Chen, turned and ran away.

They can also be regarded as the world's top powerhouses, but at this time facing the eight-branch snake, it feels like a baby facing a hungry wolf, the other party can tear them at any time!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, did not answer, and did not know what he was thinking.

Abe Qingyang listened to the fact that the eight-magnified serpent was about to let Lin Chen and others leave.

"Sir, you can't let them go!"

Pointing at Lin Chen, he resented: "At least kill this guy!"

He did not forget that Lin Chen had tortured him before and did not want to let Lin Chen and others leave.

After Abe Qingyang finished speaking, he felt a smelly wind blowing in the back of his head. He quickly turned his head and saw the big mouth of the blood basin opened by the big snake.

"Sir, you--"

Abe Qingyang's face changed wildly.

In an instant, before he could react, the eight-spotted snake had already bitten towards him, and directly swallowed him into his belly.

"Do not!!"

Abe Qingyang's horrified screams came from the mouth of Baqi Dashe. However, soon, there was no more sound.

"Don't dare to ask me to do this and that, what a life and death thing!"

The Big Eight snake swallowed the snake letter, and looked disdainfully.

Chiaki Suzuki, Gavin, and the Dark Pope and others saw the Eight Divided Serpent swallowing an extraordinary eight-strength strongman into their belly, all with terrified looks.

This is too scary!


The big difference snake looked at Lin Chen and others, and said with a smile, "I will give you three seconds, and if I don't get away, I will swallow you up! Just give me tonic!"


A cardinal in red beside the dark pope was so frightened that he sat on the ground with his buttocks, his body trembling, and he looked at the big-headed snake in horror.

However, beyond everyone's expectation, Lin Chen's face was smiling, and he provoked the eight-headed serpent: "OK! I'm standing here! Do you come over and swallow me to try?"