Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

Inside the room.

"Meng Huang, you honestly told me, Lin Chen, who is he? He... how could he be so..."

Mother Ye really didn't know how to express her inner shock. At this time, recalling the scene of the fight between Lin Chen and Meng Lao, she almost doubted it was a dream.

"Sister! Is my brother-in-law superman?"

Ye Chenglin said excitedly.

Although he knew that Lin Chen was powerful, the "powerful" Lin Chen showed today was completely beyond his imagination.

Ye Father's face was also full of shock, "Meng Huang, what the **** is going on? Lin Chen, who is he?"

Ye Menghuang saw her parents and younger brother so surprised, she couldn't help but feel a little triumphant, said: "I have already said, Lin Chen is not an ordinary person!"

"This is not as simple as ordinary people, it is simply a fairy!"

Mother Ye said quickly: "Hurry up, Lin Chen, what on earth did he come from? How could it be so powerful?"

"He is an ancient warrior!" Ye Menghuang said.

"Ancient Warrior?"

Ye Chenglin curiously said: "It's the kind of kung fu on TV? But the people on TV, at most, will only be light on the merits, and they can't fly in the sky like my brother-in-law!"

Ye Menghuang said: "You can understand that it is the low-end ancient warrior, and the high-end ancient warrior is equivalent to the fairy in the ancient population."

These are all Lin Chen said to Ye Menghuang when she introduced the ancient warrior to her. At this time, she just spoke the original words.

Ye Menghuang took the iron mug beside him and said, "Actually, I am also an ancient warrior!"

After she finished speaking, her white and slender fingers slammed into the iron thermos cup, leaving a handprint.

With the help of Lin Chen, she is now an ancient warrior at the beginning of the day after tomorrow.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fu and Ye Chenglin almost glared out their eyes.

"Lying... Lying!"

Ye Chenglin took the thermos cup from Ye Menghuang's hand, and used the strength of nursing to hold it up, his face flushed, but the thermos cup remained unchanged.

The above is still Ye Menghuang's handprint.

Ye Father and Ye Mother stared at each other for a long time, and finally laughed bitterly.

At this time, they fully realized how unusual Lin Chen was, even after his daughter followed him, it became unusual, beyond the scope of their understanding, and subverted their cognition.

In the end, Ye Mu looked at Ye Menghuang and said: "Menghuang, Mom understands now. You are right. Those rules that work for ordinary people are really not suitable for you and Lin Chen. Mom just asks You said, are you sure you want to be with Lin Chen? Even if he has other women?"


Without any hesitation, Ye Menghuang nodded directly.

Immediately after that, she brought the islanders to the military base, and then Lin Chen single-handedly broke into the military base, facing a modern army and rescued her!

Ye Fu and other mothers were dumbfounded. If they hadn't experienced what they are today, they would definitely doubt whether their daughter had any magic tricks or mad words.

At this time, they also understood why Ye Menghuang did not want to leave Lin Chen.

Which girl would not love a big hero who was willing to face an army for her and even rescued her?

Lin Chen returned to the room, and just a few people from Ye Menghuang also came out of the room.

Seeing Ye Menghuang looking happy, he was a little puzzled, and Ye Menghuang pulled him aside and said that his parents agreed to the two.

Lin Chen was also happy.

In his own ability, even if Ye Father Ye Mu disagreed, he could not stop Ye Menghuang from being with him, but that was not what he wanted.

Today, Ye Ye Ye nodded, looking at the smile on Ye Menghuang's face, this was the result he wanted.

After a while, Lin Chen received a call from Mr. Jiang, and when he put it down, his face was cold.

"Qi Chenghan, it turned out to be you! Very good! You damn, no one can save you this time!"

Inside the Qi Family Courtyard.

Under the willow tree and by the lake, Qi Chenghan and Qi Qi are playing chess around the stone table.

Master Qi held Bai Zi and landed on the chessboard. He looked at Qi Chenghan and said with a smile: "Have your boy encountered any good things today?"

Since Ye Yiren was taken away from the wedding by Lin Chen, Qi Chenghan's whole person has become a little bit pretentious and silent, which makes Grandpa Qi very disappointed with him.

A man who wants to do a big thing should not let go of the matter of men and women, not to mention, Ye Yiren has no affection between Qi Chenghan and Qi Chenghan.

Today's Qi Chenghan, his mouth slightly raised, with a faint smile, Grandpa Qi feels that he has let go of his obsession, and is very relieved.

Qi Chenghan smiled and said: "Where do you still need to encounter something good, to be able to play chess with grandpa, it is a happy thing for Cheng Han."

"Your kid."

Grandpa Qi smiled, and still liked the grandson's bullshit. Then, he slowly said:

"If you can let go of your obsession, grandpa will be relieved. Remember what I said to you before. Don't think about the trouble of Lin Chen anymore. That kid is not comparable to our Qi family now. "

Speaking of the back, Qi Lao voiced with emotion.

In fact, he didn't know much about Lin Chen's deeds, but as a retired military gangster, he was also able to get some information.

Lin Chen became a matter of Huaxia Longya, he already knew.

Huaxia Longya is not only one of the leaders of the Dragon Group, but also the strongest person in the Dragon Group. This is known to Master Qi.

Therefore, although he is not clear about the extent to which Lin Chen is now strong, he also knows that Lin Chen is not easy to mess with.

It can even be said that the Qi family can no longer provoke others.

However, after Qi Lao finished speaking, he saw Qi Chenghan's face stiffen.

Qi Lao's face suddenly disappeared with a smile, and he said with a deep voice: "What's the matter? Did you bother him?"

Qi Chenghan felt a little nervous in his heart, but when he thought of Meng Meng's horrible means, the trace of tension disappeared.

Earlier, in the box, he heard Meng Lao say that Ye Menghuang would kill Lin Chen. He couldn't help but understand what he meant.

Meng Lao did not speak.

When Qi Chenghan thought that the other party was too lazy to answer himself, he suddenly discovered that Meng Lao's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world was dark. His soul seemed to be imprisoned inside his body. A foreign thought controlled his body.

At that moment, he was almost scared away!

However, Meng Lao quickly removed the effect of dementia, and Qi Chenghan also understood what Meng Lao's words meant.

There is no doubt about Lao Meng's previous words.

After that, he watched Meng Lao and Han Xinghua fly away. He firmly believed in his heart that Lin Chen was absolutely dead!

Facing some angry and disappointed glances from Grandpa, Qi Chenghan smiled slightly. He thought he had already made the most correct choice, so he was not in a panic. Qi Chenghan calmly calmed down and smiled: "Grandpa, do you remember the fact that Xiang Changtian was killed two days ago? At that time, you asked me to find out who killed Xiang Changtian and see if I could make someone with him."