Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246

Li Tiangang looked at Zhong Zhenye's body and was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

It's not how good his relationship with Zhong Zhenye is, but because Zhong Zhenye, Luo Rui, and Ouyang Xiao can all be regarded as his right-hand assistants. As a result, now the three have all died in Lin Chen's hands!

Since then, the strength of Yuzuzong will also be greatly reduced, how can he not be angry?

Moreover, at this time, there was a deep wound in his palm.

Just now, seeing a silver knife flying out of Lin Chen's cuff and shooting towards Zhong Zhenye, Li Tiangang wanted to grab the knife. As a result, he didn't catch it yet and was scratched with a wound.

Frightened him to release immediately!

He realized that Lin Chen's knife was unusual, but after all, the weapon was only a weapon. Even if Lin Chen held hundreds of magical soldiers, he was not strong enough, but he was no match for him with a colorful glass python!

At this time, Lin Chen had come out of the mountain wall again, avoiding the stormy attack of the colorful glazed python, and the ground was shaken by the colorful glazed python's tail, which was terrifying.

Lin Chen controlled the dragon tooth knife to shoot at the seven inches of the colorful glazed python, but after touching its damp scales, he was still removed most of the force first, and then slid to the side, unable to hurt at all To it.

As blood bleeds more and more, Lin Chen is gradually dizzy and finally desperate.

Li Tiangang stepped on the void and walked slowly towards Lin Chen. With a victorious posture, he smiled coldly:

"Boy! You killed my three important men. I will understand this account! First, you are going to die, then your parents are going to die, then your woman is going to be raped, and then go to die. !All this is because you don't know that the sky is high and you dare to offend me!"

Lin Chen heard the words, his eyes were burning with anger, and excited, he was almost bitten by the colorful glazed python in his head, and he was shocked with cold sweat.

At this moment, Wu Qianye's cold voice rang.

"There is a golden scale on the lower jaw of this python. Its weakness is there. You can use your knife to attack there!"

Lin Chen was ecstatic when he heard the words, and then he cursed in his heart: 'Fuck! Now that this woman knows the weakness of the colorful glass python, why don't you say it earlier, I don't have to be beaten like that! Isn't this woman trying to trouble Laozi? '

"I don't have the trouble to find you. If I talk to you about the weakness of this python from the beginning, it won't have a sharpening effect!"

Wu Qianye's voice rang again.

Lin Chen was taken aback, and the goose bumps were all startled. How could this woman even know what she was thinking?

"I know what you are thinking, is it strange?"

Wu Qianye asked back, without explanation, and continued:

"This so-called colorful glazed python is actually a descendant of the ancient demon beast glazed blood python. There is a trace of blood in the glazed blood python in the body, which was then cultivated by the method of nourishing Gu."

She grumbled dissatisfiedly: "You disciples of the majestic demon king, heirs of the Xuanyuan Divine Emperor's practice, were forced to do this by such **** and complicated things. It's really useless!"

'Fuck! ! '

Lin Chen scolded in his heart that the woman was too insulting to speak.

"You...you dare to say to me...say..."

Wu Qianye was stunned, and then angry. Lin Chen even dared to say such a crude word to her dignified Qianye Empress.

'Don't be noisy! No matter how noisy it is, it distracts me, and when I die, no one will help you! '

Lin Chen said angrily in his heart, and then with a **** broken sword in his blink, rushed towards Li Tiangang.

Hearing this, Wu Qianye really didn't speak again.

Li Tiangang saw Lin Chen rushing, not panicking, but also greeted him!

At the next moment, Li Tiangang sneered on his face, because he found that Lin Chen had "forgotten" the colorful glass python behind him!

At this time, Lin Chen turned his back on the colorful glazed python, and the colorful glazed python had rushed to Lin Chen's back, biting down towards his neck.

"Lin Chen, be careful behind!"

"Boss, be careful!"

"Lin Chen, hurry away!"

Qin Changxi and Audrey, Bai Ye, Hei Tian and others all exclaimed.

Lin Chen didn't seem to know anything, but in front of Li Tiangang, a sword was cut towards him!

"Fool! Look behind you!"

Li Tiangang sneered at the sword.


The colorful glazed python's eyes glowed with cold light, exposing sharp fangs, and Lin Chen's neck was bitten off.

It has horrible and poisonous teeth on its teeth, and even if the powerful person of the Seventh Heaven is bitten, it will be killed!

At this moment, Lin Chen turned around suddenly as if he had expected it. The Dragon Tooth Knife returned to his hand sometime and poked at the jaw of the colorful glass python!

There is a golden scale the size of a little thumb!


The dragon tooth knife stabbed into the golden scale!

This time, the power of the knife body was not drained, and the dragon tooth knife did not slip away. It stabbed directly into the body of the colorful glass python, and the scarlet blood splattered out!

Suddenly, Li Tiangang's face froze, and the rest of the people were also ignorant.


The colorful glazed python screamed sharply. At the next moment, it was like a deflated ball, shrunk to its original shape, and fell on the ground. It seemed that Lin Chen's knife brought it unimaginable pain.

"This is impossible! How do you know the weakness of the colorful glass python?"

Li Tiangang reacted, his face changed greatly, and he screamed.

He believes that this scene is definitely not a coincidence. Looking back at this moment, Lin Chen's move just now was clearly intentional!

In addition, the colorful glazed python has a huge back body, but the weakness is only the size of a little finger, and it is in the hidden part of the lower jaw. It is absolutely impossible to be stabbed by accident!

"Why should I tell you? You should die!"

Lin Chen looked at the colorful glazed python rolling on the ground and his face was delighted.

This thing is just fine, he still intends to take it back to save Long Xuelan.

The next moment, he rushed to Li Tiangang without any nonsense.

"Asshole! Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Li Tiangang's eyes were blood red, as if he had been forced into a desperate beast, but also rushed to Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen was dual-minded, while fighting with the **** sword, while controlling the Dragon Tooth Attack, although his strength was not doubled, it also increased a lot!

Before he played against Li Tiangang, he already had the advantage. At this time, he took out the dragon tooth knife, and where is Li Tiangang his opponent!

It didn't take long.


The dragon-tooth knife pierced Li Tiangang's chest and twisted his heart to pieces!

"Do not!!"

Li Tiangang gave a roar, but at the next moment, the body collapsed!

His face was full of unwillingness, and I never thought that this time he came to revenge for Ouyang Xiao, but he actually lost himself!

Kunlun Holy Land can rank in the top three super powers, the beast lord Sect Master Li Tiangang, since then, fell!

Everyone in the surroundings was struck by lightning and looked at this scene unbelievably. The atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

In front of everyone, Lin Chen killed the three chiefs of the Heavenly Dao Group, the second of the seven holy kings of the Saint Alliance, the Sect Master of the Wind Lei, and finally ended with the Kunlun Holy Land Master Beast Sect Master, the extraordinary seven-strength strongman Li Tiangang! When the news came out, the whole world was shaken!