Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1240

Chapter 1240

"Oh! I forgot to say it!"

Lin Chen patted his forehead, a look of sudden enlightenment, said: "As long as the silver needle is pulled out, about 3 seconds later, this formation will be restored again!"


Zhong Zhenye twitched, looking at Lei Shan's body, and suddenly spit out an old blood.

This is anger attacked, angry!

Almost a bit, if his speed is a little faster, rushing into the array, then it is very likely that he himself has become a headless body!

The rest of the people, watching Lin Chen were speechless, were sure that this guy was definitely intentional.

This is simply pitting people!

"Otherwise, I will lend you the silver needle, you can also go into the array and tie it?" Lin Chen raised the silver needle in his hand and said to Zhong Zhenye.

"..." Zhong Zhenye was silent, he didn't dare!

He was afraid that he would be given a second by the seven stone statues. He was sure that he could not stop the seven stone statues' blow.

"Why don't you dare?" Lin Chen sneered.

"He dare not! I dare! Hahaha! Boy, wait for me to come out! You are absolutely dead!"

Aside, Li Tiangang suddenly laughed.

Zhong Zhenye also reacted and laughed out loud: "Yes! Lin Chen, you idiot, even said the method of breaking the array. In this way, Sect Master Li can also break the array! When he comes out, you will Dead!"

"Silver Post, do any of you have a silver post? Hurry up and give it to Sect Master Li!" Zhong Zhenye faced Feng Leizong's humanity.

Wen Renyue and Qin Changxi and others were a little worried.

Lin Chen didn't panic, but looked at Li Tiangang, who was overjoyed, and asked, "Do you know that in the Baihu Xiaozhen where you are, does the life gate exist on that stone statue?"

"Huh! I don't know what? There are only seven stone statues in total. At most, I only need to use a silver needle to tie them around the neck seven times!"

Li Tiangang sneered, looking at the Feng Lei Zong people and the few people who brought him to the Beast Sect.

However, what made him frown was that no half of them had silver needles on their bodies.

Just then, Lin Chen suddenly said, "Do you want the silver needle? Come! I will give you the silver needle!"

After talking, his arm shook!


The silver needle flew towards Li Tiangang's eyebrows fiercely, several times faster than a bullet, but was easily caught by Li Tiangang!

This scene made everyone stunned.

Li Tiangang frowned suspiciously, and sneered at the next moment: "Boy, don't think it's okay to show me a favor! Tell you, don't say you took the initiative to give me the silver needle, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I You must kill you too!"

Lin Chen took the initiative to give him the silver needle, and naturally he was understood to bow his head to him.

Among the crowd of people watching, some people looked at Lin Chen's gaze, and already despised Lin Chen as a cartilage.

Qin Changxi and Wen Renyue and others were a bit puzzled, but they believed that Lin Chen was definitely not the kind of person who would actively bow his head.

"Okay! Don't talk nonsense! Don't you hate badly, do you want to break the line? It's broken to show me!"

Lin Chen looked at Li Tiangang, his eyebrows raised, his eyes a taunt.

"What do you mean?"

Li Tiangang frowned, and at the next moment, holding a silver needle in his hand, he slashed toward the neck of the seven stone statues.

After a while, the seven stone statues stabbed him in the neck.

However, the silver needle won't pierce at all!

The seven stone statues were not affected at all, and even Li Tiangang's hand was cut with a knife and blood bleed out. If it were not for the help of the colorful colored glass python, he almost had his entire arm cut off!

"How could this be?"

Li Tiangang's face was ugly, he was sure that his position under the silver needle was absolutely the same as Lin Chen's before!

Why is Lin Chen OK, but not himself?

"This... why is this so?" Zhong Zhenye and others were also dazed.

At this time, Lin Chen said lazily: "Yes, I forgot to say again. In different small formations, the position of the stone statue's life gate is different! You hold the silver needle on these seven statues and tie them Three days and three nights, you may have good luck, and you will find your destiny!"

In the previous Xuanwu small formation, the life gate was the "people-welcoming" point on the neck of the void stone statue.

The life gate of Baihu Xiaozhen is in the "Cloud Gate" cave on the left shoulder of the Pleiade Stone Statue.

Li Tiangang didn't understand this, so he held the silver needle for three days and three nights and was able to find the life gate. That was all luck!

Hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone was twitching in the corner of the eyes, speechless.

I just think that this guy is too hacky!

That silver needle gave Li Tiangang, just playing him!

Li Tiangang reacted, his face was so ugly that he almost spurted out old blood.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Chen, with Wen Renyue and Qin Changxi, turned around and entered the hall.

Li Tiangang and the colorful glass python responded to the seven statues while roaring at the back of Lin Chen:

"Boy! You wait for me. After I ruin these seven statues, I will never spare you!"

These seven stone statues, under the mad attack of him and the colorful glass python, several cracks have appeared on his body. It is estimated that it will be destroyed in not too long!

Lin Chen and his entourage entered the hall.

Inside the hall, various ancient totems are also carved, and above the center, three ancient fonts are used.

The fonts are flying and dancing, majestic, but Lin Chen and others don't know what these three words mean.

Under the three fonts, there is a huge stone chair with a five-clawed golden dragon carved on it.

In addition, the hall was empty, with a cobweb in the corner and a broken look.

When Lin Chen and others saw this, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. They thought there were twenty-eight stone statues guarding outside. Then inside, it is very possible to find something good as soon as you enter the door.

"Search everywhere to see if you can find the baby."

Lin Chen said something, and then several people searched separately.

The palace is very large, but at their speed, within half an hour, the search was completed!

After half an hour, several people got together again.

"No! Damn! There is nothing good, I thought there could be any treasure here!" Bai Yedao said.

"I didn't find anything!" Hei Tian spread his hand.

"No!" Wen Renyue shook her head.

The end result was that everyone had found nothing.

Not to mention baby, it's not even broken copper!

"Did it come in vain?"

Lin Chen frowned, somewhat unwilling.

Just then, a majestic and cold female voice rang.

"Huh, did you even come to Xuanyuan Hall?"

Lin Chen was shocked, this was Wu Qianye's voice, he quickly looked at the little fox held by Wen Renyue in his arms.

Sure enough, the little fox, who was still in Wen Renyue's arms before, looked around curiously, and now his expression became a little cold, with a trace of surprise.

Lin Chen was surprised, and said to the little fox: "Xuanyuan Hall? Do you know where it is?"

Qin Changxi, Bai Ye, Hei Tian looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. What is this situation and how does Lin Chen speak to a little fox? Would it be crazy to lose heart?