Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184


Luo Rui froze.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't done it yet, the guy died in the hands of the secret church, but in any case, Lin Chen's death was a happy thing for him.

As for Wen Renyue, Bai Ye and Hei Tian who died, he did not care at all.

"Luo Dianzhu, this ruin is extremely dangerous, but it also has many treasures. You can't look forward to walking with you? If there is any danger, I can help!" Liang Haoyu said.

There are so many treasures here that Lin Chen can pick up the ancient treasures at the bottom of the lake. He doesn't want to go back like this.

Luo Rui pondered for a while and nodded, "OK! Then you are with us!"

In his view, with Liang Haoyu, not only can make Liang Haoyu, but also have more contact with Kunlun teaching, which is a good thing.

The mountain wind is like an ice skate, oxygen is getting thinner and thinner, the vegetation is scarce on the mountain wall, and the sky is blue. This environment can be painted, but the body of ordinary people can't stand it.

Fortunately, Lin Chen and others were powerful ancient martial artists, and the environment was harsh. For them, it was not a big problem, and they continued to move towards the palace.

After walking for more than two hours, I did not encounter any monsters or enemies of other forces.

Soon, a small river appeared in front of them.

However, what is most striking is not the clear river, but four women by the river.

The faces of East Asians are not as good as Wenyue, but they are definitely put on the street, and 70% or 80% of men will look at them.

They were wearing tight leather jackets and they were a bit ragged.

Spring light leaks, it's almost like a **** costume, and it's not too much than the three-point style, with a tall and hot body.

These four women are enough to make a man's blood boil.

Lin Chen et al. couldn't help but see the four women, and the four women, after seeing the four Lin Chen, ran in excitement.

"Hello! This is Chaya and I am very happy to meet you!"

The four women ran in front of Lin Chen and the head woman said.

Bai Ye and Hei Tian saw these four people and couldn't help but swallow their saliva, although these four women couldn't compare with the beautiful sister-in-law's sister-in-laws in Yunwu Mountain Villa, but they were all rare beauties!

And it's so hot to wear, so sultry!

Both little virgins are a little bit...

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you?"

Although the four women in front looked quite attractive and friendly, Lin Chen did not really treat the other party as a friend.

Both Wenrenyue and Baiyehetian didn't speak. This kind of thing was naturally handled by Lin Chen, the team leader.

Chaya's expression on her face was scared, saying:

"The four of us are members of the Black Rose Mercenary Corps in Myanmar and Thailand. I am the commander of Chaya! When I learned that a palace suddenly appeared and there were some horrible creatures, I planned to come and take a look. But just now, Being attacked, my other sisters were killed, leaving only four of us!"

She looked at Lin Chen pitifully: "Can we be with you? In this way, there are more people, and it would be safer to explore together."

The remaining three women were all staring at Lin Chen.

There are very few men who can have **** beauties who refuse to ask for help.

However, Lin Chen shook his head and said: "No! You leave immediately!"

"Uh..." The four women were stunned.

Both Wenrenyue and Baiyehetian were also dumbfounded, but Lin Chen refused to refuse so simply.

Looking at the four women who are so charmingly seeking protection, Bai Ye and Hei Tian almost couldn't help but say no problem.

However, since the boss said no, they could only shut up.

Chaya frowned and cast a wink at Lin Chen at the next moment: "Please, please help us? As long as you are willing to go with us, or **** us to leave here, I am willing to do anything for you !"

"We are willing too!"

"Good man, can you help us?"

"Handsome, please, okay?"

The other three women also spoke one after another, scratching their heads.

Obviously, as long as Lin Chen agreed to them, they were absolutely willing to accompany Lin Chen to do anything, even to a king and four queens.

Wen Renyue frowned, seeing these four voluptuous women selling things in front of Lin Chen, she felt a little blocked in her heart, and had the urge to teach these four women.

"Go!" Lin Chen only spit out a word coldly.

This time, Wen Renyue and Bai Yehe Tian were froze again.

I think Lin Chen is too straightforward. Even if you don't plan to go with others, you don't have to talk so hard.

The four Chaya girls had a stiff face, and then Cha Yaqiang laughed:

"Why? Didn't the four of us play for you, you don't want it? And, we are all superpowers, so we may not be able to help!"

At this time, Lin Chen's speech was unpleasant, and Chaya's speech was no longer obscured.

Lin Chen sneered: "Because you have bad breath! It makes me feel sick!"

"Bout... bad breath..." Bai Ye and Hei Tian both twitched their faces, what a wonderful reason for this Nima.

Even when people are heard, there is a bit of laughter and laughter, and the parents are very pretty, and they are masters of the extraordinary world, where will there be bad breath?

She felt that Lin Chen deliberately harmed talents by saying so!

At the next moment, Lin Chen's behavior was to stun Wen Renyue and Bai Ye He Tian.

Lin Chen suddenly punched Chaya's stomach.

"Ah! Vomit..."

Zaya screamed, then hugged his belly and vomited.

"Boss, you..."

Both Bai Ye and Hei Tian frowned, and in their view, they shot women for no reason at all.

Wen Renyue was also puzzled. She felt that Lin Chen should not be the kind of unreasonable talent.

However, at the next moment, they saw Chaya vomiting something, but their scalp was numb!


Human fingers!

Chaya spit out a pile of meat scraps and some human fingers that were digested!

"She... **** it! This woman actually eats human flesh? Her alleged assault, the sisters were killed, are all lying, right? Nima wants to eat Lao Tzu?"

Bai Ye shuddered, something angrily corrupted.

Black sky is also ugly.

Wen Renyue had pointed Qingshuang sword to the other four women in an instant, with horror in her eyes.

Even if they are superpowers, they will still feel horrified and disgusted in the face of this human-eating guy!

Now, they also understand why Lin Chen said that the woman has bad breath, and the smell makes him sick.

"I'm a doctor, and I'm relatively sensitive to various smells. I didn't pay attention to it at first, but after you say a few more words, that smell makes me want to vomit!"

Lin Chen said coldly: "As human beings, but eating human flesh, you **** it!"

Chaya stood up straight now, staring fiercely at Lin Chen and growling: "Damn, kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill kill!"

The four women who originally looked sexy, glamorous, and docile, at this time, looked grim, not crazy like human beings, like evil spirits.

Lin Chen frowned and looked at the four girls. In a moment, his eyes turned from disgust and anger to sympathy!