Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1162

Chapter 1162


Everyone in the box was startled, and the women even screamed.

But when they saw Lin Chen and Captain Wang standing at the door, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Boy, who are you?"

Zhang Rong glanced across the face of Captain Wang with a swollen nose and fell on Lin Chen, still a little confused about what was going on.

But I probably realized that this man is here to get in trouble!

"That's it! Boy, why are you looking for death, can you kick this door?"

"Yes! Believe it or not, Lao Tzu can make your whole life a phone call?"

"Kneel down immediately and give Kooko a confession, or else he will kill you!"

The other few youths were also refreshed at this time. Although it was not clear how Captain Wang had a swollen nose and blue face, in their eyes, no one in Songgang City could provoke them.

Therefore, they all scolded Lin Chen unscrupulously, and did not want to lose face in front of several women in the box.

When the women in the box saw Lin Chen, they were all curious, but they were also whispering in their hearts. This guy really didn't know the life and death, and he dared to destroy the Yaxing!

"Just these guys?"

Lin Chen did not answer, but looked blankly at Captain Wang and asked.

Captain Wang busy said: "Except Xu Shao is not here, everyone else is here."

Lin Chen nodded, kicked Captain Wang into the box, and then walked in. Lin Mingyuan, Chen Lanzhi and the two dragon team members also followed into the box.


Zhang Rong and others saw Lin Chen's hands on Captain Wang and could not help but change his face.

When they saw Lin Mingyuan and Chen Lanzhi, they probably understood what was going on. The young man who appeared suddenly appeared to come to these two countrymen!

When they saw two members of the Dragon Team wearing military uniforms, they respectfully followed Lin Mingyuan and Chen Lanzhi, and they all burst into their hearts.

Although they are dudes, it does not mean that they are fools. Now, it seems that these two countrymen really have some background?

Is this young man in the army?

But what about the people in the army!

Here in Songgang City, Qiang Long still doesn't suppress the snake, is it possible that he is afraid of the other party?

In a flash, Zhang Rong and others quickly changed their minds. Although Lin Chen's arrival surprised them a little, they were not afraid, they had absolute confidence in themselves.

"Boy, are you the son of these two? Come to us for revenge?"

Zhang Rong snorted and looked at Lin Chen said:

"Don't think that bringing two soldiers over here, I will be afraid of you! Do you know what we are? We are not worthy of you! If you dare to move us, I guarantee you can not leave Songgang City! "

"That's right! Fuck! I thought it would be a **** to bring two soldiers, right? Tell you, the last time I got a woman, she was a soldier! The result? After returning from the army, the guy thought Looking for Lao Tzu, he was beaten up by Lao Tzu, and he is still in jail!"

A young, thin figure with double triangle eyes sneered.

The rest of the young people also sneered out loud, a pair who did not take Lin Chen seriously, as if Lin Chen was a clown who knew nothing about life and death.

The girl sitting on Zhang Rong's lap, as well as several other women, also looked at Lin Chen with a sneering smile, laughing that he didn't know how high and thick.

"Boy, what do you really think you are? Believe it or not-ah!"

The youngest of several youths walked up to Lin Chen, with a sneering face, pointing at Lin Chen's nose. Before he had finished speaking, Lin Chen kicked him on his stomach!

The young man screamed, and with a bang, he directly smashed the huge LCD TV playing the MV. Then he fell to the ground, hugged his stomach, vomited blood, and wailed and wailed.

this moment.

The air in the box seemed to be frozen. Zhang Rong and others looked at Lin Chen, who was silent but extremely violent, and suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"You, you...Dare you dare to beat him? Do you know what his background is?" Someone pointed to Lin Chen, his voice trembling.

Lin Chen ignored him, his cold eyes swept across the faces of several women, and finally he said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, leave here immediately."

The women then recovered from the shock, screamed and hurriedly ran out of the box.

This young man who looks so handsome and handsome is simply a violent mad, they dare not stay here.

As soon as they got out of the box, they heard a thump of fists hitting the meat in the box and screams rang in succession.

I couldn't help but looked back, and I saw the young man who looked bright and handsome. He was like a mountain and a tiger, and he beat Zhang Rong and others.

In front of him, Zhang Rong and others seemed to be encountering a hungry tiger's wild dog. Without any resistance, he broke his head and blew up in no time, screaming and begging not to fight.

The scared legs of some women were a little soft, and they accelerated their pace, disappearing without a trace after a while.


Lin Chen at this time, in their eyes, is simply a furious devil!

In fact, Lin Chen didn't use much power at all.

Otherwise, with his strength, these people can be killed alive with one punch. The reason why he didn't directly hit with one punch is that he didn't want them to die too happy!

"Xiaochen! Xiaochen, please stop, if you fight like this, you will really be killed!"

Chen Lanzhi and Lin Mingyuan were also frightened by Lin Chen. Seeing that Lin Chen really seemed to kill these people, he ran to grab him.

Chen Lanzhi said: "Your boy, didn't your mom tell you? Mom is fine, and your dad didn't suffer any serious injuries. We just need to return the bracelet."

"Mom, don't worry about this, I'll do it."

Being caught by his parents, Lin Chen did not break free, but just sneered at Zhang Rong and others: "Call!"

"You... what do you mean?"

Zhang Rong and others, who were shrunk in their heads, looked at Lin Chen inexplicably. At this time, their faces were blood-stained and they looked terribly miserable.

Lin Chen said: "Don't you think you are very powerful? Do you have a background? That's fine! Call all you can call, I'm waiting here!"

"Are you serious?"

Zhang Rong and others heard it and said it was a little unbelievable.

They had planned to take revenge on Lin Chen afterwards, but they did not expect that Lin Chen even asked them to revenge!

This is almost death!

"OK! I'm calling now!"

As if afraid of Lin Chen's repentance, Zhang Rong did not wait for Lin Chen to answer, and immediately took out his mobile phone.

In his eyes, there was an indescribable color of resentment, and he hadn't been beaten like this since childhood!

Don't kill the person in front of him, he vows not to be human!

The other few people, like him, hurriedly took out their mobile phones and dialed the home phone!

Lin Chen looked at the two members of the Long group: "The two of you and my parents are waiting here."

He smiled at his parents again and said, "Mom and dad, wait here for a while, I will get the bracelet back!"

Say me, he walked to the ground beside Captain Wang, lifted his collar and pulled to the door, "Show me the way, where is that Shao Shao now?"

"Okay! I... I will take you there!"

Captain Wang felt that his body was going to be kicked by Lin Chen's foot just now. At this point, he still dared to say a little nonsense.

He even sneered when Lin Chen even asked Zhang Rong and others to call someone. Although Lin Chen seems to be not simple, the background of Zhang Rong and others almost includes most of the forces in Songgang City. This man is so powerful that he is absolutely dead!