Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153

In the eyes of Lu Hexuan, tonight, everything is just a game to find some fun for himself.

After tidying up this kid, and then taking his woman away for training, this is the end tonight!

However, in Lu Hexuan's opinion, it is a bit boring for him to kill this kid with an extraordinary five-day power.

Therefore, he intends to use another method to scare the kid in front of him to death, kneel in front of him to beg for mercy, and let the woman beside him know what kind of existence he is. .

Lin Chen looked at something in Lu Hexuan's hands and narrowed his eyes slightly. According to this thing, he already knew the origin of this person.

The rest of the people, including Feng Junhao, were a bit puzzled to see that L Hexuan did not start but took out a small stone ball.

next moment!

Lv Hexuan held the small stone ball with both hands and placed it in front of his mouth, playing it. Suddenly, a low and strange sound came from the small stone ball in his hand.

At this time, only the low voice echoed on the rooftop, which seemed extremely strange and spooky.



After a while, suddenly weird sounds came from all directions.

The sound is like a large group of things creeping, crawling, or flying. It seems that there are a large group of unknown creatures approaching. It sounds a bit numb!

"Why...what's going on? What's the situation?" Uncle Meng Xiaowan panicked, but no one paid attention to him at all.

At the next moment, except Lin Chen, the rest of the people were breathing at the same time, and the four naked women were screaming in fright.

I saw the corridor and the surrounding walls. There were countless poisonous snakes and various strange insects climbing up, and there were a large group of winged poisonous insects flying in mid-air, and everyone seemed to be in a sea of insects. in.

Countless poisonous snakes spit snake letters to Lin Chen, and those flying insects also faced Lin Chen, with red light in their eyes, as if they were going to tear Lin Chen up at any time.

"This and this..." Looking at the sensational scene in front of him, even Feng Junhao, who knew that Lu Hexuan was not simple, was so surprised that his eyes were rounded, and he looked at Lu Hexuan's eyes with awe.

Uncle Meng Xiaowan and three aunts were trembling all over, looking at Lv Hexuan as if looking at a demon god.

Even Meng Xiaowan looked pale at this time.

Although she knew that Lin Chen was powerful, she didn't know exactly how powerful it was. She only knew that Lin Chen had a good skill, but the Lu Hexuan in front of her was beyond her imagination.

From the beginning until just now, she was very confident in Lin Chen, but at this time, the confidence could not help but shake, the scene in front of her was too scary.

It is incredible that a human can control these poisonous insects and snakes!

Lv Hexuan put their expressions in their eyes and couldn't help but smile with pride. Finally, his eyes fell on Lin Chen, who was as usual as he was, and said with amusement:

"Why, kid, are you scared? I give you two choices. One is that you have become a meal of these snakes and venomous insects, and you are very painful to die. The other is that you crawl over like a dog and let me trample to death. You can die more happily! How about you? Which one do you choose?"

"Brother Lu, let these poisonous snakes eat him directly, don't let him die too easily!" Feng Junhao stared at Lin Chen with a vicious look.

However, at this time, Lin Chen laughed, "Dare you like to be a B in front of me?"

Lu Hexuan's face suddenly sank.

In his view, Lin Chen was just bluffing. The tricks he used to control the Gu were the masters of the Beast Sect and Wu Gu.

"Boy, it seems that you really want to die a little bit more painful!" Lv Hexuan surmised.

"Yes, yes! This fairy, you let him die a little bit more. You can rest assured that our niece will serve you well. Don't kill us!"

"That's right, Meng Xiaowan, this little bitch-you can count on her as a blessing even if you play, we will be a family in the future!"

Uncle Meng Xiaowan and Aunt San both quickly opened their mouths. In their view, although Lin Chen's identity is not simple, it is not comparable to the incredible person in front of him!

Thinking of being able to get in touch with this kind of person in the future, they are all a little excited in their hearts, and it's hard to ignore Meng Xiaowan's face.

"Why, I said it's a little insect worm? You don't believe it? Do you think the world will control Gu, is it only you who controls the Beast Sect Wu Gu Tang?"

Lu Hexuan's face changed: "Do you know that we control the Beast Sect?"

Lin Chen did not answer his words, but put his hands together and put it in front of his mouth, even playing with his hands as instruments.

Suddenly, a deep and sharp voice came from his hands.

Those snakes and venomous insects were shocked when they heard this sound. At the next moment, they turned their heads and looked at Lu Hexuan, seeming to become a little manic.

Meng Xiaowan and the others present were stunned to see this scene!

"You...how is it possible! How could you also know how to control Gu, and that you can in turn control the poisonous insects controlled by our Wu Gu Tang's "Thousand Souls", how is this possible! As of today, no one controls Gu at all. The technique is comparable to our Wu Gu Tang!"

Lu Hexuan's face changed wildly, and he continued to play with a small stone ball-like instrument at the next moment. Two sounds suddenly sounded at the same time, as if in an invisible contest.

In fact, at this time, Lin Chen and Lu Hexuan were indeed in a contest.

The contest is not just skill, but also the depth of spiritual power in the body.

Lin Chen's technique of controlling Gu at this time came from the "Wan Gu Mo Dian" which he once taught to Long Xuelan.

"Wan Gu Mo Dian" is a marvelous technique that even Leng Dongliu admires. The technique of controlling Gu in it is much stronger than Wu Gu Tang's "Thousand Souls"!


Those venomous snakes and venomous insects were extremely manic, looking at Lin Chen for a while, and Lu Hexuan for a while, and all of them exploded and died in the next second!

Bang Bang Bang...

Suddenly, the ground was stained with blood, and it looked extremely scary.


Lin Chen put his hands down, and the Gu Gu technique he used was much stronger than the other party, but the spiritual power in his body was worse than the other party.

"Dragon Elephant Fumogong" only increases the size of his body, but he cannot improve the spiritual strength in his body.

Therefore, despite his superiority in technique, he only ended up with a draw.

Otherwise, it would be interesting to directly attack the opponent with the poisonous insects that the opponent recruited.

"Boy, you turned out to be an extraordinary quartet!"

In the contest just now, Lv Hexuan also felt the strength of Lin Chen's spiritual power. Although it was much stronger than the ordinary extraordinary quadruple heaven, it did not reach the extraordinary fivefold heaven level.

At the next moment, Lu Hexuan's face became greedy. Even when he saw Meng Xiaowan just now, he didn't show this kind of greed.

"Okay! That's great! Your Gu Gu technique is even stronger than my Wu Gu Tang's "Soul Song". Now hand over your Gu Gu technique now, otherwise, I will definitely let you No survival, no death!" The opponent is nothing more than an extraordinary fourfold heaven, and he is the existence of an extraordinary fivefold heaven, and he has a powerful mortal gu, so in his view, dealing with Lin Chen is extremely Easy thing!