Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140

Although Lin Chen was not beaten to death by Murong Xuan's palms, he was beaten enough, and he took a few days to recuperate at Yueyuelou.

Murong Xuan's heart was untied. When facing Lin Chen in the next few days, he completely changed his attitude and was very kind. He treated Lin Chen as if he were facing his son, letting the little lotus all drum up the baby The fat cheeks looked jealous.

After recovering from the injury, Leng Hanyan stayed in the Yueyuelou to practice, and Lin Chen took some alchemy materials donated by Murong Xuan and went to the Danding School to borrow Guo Deyuan's alchemy room alchemy again.

If you want to go back to the inner world to find Leng Dongliu, you need to break through to the gold body, and Murong Xuan also knows that unless a miracle occurs, she will stop in her life for the seventh time, and it is impossible to break through to gold Physical.

Therefore, I can only put my hopes on Lin Chen, knowing that Lin Chen is as good as Lian Dongliu at practicing alchemy to assist in cultivation, so he has also brought out the treasures of heaven, earth and earth that have been collected for hundreds of years in Yueyuelou.

Although Inviting Moon Tower is not the alchemy gate, her collection of natural materials and treasures is not as good as that of Guo Deyuan, but there are also many good things that make Lin Chen happy.

If he went to find these things himself, he didn't know to find the Year of the Monkey.

The last medicine he used to make Guo Deyuan's materials has been able to fully support his rapid cultivation to the extraordinary quadruple heaven, and this time from Murong Xuan's side, it can be cultivated to the extraordinary if there is no accident. Fifth Heaven.

With the support of so many super medicines, his training speed can definitely reach an incredible level!

Lin Chen's alchemy was over, and he returned to Yunwu Mountain Village without stopping.

Now, what he needs to do most is cultivation!

At least you have to cultivate to the point where you can fear Luo Rui, the lord of Tianluo Temple. In that case, you don't have to go anywhere, you have to destroy Zen Master or Guo Deyuan to follow.

And as long as he can break through the extraordinary quadruple sky, he will have confidence, even if he is no match for Luo Rui, he can definitely leave safely under his hands!

More than a month later.

Yunwu Mountain Villa.

In the early morning, when the sun had just risen from the east, Lin Chen was sitting cross-legged on a rockery beside the artificial lake, facing the east, breathing purple air, and practicing daily.

For more than a month, before every practice, he would swallow a "pregnant spirit".

Pregnancy Elixir is a higher-level elixir than the Qi Qi Dan that he had previously refined with Molancao and Feiyuanguo.

Yangqi Pill is classified according to the grade of Dan Ding to the Chinese medicine, which is between the first and the best Chinese medicine.

The Pregnancy Elixir is undoubtedly the best medicine!

Lin Chen has to swallow a superb pill every day, not to mention other ancient martial art practitioners, even for the disciples of the Danding School, this is an unimaginable thing!

Even in the era of Leng Dongliu, no one can spend such a squandering. In other words, Lin Chen is simply a super prodigal man in the ancient martial world!

Lin Chen spent more than half of Guo Deyuan's alchemy materials, as well as all the treasures of Master Murong Xuan, and the refined pregnancy elixir was still less than 100!

It can be seen how precious this pregnancy is!

At this moment, I saw Lin Chen's chest suddenly bulge, and countless auras came from all directions towards him, swallowed into his belly!

At the next moment, he exhaled a long time, breathing out a turbid breath, bringing up the rolling waves, like pulling a bellows.

In this way, until the three poles of the day, Lin Chen made a muffled sound, like what barrier was broken.

At the next moment, he opened his eyes with joy.

He stood up, took a step, and reached the surface of the artificial lake.

She pressed her hands towards the void and pulled, suddenly bringing up two thick water jets, as if the two dragons had gone to sea.

Lin Chen danced with both hands, playing a set of elegant and flexible yet heavy palms. The water column surrounded him like a satin and rushed to the sky.

Finally Lin Chen closed his hands, and clattered, the water column in the air poured down and fell back into the lake.

Lin Chen has returned to the original rockery.

"Finally, it has broken through to the extraordinary quadruple realm. If it is not "Pregnant Spirit Pill", relying on other panacea, it is estimated that it will take at least one year to take this step."

Lin Chen was full of joy.

The extraordinary triple to quadruple heaven is a huge leap and the first hurdle of the extraordinary realm, and he took this step in less than two months in total!

If those in Kunlun Holy Land know, they will be stunned!

Even the cold eastward stream at that time did not have such a terrible speed of cultivation!

If you go to Cao Hongzhen under the service of "Huang Ji Dan" at this time, Lin Chen is confident that even if you let him use one hand, you can shoot Cao Hongzhen directly to death!

At this time, even against Luo Rui, the lord of the Temple of Heaven, Lin Chen also has the power to fight!

However, Lin Chen's goal has never been an extraordinary six-tiered Luo Rui. The goal in front of him is to obtain the worms needed to save the dragon Xuelan from the Beast Sect.

And with his strength comparable to the extraordinary six-fold heaven, if it is under normal circumstances, Yu Beast Sect may still sell him a face.

But he had an enmity with the Tianluo Temple and had a close relationship with Guo Deyuan, so Yuzuzong would never give him this extraordinary sixfold heavenly face.

If you want to get the gworm you want from the other party, it is estimated that you can only come hard!

Also, Lin Chen also has selfishness.

In his mind, Long Xuelan had long been regarded as his own woman. Of course, the woman's natal guts, of course, wanted the best!

And the most powerful Gu Gu of the Beast Sect is also very important to them, it is absolutely impossible to hand it to Lin Chen, the only way is... to grab!

Therefore, in Lin Chen's view, he is still not strong enough!

Without any hesitation, Lin Chen sat cross-legged again and continued to practice.

That afternoon, Lin Chen received a call from Meng Xiaowan.

Meng Xiaowan works in Hong Kong City, and the two of them have not met for quite a while.

"Xiao Wan, why, miss me?" Lin Chen smiled.


Meng Xiaowan's voice was a little embarrassed, and anyone could tell she was right and wrong.

"Lin Chen, I plan to go back to my hometown tomorrow. You said before... Say to accompany me to meet my parents. Are you free now? If not, then it will work next time!" Meng Xiaowan's voice was a little bit Looking forward and nervous.

She is now the general manager of the Zhoufu Jewelry Group's headquarters in Hong Kong City, and she is usually too busy to avail. She finally made time to take Lin Chen home to meet her parents.

If it is really next time, I don't know when it will be dragged back.

The reason why she said this, she didn't want to cause trouble to Lin Chen, but Lin Chen was a bit distressed, but wished to put this girl in her arms now.

He smiled and said, "Haha, no matter whether you have time or not, I must have time to see my parents! That's not just your parents, but my parents!"

Meng Xiaowan was ashamed and happy again.

Next, the two discussed and decided to let Meng Xiaowan take a plane directly from Hong Kong City to the city over her hometown, and then Lin Chen went to join her.

Then, buy some things for Meng Xiaowan's parents in the city, and then go to visit.

In addition, the two can also play in the city for two days. Lin Chen has been practicing for more than a month, and he also intends to let himself rest for a few days and let his body relax.

All the girls in Yunwu Mountain Villa knew about the existence of Meng Xiaowan. They knew that Lin Chen was going to Meng Xiaowan's hometown, but he said nothing.

Only when Ye Yiren made a speech and asked them to come back, Lin Chen brought Meng Xiaowan back to meet, and Lin Chen agreed naturally.

The Zen Master Zen plans to follow Lin Chen to protect him, but Lin Chen refuses.

Master Zen Xie frowned: "Lin Chen, you must not relax your vigilance, although I may have bothered you in the past, but you should also guard against Luo Rui's revenge!"

"Master Zen, rest assured, even if he really came, I am not afraid now." Lin Chen smiled.

"What do you mean, you mean, even if he appears in front of you now, there is no way to take you?" Master Zen, as well as Bai Ye, Hei Tian, Guo Deyuan, Chen Zhenhu, and others, were all startled.