Upgrade Beyond Rampage - Chapter 4363

Chapter 4363

[[The author's fifty-seven-five-seven reminder: If the content of the chapter is confusing, turn off the reading mode and it will be normal]

] In this way, the two full kings Li Li and Yu Long, with thirty Tianmu kings, approached the Nine Dragon Beast Chariot where Tang Yi and others were located very cautiously and quickly.

At this moment, every Tianmu king was ready, and endless murderous aura was released from everyone, with a raging fighting spirit.

Isn't it just a bad life? There's nothing to panic about.

Li Li nodded and said, "Yes, if it wasn't for Ling Tianyang's decision, if he hadn't chosen such a supporter, where would we have the slightest chance? And now..."

"It's really something to be happy about."

Speaking of this, Li Li showed a bright smile and said: "Now, this third supporter named Tang Yi is already in our pocket, and soon, they will die in our hands. And Once this Tang Yi is dead, then Ling Tianyang will not be able to participate in the weight task."


Yu Long laughed.

And ahead.

4363 - The sense of urgency to be caught up

After chasing for more than 20 minutes, Li Li and others finally caught up with the body of the Nine Dragon Beast.

And hearing this, thirty Tianmu kings responded one after another, with great momentum.

After speaking, Li Li began to tell the thirty Tianmu kings behind him, telling everyone not to be careless, and let everyone put safety first.

Hearing that Ling Tianwei was stunned for a moment, and then regained his composure.

He is not afraid of death anymore, but afraid of two full kings and thirty Tianmu kings?


"Captain, they have already caught up behind us, and they will catch up with us soon."

Isn't it just death?

There is nothing to panic about.

Xu Hui reassured: "Don't panic, why are you panicking? Didn't you already make preparations before? Isn't it a matter of time before you get caught up? There's nothing to panic about. If you catch up, let them catch up."

Yu Long said: "That's why we have to be extremely careful."

Under such circumstances, what else should they panic about?

And hearing Li Li's words, the thirty Tianmu kings also nodded one after another, expressing that they would never be careless and would complete the task safely.

"Yeah, why am I panicking?"

"Catch up, everyone get ready! Be ready to shoot at any time! As long as it is the person on the Nine Dragon Beast Vehicle, no matter who it is, kill it directly! Don't let anyone live!"

The two Quan Kings laughed happily for a while, and then Yu Long said: "Of course, although the opponent's strength is very weak, only six Ling Tianwei of the Tianmu King level have combat power, and the supporter named Tang Yi It has no effect at all, but we can't be careless! After all, no one knows what method Ling Tianyang has prepared. No one knows whether Ling Tianyang has a powerful treasure for Ling Tianwei. In case Ling Tianyang has prepared some powerful The treasures given to the six Ling Tianwei... That is also very troublesome and dangerous for us. The two of us are fine, but the men we brought are likely to be injured, which is not what we want As you can see, after all, this is the force we have cultivated with great difficulty. This group of forces has an unlimited future, and each of them has the possibility of becoming the king. Therefore! We must act carefully, and try not to There are any casualties. Try to complete the mission without damage."

Seeing that the Nine Dragon Beast Chariot was about to catch up, Yu Long quickly gave orders.

The distance between the two sides is less than a kilometer.

So as time goes by, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Li Li nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will tell them now to be careful, no matter what the result is, don't be careless!"

Because Li Li and others are faster, UU reading www.uukanshu. In addition, they are riding a relatively fast single-person flying machine. With many bonuses, the speed of Li Li and others is faster than that of the Nine Dragon Beast Vehicle.

A Ling Tianwei looked at the situation behind him and said in surprise.

Li Li also nodded and said: "I understand! Indeed! We must complete the task without any loss. Even if we don't talk about any loss, with our current strength, if we face the opponent's six Tianmu Kings, it will be crushing. If we can't win completely, if we can't It's too embarrassing to complete the task without loss."

Xu Hui glanced behind him, then came to Tang Yi's side, and said: "Master Tang Yi, they are catching up, maybe it only takes a few tens of breaths, they can catch up with us, and even run in front of us to intercept us. "

Yu Long said: "I really don't understand, why did Ling Tianyang let such a small person become the third supporter! He brings a supporter of this strength, isn't this adding trouble to himself? Isn't this letting himself Is it difficult to complete the weight task? With Ling Tianyang's current power, it is not difficult to find a stronger supporter. If he wants to, he can find a stronger supporter, but he did not do so. However, he chose someone who is so... so weak. This is really incomprehensible. Of course, incomprehensible is incomprehensible, which is a good thing for us. If Ling Tianyang hadn't chosen such a weak supporter Or, where do we have a chance."

After all, they were prepared long ago, knew that they would be caught up, and were ready to die at any time.

"Yes, I am also very puzzled, why Ling Tianyang made such a decision! If the strength of the third supporter is also the same as the other two, then our operation this time is really difficult to succeed. But, now Ling Tianyang's third supporter is only a star, which makes our actions much easier."