Upgrade Beyond Rampage - Chapter 4329

Chapter 4329

[[The author's fifty-seven-five-seven reminder: If the content of the chapter is confusing, turn off the reading mode and it will be normal]

] Hearing this, the two women closed their eyes again, and began to follow Tang Yi's method, continue to communicate with the third holy eye, strengthen the connection, until they are completely controlled.

Chu Nianwei on the side also looked at Tang Yi quietly.

And at this moment, among the three people who opened the third holy eye, only Mu Xianling has not been able to communicate with the third holy eye.

How dare you say it out loud!

Originally, the girls were chatting and laughing, chatting constantly.

Due to embarrassment, Mu Xianling's voice was very low, like a mosquito.


Mu Xianling called softly.

The others are also waiting quietly with Tang Yi at this moment.

Since Chu Nianwei's comprehension is better, this time Chu Nianwei is faster.

"Find that trace of connection, and then grow up to be able to communicate completely freely?"

Tang Yi said.

He has lived with Mu Xianling for a long time, so the two know each other best, and they have the most tacit understanding in life. Tang Yi knew what to do with almost a shout.

Tang Yi nodded and said, "Yes, try it and see if you can find that connection?"


The girls also clenched their fists, silently cheering for Mu Xianling.

He didn't even dare to make any sound, so as not to disturb Mu Xianling.

Chu Nianwei nodded.

After feeling that he could completely control the third holy eye, he retracted the third holy eye.

The girls on the side were also silent, looking at Binglian with envy and jealousy.

With this appearance, it seems that Mu Xianling is struggling to communicate with the third holy eye and strengthen communication.

Mu Xianling is still working hard.

It's a shame to throw it home.

Strengthening the connection and controlling the third holy eye seems to be too difficult for Mu Xianling, that's why Mu Xianling behaved like this.

Chu Nianwei on the side was also speechless.

Tang Yi guided again.

What can they say!

Although she doesn't speak, the meaning she expresses is also obvious, and she can't learn by herself, so she has to teach.

Mu Xianling and Chu Nianwei looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

Everyone couldn't help but think to themselves: "This little girl who has changed her style."

Seeing that Mu Xianling had entered such a difficult state, everyone quieted down, no longer making noise or chatting.

Others have learned it, but she has to ask her husband to learn it.

After about a while, Chu Nianwei was the first to find a trace of the connection.

But Tang Yi was very patient and not in a hurry. Mu Xianling failed to grasp the third holy eye, so he just stood aside and waited quietly.

Tang Yi's reaction was also extremely fast, and he immediately came back to his senses and understood what the two girls wanted.

I saw Chu Nianwei successfully retracted the third holy eye.

She was too embarrassed to be loud, it was embarrassing.

Mu Xianling was a bit slower. It took five minutes for Chu Nianwei to find the connection.

Hearing Mu Xianling's voice, Tang Yi quickly instructed: "You sense the third holy eye carefully, and sense it with your heart. The third holy eye is awakened in your body and has a certain connection with you. You just need to connect this trace to you Find out, and then strengthen this trace of connection. When this trace of connection grows to the point where you can communicate freely, then you can freely control the third holy eye! At that time, not only can you summon it, but you can also use it It is summoned back, and even has more magical effects, just like what Lian'er said just now."

Seeing Binglian like this, they could only silently accept this reality, who made Binglian so talented.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Mu Xianling and Chu Nianwei hurriedly followed the method Tang Yi instructed to start looking for that trace of connection.

Then he successfully summoned the third holy eye.

4329--Andrew Two other women control the third holy eye

If you say that your comprehension ability is not enough, do you say that Binglian has a strong comprehension ability?

Chu Nianwei said happily.

Although Mu Xianling is working hard, although he has not given up, it seems that he still can't figure out the way.

"oh oh!"

Hearing Binglian's words, Mu Xianling was speechless for a moment.

After about ten minutes, Chu Nianwei strengthened the connection with her third holy eye, and was able to control the third holy eye at will.

It can be seen from this that the women are still relatively group

"I succeeded! Husband, I succeeded. This third holy eye is too powerful."

"Not bad! It's good if it succeeds. This eye is very powerful and has many functions. It can even be used in battle. You can try more in your spare time and master the third holy eye as soon as possible."

But I don't know if it was because of too much force, or because the communication was too difficult. Fine beads of sweat had already flowed from her forehead, and her face gradually turned pale.

"A trace of connection?"

Neither woman knew what to say.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Nianwei also tried other functions of the third holy eye.

I saw her tense all over, her eyes closed tightly, and her expression was extremely serious.

"Have you found them all? Then you will continue to communicate with the third holy eye through that trace of connection, and strengthen the connection with each other until you can completely control the third holy eye."